A pipeline is the mechanism that Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion uses to move data from its source (where the data comes from) to its sink (where the data goes). In OpenSearch Ingestion, the sink will always be a single Amazon OpenSearch Service domain, while the source of your data could be clients like Amazon S3, Fluent Bit, or the OpenTelemetry Collector.
For more information, see Pipelines
Prerequisites and required IAM
To create an OpenSearch Ingestion pipeline, you must have the following resources:
An IAM role that OpenSearch Ingestion will assume to write to the sink. You will include this role ARN in your pipeline configuration.
An OpenSearch Service domain or OpenSearch Serverless collection to act as the sink. If you're writing to a domain, it must be running OpenSearch 1.0 or later, or Elasticsearch 7.4 or later. The sink must have an access policy that grants the appropriate permissions to your IAM pipeline role.
For instructions to create these resources, see the following topics:
If you're writing to a domain that uses fine-grained access control, there are extra steps you need to complete. See Step 3: Map the pipeline role (only for domains that use fine-grained access control).
Required IAM permissions
OpenSearch Ingestion uses the following IAM permissions for creating pipelines:
– Create a pipeline. -
– Check whether a pipeline configuration is valid. -
– Pass the pipeline role to OpenSearch Ingestion so that it can write data to the domain. This permission must be on the pipeline role resource (the ARN that you specify for thests_role_arn
option in the pipeline configuration), or simply*
if you plan to use different roles in each pipeline.
For example, the following policy grants permission to create a pipeline:
OpenSearch Ingestion also includes a permission called osis:Ingest
, which is
required in order to send signed requests to the pipeline using Signature Version 4. For more information, see Creating an ingestion role.
In addition, the first user to create a pipeline in an account must have
permissions for the iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole
action. For more
information, see pipeline role
For more information about each permission, see Actions, resources, and condition keys for OpenSearch Ingestion in the Service Authorization Reference.
Specifying the pipeline version
When you configure a pipeline, you must specify the major version of Data
option in your pipeline configuration:
version: "2"
When you choose Create, OpenSearch Ingestion determines the latest
available minor version of the major version that you specify, and
provisions the pipeline with that version. For example, if you specify version:
, and the latest supported version of Data Prepper is 2.1.1,
OpenSearch Ingestion provisions your pipeline with version 2.1.1. We don't publicly display
the minor version that your pipeline is running.
In order to upgrade your pipeline when a new major version of Data Prepper is available, edit the pipeline configuration and specify the new version. You can't downgrade a pipeline to an earlier version.
OpenSearch Ingestion doesn't immediately support new versions of Data Prepper as soon as they're released. There will be some lag between when a new version is publicly available and when it's supported in OpenSearch Ingestion. In addition, OpenSearch Ingestion might explicitly not support certain major or minor versions altogether. For a comprehensive list, see Supported Data Prepper versions.
Any time you make a change to your pipeline that initiates a blue/green deployment,
OpenSearch Ingestion can upgrade it to the latest minor version of the major version that's
currently configured in the pipeline YAML file. For more information, see Blue/green deployments for pipeline updates. OpenSearch Ingestion can't change the major version of your
pipeline unless you explicitly update the version
option within the
pipeline configuration.
Specifying the ingestion path
For pull-based sources like OTel tracepath
option in your source configuration. The path is a string such as
, which represents the URI path for ingestion. This path
defines the URI that you use to send data to the pipeline.
For example, say you specify the following entry sub-pipeline for an ingestion
pipeline named logs
path: "/my
When you ingest data into the pipeline, you
must specify the following endpoint in your client configuration:
The path must start with a slash (/) and can contain the special characters '-', '_',
'.', and '/', as well as the ${pipelineName}
placeholder. If you use
(such as path:
), the variable is replaced with the name of the
associated sub-pipeline. In this example, it would be
Creating pipelines
This section describes how to create OpenSearch Ingestion pipelines using the OpenSearch Service console and the AWS CLI.
To create a pipeline
Sign in to the Amazon OpenSearch Service console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/aos/home
. -
Choose Pipelines in the left navigation pane and choose Create pipeline.
Either select a blank pipeline, or choose a configuration blueprint. Blueprints include a preconfigured YAML and JSON configuration file for a variety of common use cases. For more information, see Using blueprints to create a pipeline.
Choose Select blueprint.
Enter a name for the pipeline.
(Optional) Choose Enable persistent buffer. A persistent buffer stores your data in a disk-based buffer across multiple AZs. For more information, see Persistent buffering. If you enable persistent buffer, select the AWS Key Management Service key to encrypt the buffer data.
Configure the minimum and maximum pipeline capacity in Ingestion OpenSearch Compute Units (OCUs). For more information, see Scaling pipelines in Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion.
Under Pipeline configuration, provide your pipeline configuration in YAML format. If you're using a blueprint, the configuration is already pre-populated, but you must make some modifications.
A single pipeline configuration file can contain 1-10 sub-pipelines. Each sub-pipeline is a combination of a single source, zero or more processors, and a single sink. For OpenSearch Ingestion, the sink must always be an OpenSearch Service domain. For a list of supported options, see Supported plugins and options for Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion pipelines.
