Creating a run cache - AWS HealthOmics

Creating a run cache

When you create a run cache, you specify an Amazon S3 location for the cache data. This data must be immediately accessible. Call caching doesn't retrieve objects archived in Glacier (such as GFR and GDA storage classes).

If the Amazon S3 bucket for the cache data is owned by another AWS account, provide that account ID when you create the run cache.

Creating a run cache using the console

From the console, follow these steps to create a run cache.

  1. Open the HealthOmics console

  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Run caches.

  3. From the Run caches page, choose Create run cache.

  4. In the Run cache details panel of the Create run cache page, configure these fields:

    1. Enter a name for the run cache.

    2. (Optional) Enter a description.

    3. Enter an S3 location for the cached output. Choose a bucket in the same Region as your workflow.

    4. (Optional) Enter the AWS account of the bucket owner to verify bucket ownership. If you don't enter a value, the default value is your account ID.

    5. Under Cache behavior, configure the default behavior (whether to cache outputs for failed runs or for all runs). When you start a run, you can optionally override the default behavior.

  5. (Optional) Associate one or more tags with the run cache.

  6. Choose Create run cache. The console displays the new run cache in the Run caches table.

Creating a run cache using the CLI

Use the create-run-cache CLI command to create a run cache. The default cache behavior is CACHE_ON_FAILURE.

aws omics create-run-cache \ --name "workflow 123 run cache" \ --description "my run cache" \ --cache-s3-location "s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket" \ --cache-behavior "CACHE_ALWAYS" \ --cache-bucket-owner-id "111122223333"

If the create is successful, you receive a response with the following fields.

{ "arn": "string", "id": "string", "status": "ACTIVE" "tags": {} }