Accessing the graph
Once you’ve created a graph and set up the prerequisites for connecting to that graph, you can proceed with
accessing your graph to load and query data. This section contains an explanation of ways you can communicate
with your graph along with some example queries. For details on how to load data, see the
loading data section
in the Neptune Analytics user guide.
Using a notebook
You can access to your Neptune Analytics graph through a Neptune workbench, which provides visualization tools on
top of Neptune Analytics which can help with interpreting query results. For more information on how to set up and use
a graph notebook, see the
notebooks section
in the Neptune Analytics user guide.
The cell magic below submits an openCypher query that returns a single node.
Using the AWS SDK
With the AWS SDK, you can access your graph using a programming language of your choice, which provides
clean integration between Neptune Analytics and your applications. With the Neptune Analytics SDK (service name Neptune graph),
you can perform data operations like querying and summarization in addition to control plane operations
such as graph creation, deletion, and modification. For a list of the supported programming languages and
directions for setting up the SDK in each language, see the
AWS developer tools documentation.
Direct links to the API reference documentation for the Neptune Analytics service in each SDK language can be found below:
The following examples outline how to interact with an Amazon Neptune graph database using different
programming languages and tools. It covers the steps to set up an SDK client, execute an OpenCypher
query, and print the results, for Python as well as other languages. Additionally, it demonstrates
how to use the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) and the AWSCURL tool to submit queries directly
to the Neptune graph endpoint.
- Python
The code sample below uses the Python SDK to submit a query that returns a single node and prints the result.
Follow the
installation instructions to install Boto3. If you are using a SageMaker AI hosted
Jupyter notebook, Boto3 will be pre-installed, but you may need to update it.
Configure your Boto3 credentials by following the
configuring credentials guide.
Create a file named
In that file, paste the following code. It will set up a Neptune graph client, execute
an openCypher query request, and print the result. Replace the graph identifier and
query string as needed.
import boto3
// Set up the Neptune Graph client.
client = boto3.client('neptune-graph')
// Execute a query.
response = client.execute_query(
queryString='MATCH (n) RETURN n LIMIT 1',
// Print the response.
Run the sample code by entering python
- Go
The code sample below uses the Go SDK to submit a query that returns a single node and prints the result.
Follow the
installation instructions
to install Go and the AWS SDK for Go.
Create a file named queryExample.go
In that file, paste the following code. It will set up a Neptune graph client, execute
an openCypher query request, and print the result. Replace the graph identifier and
query string as needed.
package main
import (
func main() {
// Load the Shared AWS Configuration (~/.aws/config)
cfg, err := config.LoadDefaultConfig(context.TODO())
if err != nil {
// Create an Amazon Neptune Analytics service client
client := neptunegraph.NewFromConfig(cfg)
// Execute a query
output, err := client.ExecuteQuery(context.TODO(), &neptunegraph.ExecuteQueryInput{
GraphIdentifier: aws.String("g-0123456789"),
Language: "OPEN_CYPHER",
QueryString: aws.String("MATCH (n) RETURN n LIMIT 1"),
if err != nil {
// Print the results
bytes, err := io.ReadAll(output.Payload)
Run the sample code by entering go run queryExample.go
- Node.js
The Node.js code sample below uses the JavaScript SDK to submit a query that returns a single node and prints the result.
Follow the
installation instructions
to install Node.js and set up your package structure. For this example,
install the Neptune graph client package instead of the Amazon S3 client package:
npm install @aws-sdk/client-neptune-graph
Create a file in that directory structure named queryExample.js
In that file, paste the following code. It will set up a Neptune graph client, execute
an openCypher query request, and print the result. Replace the graph identifier and
query string as needed.
import { NeptuneGraphClient, ExecuteQueryCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-neptune-graph";
// Set up the client.
const neptuneGraphClient = new NeptuneGraphClient({});
// Send the query request.
const output = await neptuneGraphClient.send(
new ExecuteQueryCommand({
graphIdentifier: "g-0123456789",
language: "OPEN_CYPHER",
queryString: "MATCH (n) RETURN n LIMIT 1"
// Print the result.
console.log(await output.payload.transformToString('utf-8'));
Run the sample code by entering node queryExample.js
- Java
The tutorial below sets up a project that uses the Java SDK to submit a query that returns a single node and prints the result.
To get started with the Java SDK, follow the
installation instructions
to install Java and set up a build tool that supports Maven central.
