UltraWarm provides a cost-effective way to store large amounts of read-only data on Amazon OpenSearch Service. Standard data nodes use "hot" storage, which takes the form of instance stores or Amazon EBS volumes attached to each node. Hot storage provides the fastest possible performance for indexing and searching new data.
Rather than attached storage, UltraWarm nodes use Amazon S3 and a sophisticated caching solution to improve performance. For indexes that you are not actively writing to, query less frequently, and don't need the same performance from, UltraWarm offers significantly lower costs per GiB of data. Because warm indexes are read-only unless you return them to hot storage, UltraWarm is best-suited to immutable data, such as logs.
In OpenSearch, warm indexes behave just like any other index. You can query them using the same APIs or use them to create visualizations in OpenSearch Dashboards.
UltraWarm has a few important prerequisites:
UltraWarm requires OpenSearch or Elasticsearch 6.8 or higher.
To use warm storage, domains must have dedicated master nodes.
When using a Multi-AZ with Standby domain, the number of warm nodes must be a multiple of the number of Availability Zones being used.
If your domain uses a T2 or T3 instance type for your data nodes, you can't use warm storage.
If your index uses approximate k-NN (
), you can move it to warm storage from version 2.17 and later. Domains on versions earlier than 2.17 can upgrade to 2.17 to use this functionality, but KNN indices creaed on versions earlier than 2.x can't migrate to UltraWarm. -
If the domain uses fine-grained access control, users must be mapped to the
role in OpenSearch Dashboards to make UltraWarm API calls.
The ultrawarm_manager
role might not be defined on some preexisting
OpenSearch Service domains. If you don't see the role in Dashboards, you need to manually create it.
Configure permissions
If you enable UltraWarm on a preexisting OpenSearch Service domain, the
role might not be defined on the domain.
Non-admin users must be mapped to this role in order to manage warm indexes on
domains using fine-grained access control. To manually create the
role, perform the following steps:
In OpenSearch Dashboards, go to Security and choose Permissions.
Choose Create action group and configure the following groups:
Group name Permissions ultrawarm_cluster
Choose Roles and Create role.
Name the role ultrawarm_manager.
For Cluster permissions, select
. -
For Index, type
. -
For Index permissions, select
, andindices_monitor
. -
Choose Create.
After you create the role, map it to any user or backend role that will manage UltraWarm indexes.
UltraWarm storage requirements and performance
As covered in Calculating storage requirements, data in hot storage incurs significant overhead: replicas, Linux reserved space, and OpenSearch Service reserved space. For example, a 20 GiB primary shard with one replica shard requires roughly 58 GiB of hot storage.
Because it uses Amazon S3, UltraWarm incurs none of this overhead. When calculating
UltraWarm storage requirements, you consider only the size of the primary shards. The
durability of data in S3 removes the need for replicas, and S3 abstracts away any
operating system or service considerations. That same 20 GiB shard requires 20 GiB of
warm storage. If you provision an ultrawarm1.large.search
instance, you can
use all 20 TiB of its maximum storage for primary shards. See UltraWarm storage quotas for a summary of instance types and the maximum amount
of storage that each can address.
With UltraWarm, we still recommend a maximum shard size of 50 GiB. The number of CPU cores and amount of RAM allocated to each
UltraWarm instance type gives you an idea of the number of shards they can
simultaneously search. Note that while only primary shards count toward UltraWarm
storage in S3, OpenSearch Dashboards and _cat/indices
still report
UltraWarm index size as the total of all primary and replica
For example, each ultrawarm1.medium.search
instance has two CPU cores and
can address up to 1.5 TiB of storage on S3. Two of these instances have a combined 3 TiB
of storage, which works out to approximately 62 shards if each shard is 50 GiB. If a
request to the cluster only searches four of these shards, performance might be
excellent. If the request is broad and searches all 62 of them, the four CPU cores might
struggle to perform the operation. Monitor the WarmCPUUtilization
UltraWarm metrics to
understand how the instances handle your workloads.
If your searches are broad or frequent, consider leaving the indexes in hot storage. Just like any other OpenSearch workload, the most important step to determining if UltraWarm meets your needs is to perform representative client testing using a realistic dataset.
UltraWarm pricing
With hot storage, you pay for what you provision. Some instances require an attached Amazon EBS volume, while others include an instance store. Whether that storage is empty or full, you pay the same price.
