General limitations
The following limitations apply to OpenSearch Service direct queries.
Some data types aren't supported. Supported data types are limited to Parquet, CSV, and JSON.
If the structure of your data changes over time, you will need to update your indexed views or out-of-the-box integrations to account for the data structure changes.
AWS CloudFormation templates aren't supported yet.
OpenSearch SQL and OpenSearch PPL statements have different limitations when working with OpenSearch indexes compared to using direct query. Direct query supports advanced commands such as JOINs, subqueries, and lookups, while support for these commands on OpenSearch indexes is limited or nonexistent. For more information, see Supported SQL and PPL commands.
Limitations for Amazon S3
If you’re direct querying data in Amazon S3, the following additional limitations apply:
Direct query for S3 is only available on OpenSearch Service domains running OpenSearch version 2.13 or later, and requires access to AWS Glue Data Catalog. Existing AWS Glue Data Catalog tables must be recreated using SQL in OpenSearch Query Workbench.
Direct query for S3 requires you to specify a checkpoint bucket on Amazon S3. This bucket maintains the state of your indexed views, including the last refresh time and the most recently ingested data.
Your OpenSearch domain and AWS Glue Data Catalog must be in the same AWS account. Your S3 bucket can be in a different account (requires condition to be added to your IAM policy), but must be in the same AWS Region as your domain.
OpenSearch Service direct queries with S3 only support Spark tables generated from Query Workbench. Tables generated within AWS Glue Data Catalog or Athena are not supported by Spark streaming, which is needed to maintain indexed views.
OpenSearch instance types have networked payload limitations of either 10 MiB or 100 MiB, depending on the specific instance type you choose.
Limitations for Amazon CloudWatch Logs
If you’re direct querying data in CloudWatch Logs, the following additional limitations apply:
The direct query integration with CloudWatch Logs is only available on OpenSearch Service collections and the OpenSearch user interface.
OpenSearch Serverless collections have networked payload limitations of 100 MiB.
CloudWatch Logs supports VPC Flow, CloudTrail, and AWS WAF dashboard integrations installed from the console.
Limitations for Amazon Security Lake
If you’re direct querying data in Security Lake, the following additional limitations apply:
The direct query integration with Security Lake is only available on OpenSearch Service collections and the OpenSearch user interface.
OpenSearch Serverless collections have networked payload limitations of 100 MiB.
Table management for Security Lake is performed in Lake Formation.
Security Lake only supports materialized views as indexed views. Covering indexes are not supported.