Viewing strategy recommendations in Strategy Recommendations - Migration Hub Strategy Recommendations

Viewing strategy recommendations in Strategy Recommendations

This section describes how to use Strategy Recommendations in the AWS Migration Hub console to view migration strategy recommendations.

To view strategy recommendations
  1. Using the AWS account that you created in Setting up Strategy Recommendations, sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Migration Hub console at

  2. In the Migration Hub console navigation pane, choose Strategy and then choose Recommendations.

  3. On the Recommendations page, you can view and export summary recommendations of your portfolio and detailed migration "R" strategy recommendations. You can also view migration and modernization tools and destinations, and anti-patterns for your servers and application components.

    Anti-patterns are a list of known issues found in your portfolio that are categorized by severity. High severity anti-patterns represent incompatibilities that need to be resolved, medium severity anti-patterns represent warnings, and low severity anti-patterns represent informational issues. For information about the "R" strategy, see Migration terms - 7 Rs in the AWS Prescriptive Guidance glossary.

    1. If a change occurs in your data center or if you update your preferences, we recommend reanalyzing your data. To reanalyze your data to get new recommendations, choose Reanalyze data.

      Until the reanalyze process completes, your recommendation data results can be a mix of prior data and new data.

      To download a report file with the recommendations, Choose Export recommendations.

  4. On the Application components tab, you can view the recommendations for application components in your migration portfolio. For more information, see Strategy Recommendations application component recommendations.

  5. On the Servers tab, you can view the recommendations for the servers in your migration portfolio. For more information, see Strategy Recommendations server recommendations.

  6. On the Preferences tab, you can edit the preferences you specified in Step 5: Get recommendations. For information about editing your preferences, see Strategy Recommendations preferences.