With UltraWarm storage, you pay for what you use. An
instance can address up to 20 TiB of storage on
S3, but if you store only 1 TiB of data, you're only billed for 1 TiB of data. Like all
other node types, you also pay an hourly rate for each UltraWarm node. For more
information, see Pricing for Amazon OpenSearch Service.
Enabling UltraWarm
The console is the simplest way to create a domain that uses warm storage. While creating the domain, choose Enable UltraWarm data nodes and the number of warm nodes that you want. The same basic process works on existing domains, provided they meet the prerequisites. Even after the domain state changes from Processing to Active, UltraWarm might not be available to use for several hours.
When using a Multi-AZ with Standby domain, the number of warm nodes must be a multiple of the number of Availability Zones being used. For more information, see Multi-AZ with Standby.
You can also use the AWS CLIWarmEnabled
, WarmCount
and WarmType
options in ClusterConfig
Domains support a maximum number of warm nodes. For details, see Amazon OpenSearch Service quotas.
Sample CLI command
The following AWS CLI command creates a domain with three data nodes, three dedicated master nodes, six warm nodes, and fine-grained access control enabled:
aws opensearch create-domain \
--domain-name my-domain
--engine-version Opensearch_1.0 \
--cluster-config InstanceCount=3,InstanceType=r6g.large.search,DedicatedMasterEnabled=true,DedicatedMasterType=r6g.large.search,DedicatedMasterCount=3,ZoneAwarenessEnabled=true,ZoneAwarenessConfig={AvailabilityZoneCount=3},WarmEnabled=true,WarmCount=6,WarmType=ultrawarm1.medium.search \
--ebs-options EBSEnabled=true,VolumeType=gp2,VolumeSize=11 \
--node-to-node-encryption-options Enabled=true \
--encryption-at-rest-options Enabled=true \
--domain-endpoint-options EnforceHTTPS=true,TLSSecurityPolicy=Policy-Min-TLS-1-2-2019-07 \
--advanced-security-options Enabled=true,InternalUserDatabaseEnabled=true,MasterUserOptions='{MasterUserName=master-user
}' \
--access-policies '{"Version":"2012-10-17","Statement":[{"Effect":"Allow","Principal":{"AWS":["123456789012
/*"}]}' \
--region us-east-1
For detailed information, see the AWS CLI Command Reference.
Sample configuration API request
The following request to the configuration API creates a domain with three data nodes, three dedicated master nodes, and six warm nodes with fine-grained access control enabled and a restrictive access policy:
POST https://es.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/2021-01-01/opensearch/domain
"ClusterConfig": {
"InstanceCount": 3,
"InstanceType": "r6g.large.search",
"DedicatedMasterEnabled": true,
"DedicatedMasterType": "r6g.large.search",
"DedicatedMasterCount": 3,
"ZoneAwarenessEnabled": true,
"ZoneAwarenessConfig": {
"AvailabilityZoneCount": 3
"WarmEnabled": true,
"WarmCount": 6,
"WarmType": "ultrawarm1.medium.search"
"EBSOptions": {
"EBSEnabled": true,
"VolumeType": "gp2",
"VolumeSize": 11
"EncryptionAtRestOptions": {
"Enabled": true
"NodeToNodeEncryptionOptions": {
"Enabled": true
"DomainEndpointOptions": {
"EnforceHTTPS": true,
"TLSSecurityPolicy": "Policy-Min-TLS-1-2-2019-07"
"AdvancedSecurityOptions": {
"Enabled": true,
"InternalUserDatabaseEnabled": true,
"MasterUserOptions": {
"MasterUserName": "master-user
"MasterUserPassword": "master-password
"EngineVersion": "Opensearch_1.0",
"DomainName": "my-domain
"AccessPolicies": "{\"Version\":\"2012-10-17\",\"Statement\":[{\"Effect\":\"Allow\",\"Principal\":{\"AWS\":[\"123456789012
For detailed information, see the Amazon OpenSearch Service API Reference.
Migrating indexes to UltraWarm storage
If you finished writing to an index and no longer need the fastest possible search performance, migrate it from hot to UltraWarm:
POST _ultrawarm/migration/
Then check the status of the migration:
GET _ultrawarm/migration/my-index
"migration_status": {
"index": "my-index
"migration_type": "HOT_TO_WARM",
"shard_level_status": {
"running": 0,
"total": 5,
"pending": 3,
"failed": 0,
"succeeded": 2
Index health must be green to perform a migration. If you migrate several indexes in
quick succession, you can get a summary of all migrations in plaintext, similar to the
GET _ultrawarm/migration/_status?v
index migration_type state
OpenSearch Service migrates one index at a time to UltraWarm. You can have up to 200 migrations in
the queue. Any request that exceeds the limit will be rejected. To check the current
number of migrations in the queue, monitor the HotToWarmMigrationQueueSize
metric. Indexes remain
available throughout the migration process—no downtime.
The migration process has the following states:
As these states indicate, migrations might fail during snapshots, shard relocations, or force merges. Failures during snapshots or shard relocation are typically due to node failures or S3 connectivity issues. Lack of disk space is usually the underlying cause of force merge failures.
After a migration finishes, the same _status
request returns an error. If
you check the index at that time, you can see some settings that are unique to warm
GET my-index
": {
"settings": {
"index": {
"refresh_interval": "-1",
"auto_expand_replicas": "false",
"provided_name": "my-index
"creation_date": "1599241458998",
"unassigned": {
"node_left": {
"delayed_timeout": "5m"
"number_of_replicas": "1",
"uuid": "GswyCdR0RSq0SJYmzsIpiw",
"version": {
"created": "7070099"
"routing": {
"allocation": {
"require": {
"box_type": "warm"
"number_of_shards": "5",
"merge": {
"policy": {
"max_merge_at_once_explicit": "50"
, in this case, is the number of passive replicas, which don't consume disk space. -
specifies that the index should use warm nodes rather than standard data nodes. -
specifies the number of segments to simultaneously merge during the migration.
Indexes in warm storage are read-only unless you return them to hot storage, which makes UltraWarm best-suited to immutable data, such as logs. You can query the indexes and delete them, but you can't add, update, or delete individual documents. If you try, you might encounter the following error:
"error" : {
"root_cause" : [
"type" : "cluster_block_exception",
"reason" : "index [indexname] blocked by: [TOO_MANY_REQUESTS/12/disk usage exceeded flood-stage watermark, index has read-only-allow-delete block];"
"type" : "cluster_block_exception",
"reason" : "index [indexname] blocked by: [TOO_MANY_REQUESTS/12/disk usage exceeded flood-stage watermark, index has read-only-allow-delete block];"
"status" : 429
Automating migrations
We recommend using Index State Management in Amazon OpenSearch Service to automate the migration process after an index reaches a certain age or meets other conditions. See the sample policy that demonstrates this workflow.
Migration tuning
Index migrations to UltraWarm storage require a force merge. Each OpenSearch index is composed of some number of shards, and each shard is composed of some number of Lucene segments. The force merge operation purges documents that were marked for deletion and conserves disk space. By default, UltraWarm merges indexes into one segment, except for kNN indices, where a default value of 20 is used.
You can change this value up to 1,000 segments using the
setting. Higher
values speed up the migration process, but increase query latency for the warm index
after the migration finishes. To change the setting, make the following request:
PUT my-index
"index": {
"ultrawarm": {
"migration": {
"force_merge": {
"max_num_segments": 1
To check how long this stage of the migration process takes, monitor the
Cancelling migrations
UltraWarm handles migrations sequentially, in a queue. If a migration is in the queue, but has not yet started, you can remove it from the queue using the following request:
POST _ultrawarm/migration/_cancel/
If your domain uses fine-grained access control, you must have the
permission to make this
Listing hot and warm indexes
UltraWarm adds two additional options, similar to _all
, to help manage
hot and warm indexes. For a list of all warm or hot indexes, make the following
GET _warm
GET _hot
You can use these options in other requests that specify indexes, such as:
Returning warm indexes to hot storage
If you need to write to an index again, migrate it back to hot storage:
POST _ultrawarm/migration/
You can have up to 10 queued migrations from warm to hot storage at a time. OpenSearch Service
processes migration requests one at a time, in the order that they were queued. To check
the current number, monitor the WarmToHotMigrationQueueSize
After the migration finishes, check the index settings to make sure they meet your needs. Indexes return to hot storage with one replica.
Restoring warm indexes from snapshots
In addition to the standard repository for automated snapshots, UltraWarm adds a
second repository for warm indexes, cs-ultrawarm
. Each snapshot in this
repository contains only one index. If you delete a warm index, its snapshot remains in
the cs-ultrawarm
repository for 14 days, just like any other automated
When you restore a snapshot from cs-ultrawarm
, it restores to warm
storage, not hot storage. Snapshots in the cs-automated
repositories restore to hot storage.