You must include the
option in each sub-pipeline. The pipeline assumes the role defined insts_role_arn
to sign requests to the domain. For more information, see Granting Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion pipelines access to domains.The following sample configuration file uses the HTTP source and Grok plugins to process unstructured log data and send it to an OpenSearch Service domain. The sub-pipeline is named
.version: "2" log-pipeline: source: http: path: "/log/ingest" processor: - grok: match: log: [ '%{
}' ] - date: from_time_received: true destination: "@timestamp" sink: - opensearch: hosts: [ "https://search-my-domain
.us-east-1.es.amazonaws.com" ] index: "apache_logs" aws: sts_role_arn: "arn:aws:iam::123456789012
" region: "us-east-1
"You can build your own pipeline configuration, or choose Upload file and import an existing configuration for a self-managed Data Prepper pipeline. Alternatively, you can use a configuration blueprint.
After you configure your pipeline, choose Validate pipeline to confirm that your configuration is correct. If the validation fails, fix the errors and re-run the validation.
Under Network configuration, choose either VPC access or Public access. If you choose Public access, skip to the next step. If you choose VPC access, configure the following settings:
Setting Description Endpoint management Choose whether you want to create your VPC endpoints yourself, or have OpenSearch Ingestion create them for you. Endpoint management defaults to endpoints managed by OpenSearch Ingestion.
VPC Choose the ID of the virtual private cloud (VPC) that you want to use. The VPC and pipeline must be in the same AWS Region.
Subnets Choose one or more subnets. OpenSearch Service will place a VPC endpoint and elastic network interfaces in the subnets.
Security groups Choose one or more VPC security groups that allow your required application to reach the OpenSearch Ingestion pipeline on the ports (80 or 443) and protocols (HTTP or HTTPs) exposed by the pipeline.
VPC attachment options If your source is a self-managed endpoint, attach your pipeline to a VPC. Choose one of the default CIDR options provided, or use a custom CIDR.
For more information, see Configuring VPC access for Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion pipelines.
(Optional) Under Tags, add one or more tags (key-value pairs) to your pipeline. For more information, see Tagging Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion pipelines.
(Optional) Under Log publishing options, turn on pipeline log publishing to Amazon CloudWatch Logs. We recommend that you enable log publishing so that you can more easily troubleshoot pipeline issues. For more information, see Monitoring pipeline logs.
Choose Next.
Review your pipeline configuration and choose Create.
OpenSearch Ingestion runs an asynchronous process to build the pipeline. Once the
pipeline status is Active
, you can start ingesting data.
The create-pipeline
command accepts the pipeline configuration as a string or within a .yaml file.
If you provide the configuration as a string, each new line must be escaped with
. For example, "log-pipeline:\n source:\n http:\n
processor:\n - grok:\n ...
The following sample command creates a pipeline with the following configuration:
Minimum of 4 Ingestion OCUs, maximum of 10 Ingestion OCUs
Provisioned within a virtual private cloud (VPC)
Log publishing enabled
aws osis create-pipeline \
--pipeline-name my-pipeline
--min-units 4 \
--max-units 10 \
--log-publishing-options IsLoggingEnabled=true,CloudWatchLogDestination={LogGroup="MyLogGroup
"} \
--vpc-options SecurityGroupIds={sg-12345678
--pipeline-configuration-body "file://pipeline-config.yaml
OpenSearch Ingestion runs an asynchronous process to build the pipeline. Once the
pipeline status is Active
, you can start ingesting data. To check the
status of the pipeline, use the GetPipeline command.
To create an OpenSearch Ingestion pipeline using the OpenSearch Ingestion API, call the CreatePipeline operation.
After your pipeline is successfully created, you can configure your client and start ingesting data into your OpenSearch Service domain. For more information, see Integrating Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion pipelines with other services and applications.
Tracking the status of pipeline creation
You can track the status of a pipeline as OpenSearch Ingestion provisions it and prepares it to ingest data.
After you initially create a pipeline, it goes through multiple stages as OpenSearch Ingestion prepares it to ingest data. To view the various stages of pipeline creation, choose the pipeline name to see its Pipeline settings page. Under Status, choose View details.
A pipeline goes through the following stages before it's available to ingest data:
Validation – Validating pipeline configuration. When this stage is complete, all validations have succeeded.
Create environment – Preparing and provisioning resources. When this stage is complete, the new pipeline environment has been created.
Deploy pipeline – Deploying the pipeline. When this stage is complete, the pipeline has been successfully deployed.
Check pipeline health – Checking the health of the pipeline. When this stage is complete, all health checks have passed.
Enable traffic – Enabling the pipeline to ingest data. When this stage is complete, you can start ingesting data into the pipeline.
Use the get-pipeline-change-progress command to check the status of a
pipeline. The following AWS CLI request checks the status of a pipeline named
aws osis get-pipeline-change-progress \ --pipeline-name
"ChangeProgressStatuses": {
"ChangeProgressStages": [
"Description": "Validating pipeline configuration",
"LastUpdated": 1.671055851E9,
"Status": "PENDING"
"StartTime": 1.671055851E9,
"Status": "PROCESSING",
"TotalNumberOfStages": 5
To track the status of pipeline creation using the OpenSearch Ingestion API, call the GetPipelineChangeProgress operation.