This example will use Apache Maven.
Follow the
to create a project using Maven based on the quickstart template. When executing these
steps, please make the following modifications:
When generating the project from the template, specify a version of the Java SDK that
includes the Neptune graph service APIs. For this example, use 2.25.7 as your
archetype version.
mvn archetype:generate \ \
-DarchetypeArtifactId=archetype-app-quickstart \
Running the command above will present you with several prompts. When asked to provide a
'service' (i.e., the service whose client and APIs you plan to use for this tutorial),
please enter neptunegraph
as the service name. An updated table of prompts
and values can be found below:
Prompt |
Value to enter |
Define value for property 'service':
Define value for property 'httpClient':
Define value for property 'nativeImage':
Define value for property 'credentialProvider':
Define value for property 'groupId':
Define value for property 'artifactId':
Define value for property 'version' 1.0-SNAPSHOT:
Define value for property 'package' org.example:
After generating the project structure, you should see three Maven-generated classes
defined in the getstarted/src/main/java/org/example/
, and
For details on each of these classes, see step 3 in the
SDK for Java
guide. Since this example uses the neptunegraph
service, the
Maven-generated code in the DependencyFactor and Handler classes will be using a
different client than the code samples provided there. Refer to the Neptune
graph-specific equivalents of the auto-generated classes below:
- this file is the same regardless of the
service used.
package org.example;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class App {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(App.class);
public static void main(String... args) {"Application starts");
Handler handler = new Handler();
handler.sendRequest();"Application ends");
- This file uses the client
class NeptuneGraphClient
because neptunegraph
chosen as the service during the project setup.
package org.example;
* The module containing all dependencies required by the {@link Handler}.
public class DependencyFactory {
private DependencyFactory() {}
* @return an instance of NeptuneGraphClient
public static NeptuneGraphClient neptuneGraphClient() {
return NeptuneGraphClient.builder()
- This file uses the client
class NeptuneGraphClient
because neptunegraph
chosen as the service during the project setup.
package org.example;
public class Handler {
private final NeptuneGraphClient neptuneGraphClient;
public Handler() {
neptuneGraphClient = DependencyFactory.neptuneGraphClient();
public void sendRequest() {
// TODO: invoking the api calls using neptuneGraphClient.
Make changes to the Maven-generated handler class to fill in the missing logic in
to use the NeptuneGraphClient
to execute a query,
then print the result. Copy the completed code below, which replaces the TODO with code
and adds the necessary imports. Replace the graph identifier and query string as needed.
package org.example;
public class Handler {
private final NeptuneGraphClient neptuneGraphClient;
public Handler() {
neptuneGraphClient = DependencyFactory.neptuneGraphClient();
public void sendRequest() {
String graphIdentifier = "g-0123456789";
String queryString = "MATCH (n) RETURN n LIMIT 1";
ExecuteQueryRequest request = ExecuteQueryRequest.builder()
System.out.println("Executing query: " + queryString);
ResponseInputStream<ExecuteQueryResponse> response = neptuneGraphClient.executeQuery(request);
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(response));
try {
System.out.println("Printing query result:");
String line;
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("Error occurred while printing result.");
Navigate to your project directory getStarted
Build your project: mvn clean package
Run the application: mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="org.example.App"
Using the AWS CLI
You can connect to your graph using the AWS command-line interface. Specify the neptune-graph service name
to use Neptune Analytics APIs. For information on AWS CLI installation and usage, see the
AWS CLI documentation. To set up credentials, refer to
the AWS CLI user guide.
The example command below uses the AWS CLI to submit a query that returns a single node.
aws neptune-graph execute-query \
--graph-identifier g-0123456789 \
--region us-east-2 \
--query-string "MATCH (n) RETURN n LIMIT 1" \
--language open_cypher \
You can connect to your graph using the awscurl
command-line tool. This allows you to directly
make requests using HTTPS against a graph endpoint. You can find the correct endpoint to use in the AWS
console (under the “Connectivity & Security” section of a Neptune Analytics graph page) and in the response of any
API request. To set up credentials, refer to
the AWS CLI user guide.
For awscurl
installation and setup instructions, see
AWSCURL github repository.
The following command uses awscurl
to submit a query that returns a single node.
awscurl -X POST "" \
-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
--region us-east-2 \
--service neptune-graph \
-d "query=MATCH (n) RETURN n LIMIT 1"