To restore an UltraWarm snapshot to warm storage
Identify the latest snapshot that contains the index you want to restore:
GET _snapshot/cs-ultrawarm/_all?verbose=false { "snapshots": [{ "snapshot": "
", "version": "1.0", "indices": [ "my-index
" ] }] }Note
By default, the
GET _snapshot/<repo>
operation displays verbose data information such as start time, end time, and duration for each snapshot within a repository. TheGET _snapshot/<repo>
operation retrieves information from the files of each snapshot contained in a repository. If you do not need the start time, end time, and duration and require only the name and index information of a snapshot, we recommend using theverbose=false
parameter when listing snapshots to minimize processing time and prevent timing out. -
If the index already exists, delete it:
If you don't want to delete the index, return it to hot storage and reindex
it. -
Restore the snapshot:
POST _snapshot/cs-ultrawarm/
/_restoreUltraWarm ignores any index settings you specify in this restore request, but you can specify options like
. For a summary of OpenSearch snapshot restore options, see the OpenSearch documentation.
Manual snapshots of warm indexes
You can take manual snapshots of warm indexes, but
we don't recommend it. The automated cs-ultrawarm
repository already
contains a snapshot for each warm index, taken during the migration, at no additional
By default, OpenSearch Service does not include warm indexes in manual snapshots. For example, the following call only includes hot indexes:
PUT _snapshot/
If you choose to take manual snapshots of warm indexes, several important considerations apply.
You can't mix hot and warm indexes. For example, the following request fails:
PUT _snapshot/
{ "indices": "warm-index-1
", "include_global_state": false }If they include a mix of hot and warm indexes, wildcard (
) statements fail, as well. -
You can only include one warm index per snapshot. For example, the following request fails:
PUT _snapshot/
{ "indices": "warm-index-1
", "include_global_state": false }This request succeeds:
PUT _snapshot/
{ "indices": "warm-index-1
", "include_global_state": false } -
Manual snapshots always restore to hot storage, even if they originally included a warm index.
Migrating warm indexes to cold storage
If you have data in UltraWarm that you query infrequently, consider migrating it to cold storage. Cold storage is meant for data you only access occasionally or is no longer in active use. You can't read from or write to cold indexes, but you can migrate them back to warm storage at no cost whenever you need to query them. For instructions, see Migrating indexes to cold storage.
Best practices for KNN indexes
Ultrawarm/Cold tier is available for all KNN index engine types. We recommed it for KNN indexes using Lucene engine and Disk-optimized vector search, which does not require to fully load the graph data in off-heap memory. While using it with native in-memory engines like FAISS and NMSLIB, you must account for the shards graph size that will be actively searched on, and provision the UltraWarm instances, preferably of the
instance type, accordingly. For example, if customers have 2uw.large
instances configured, then they each will have approximatelyknn.memory.circuit_breaker.limit * 61
GiB available off-heap memory. You get optimal performance if all your warm queries are targeting shards whose cumulative graph size does not exceed available off-heap memory. Latency is impacted if the available memory is lower than needed to load the graph because of evictions and waiting on off-heap memory to become available. That's why we don’t recommend usinguw.medium
instances for use cases where in-memory engines are being used or for higher search throughput cases, irrespective of engines. -
KNN indexes migrating to UltraWarm will not be force-merged to single segment. This avoids any impact on the hot and warm nodes running into OOM issues because of graph size becoming too big for in-memory engines. Due to the increase in number of segments per shard, this might result in consuming more local cache space and allowing fewer indices to migrate to the warm tier. You can choose to force-merge indexes to single segment by using the existing setting, and overriding it before migrating indexes to the warm tier. For more information, see Migration tuning.
If you have a use case where indexes are searched infrequently and do not serve a latency sensitive workload, you can choose to migrate those indexes to the UltraWarm tier. This will help you to scale down the hot tier compute instances and let the UltraWarm tier compute handle the query on such low priority indexes. This can also help to provide isolation of resources consumed between the queries of low and high priority indexes so they don't impact each other.
Disabling UltraWarm
The console is the simplest way to disable UltraWarm. Choose the domain,
Actions, and Edit cluster configuration.
Deselect Enable UltraWarm data nodes and choose Save
changes. You can also use the WarmEnabled
option in the
AWS CLI and configuration API.
Before you disable UltraWarm, you must either delete