Calculating storage requirements - Amazon OpenSearch Service

Calculating storage requirements

Most OpenSearch workloads fall into one of two broad categories:

  • Long-lived index: You write code that processes data into one or more OpenSearch indexes and then updates those indexes periodically as the source data changes. Some common examples are website, document, and ecommerce search.

  • Rolling indexes: Data continuously flows into a set of temporary indexes, with an indexing period and retention window (such as a set of daily indexes that is retained for two weeks). Some common examples are log analytics, time-series processing, and clickstream analytics.

For long-lived index workloads, you can examine the source data on disk and easily determine how much storage space it consumes. If the data comes from multiple sources, just add those sources together.

For rolling indexes, you can multiply the amount of data generated during a representative time period by the retention period. For example, if you generate 200 MiB of log data per hour, that's 4.7 GiB per day, which is 66 GiB of data at any given time if you have a two-week retention period.

The size of your source data, however, is just one aspect of your storage requirements. You also have to consider the following:

  • Number of replicas: Each replica is a full copy of the primary shard, the store size of the index shows the size taken by the primary and replica shard. By default, each OpenSearch index has one replica. We recommend at least one to prevent data loss. Replicas also improve search performance, so you might want more if you have a read-heavy workload. Use PUT /my-index/_settings to update the number_of_replicas setting for your index.

  • OpenSearch indexing overhead: The on-disk size of an index varies. The total size of the source data plus the index is often 110% of the source, with the index up to 10% of the source data. After you index your data, you can use the _cat/indices?v API and value to calculate the exact overhead. _cat/allocation?v also provides a useful summary.

  • Operating system reserved space: By default, Linux reserves 5% of the file system for the root user for critical processes, system recovery, and to safeguard against disk fragmentation problems.

  • OpenSearch Service overhead: OpenSearch Service reserves 20% of the storage space of each instance (up to 20 GiB) for segment merges, logs, and other internal operations.

    Because of this 20 GiB maximum, the total amount of reserved space can vary dramatically depending on the number of instances in your domain. For example, a domain might have three instances, each with 500 GiB of storage space, for a total of 1.46 TiB. In this case, the total reserved space is only 60 GiB. Another domain might have 10 instances, each with 100 GiB of storage space, for a total of 0.98 TiB. Here, the total reserved space is 200 GiB, even though the first domain is 50% larger.

    In the following formula, we apply a "worst-case" estimate for overhead. This estimate includes additional free space to help minimize the impact of node failures and Availability Zone outages.

In summary, if you have 66 GiB of data at any given time and want one replica, your minimum storage requirement is closer to 66 * 2 * 1.1 / 0.95 / 0.8 = 191 GiB. You can generalize this calculation as follows:

Source data * (1 + number of replicas) * (1 + indexing overhead) / (1 - Linux reserved space) / (1 - OpenSearch Service overhead) = minimum storage requirement

Or you can use this simplified version:

Source data * (1 + number of replicas) * 1.45 = minimum storage requirement

Insufficient storage space is one of the most common causes of cluster instability. So you should cross-check the numbers when you choose instance types, instance counts, and storage volumes.

Other storage considerations exist: