Apache Airflow CLI command reference
This topic describes the supported and unsupported Apache Airflow CLI commands on Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow.
The following section describes the preliminary steps required to use the commands and scripts on this page.
AWS account access in AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to the Amazon MWAA permissions policy in Apache Airflow UI access policy: AmazonMWAAWebServerAccess.
AWS account access in AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to the Amazon MWAA permissions policy Full API and console access policy: AmazonMWAAFullApiAccess.
The AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) is an open source tool that enables you to interact with AWS services using commands in your command-line shell. To complete the steps on this page, you need the following:
What's changed in v2
New: Airflow CLI command structure. The Apache Airflow v2 CLI is organized so that related commands are grouped together as subcommands, which means you need to update Apache Airflow v1 scripts if you want to upgrade to Apache Airflow v2. For example,
in Apache Airflow v1 is nowdags unpause
in Apache Airflow v2. To learn more, see Airflow CLI changes in 2in the Apache Airflow reference guide.
Supported CLI commands
The following section lists the Apache Airflow CLI commands available on Amazon MWAA.
Supported commands
Using commands that parse DAGs
If your environment is running Apache Airflow v1.10.12 or v2.0.2, CLI commands that parse DAGs will fail if the DAG uses plugins that depend on
packages installed through a requirements.txt
Apache Airflow v2.0.2
dags backfill
dags list
dags list-runs
dags next-execution
You can use these CLI commands if your DAGs do not use plugins that depend on packages installed through a requirements.txt
Sample code
The following section contains examples of different ways to use the Apache Airflow CLI.
Set, get or delete an Apache Airflow v2 variable
You can use the following sample code to set, get or delete a variable in the format of <script> <mwaa env name> get | set | delete <variable> <variable value> </variable> </variable>
[ $# -eq 0 ] && echo "Usage: $0 MWAA environment name " && exit if [[ $2 == "" ]]; then dag="variables list" elif [ $2 == "get" ] || [ $2 == "delete" ] || [ $2 == "set" ]; then dag="variables $2 $3 $4 $5" else echo "Not a valid command" exit 1 fi CLI_JSON=$(aws mwaa --region $AWS_REGION create-cli-token --name $1) \ && CLI_TOKEN=$(echo $CLI_JSON | jq -r '.CliToken') \ && WEB_SERVER_HOSTNAME=$(echo $CLI_JSON | jq -r '.WebServerHostname') \ && CLI_RESULTS=$(curl --request POST "https://$WEB_SERVER_HOSTNAME/aws_mwaa/cli" \ --header "Authorization: Bearer $CLI_TOKEN" \ --header "Content-Type: text/plain" \ --data-raw "$dag" ) \ && echo "Output:" \ && echo $CLI_RESULTS | jq -r '.stdout' | base64 --decode \ && echo "Errors:" \ && echo $CLI_RESULTS | jq -r '.stderr' | base64 --decode
Add a configuration when triggering a DAG
You can use the following sample code with Apache Airflow v1 and Apache Airflow v2 to add a configuration when triggering a DAG, such as airflow trigger_dag 'dag_name' —conf '{"key":"value"}'
import boto3 import json import requests import base64 mwaa_env_name = '
' dag_name = 'YOUR_DAG_NAME
' key = "YOUR_KEY
" value = "YOUR_VALUE
" conf = "{\"" + key + "\":\"" + value + "\"}" client = boto3.client('mwaa') mwaa_cli_token = client.create_cli_token( Name=mwaa_env_name ) mwaa_auth_token = 'Bearer ' + mwaa_cli_token['CliToken'] mwaa_webserver_hostname = 'https://{0}/aws_mwaa/cli'.format(mwaa_cli_token['WebServerHostname']) raw_data = "trigger_dag {0} -c '{1}'".format(dag_name, conf) mwaa_response = requests.post( mwaa_webserver_hostname, headers={ 'Authorization': mwaa_auth_token, 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' }, data=raw_data ) mwaa_std_err_message = base64.b64decode(mwaa_response.json()['stderr']).decode('utf8') mwaa_std_out_message = base64.b64decode(mwaa_response.json()['stdout']).decode('utf8') print(mwaa_response.status_code) print(mwaa_std_err_message) print(mwaa_std_out_message)
Run CLI commands on an SSH tunnel to a bastion host
The following example shows how to run Airflow CLI commands using an SSH tunnel proxy to a Linux Bastion Host.
Using curl
ssh -D 8080 -f -C -q -N
curl -x socks5h://0:8080 --request POST https://
/aws_mwaa/cli --headerYOUR_HEADERS