CloudWatch metrics for Outposts racks - AWS Outposts

CloudWatch metrics for Outposts racks

AWS Outposts publishes data points to Amazon CloudWatch for your Outposts. CloudWatch enables you to retrieve statistics about those data points as an ordered set of time series data, known as metrics. Think of a metric as a variable to monitor, and the data points as the values of that variable over time. For example, you can monitor the instance capacity available to your Outpost over a specified time period. Each data point has an associated timestamp and an optional unit of measurement.

You can use metrics to verify that your system is performing as expected. For example, you can create a CloudWatch alarm to monitor the ConnectedStatus metric. If the average metric is less than 1, CloudWatch can initiate an action, such as sending a notification to an email address. You can then investigate potential on-premises or uplink networking issues that might be impacting the operations of your Outpost. Common issues include recent on-premises network configuration changes to firewall and NAT rules, or internet connection issues. For ConnectedStatus issues, we recommend verifying connectivity to the AWS Region from within your on-premises network, and contacting AWS Support if the problem persists.

For more information about creating a CloudWatch alarm, see Using Amazon CloudWatch Alarms in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide. For more information about CloudWatch, see the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.


The AWS/Outposts namespace includes the following metrics.


The status of an Outpost's service link connection. If the average statistic is less than 1, the connection is impaired.

Unit: Count

Maximum resolution: 1 minute

Statistics: The most useful statistic is Average.

Dimensions: OutpostId


The number of insufficient capacity errors for instance launches.

Unit: Count

Maximum resolution: 5 minutes

Statistics: The most useful statistics are Maximum and Minimum.

Dimensions: InstanceType and OutpostId


The bitrate of data that the Outposts Virtual Interfaces (VIFs) receive from the connected local network devices.

Unit: Bits per second

Maximum resolution: 5 minutes

Statistics: The most useful statistics are Max and Min.

Dimensions for local gateway VIFs (lgw-vif): OutpostsId, VirtualInterfaceGroupId, and VirtualInterfaceId

Dimensions for service link VIFs (sl-vif): OutpostsId and VirtualInterfaceId


The bitrate of data that the Outposts Virtual Interfaces (VIFs) transfer to the connected local network devices.

Unit: Bits per second

Maximum resolution: 5 minutes

Statistics: The most useful statistics are Max and Min.

Dimensions for local gateway VIFs (lgw-vif): OutpostsId, VirtualInterfaceGroupId, and VirtualInterfaceId

Dimensions for service link VIFs (sl-vif): OutpostsId and VirtualInterfaceId


The percentage of instance capacity available. This metric does not include capacity for any Dedicated Hosts configured on the Outpost.

Unit: Percent

Maximum resolution: 5 minutes

Statistics: The most useful statistics are Average and pNN.NN (percentiles).

Dimensions: InstanceFamily and OutpostId


The percentage of instance capacity in use. This metric does not include capacity for any Dedicated Hosts configured on the Outpost.

Unit: Percent

Maximum resolution: 5 minutes

Statistics: The most useful statistics are Average and pNN.NN (percentiles).

Dimensions: Account, InstanceFamily, and OutpostId


The percentage of instance capacity available. This metric does not include capacity for any Dedicated Hosts configured on the Outpost.

Unit: Percent

Maximum resolution: 5 minutes

Statistics: The most useful statistics are Average and pNN.NN (percentiles).

Dimensions: InstanceType and OutpostId


The percentage of instance capacity in use. This metric does not include capacity for any Dedicated Hosts configured on the Outpost.

Unit: Percent

Maximum resolution: 5 minutes

Statistics: The most useful statistics are Average and pNN.NN (percentiles).

Dimensions: Account, InstanceType, and OutpostId


The number of instance types that are currently in use, including any instance types used by managed services such as Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) or Application Load Balancer. This metric does not include capacity for any Dedicated Hosts configured on the Outpost.

Unit: Count

Maximum resolution: 5 minutes

Dimensions: Account, InstanceType, and OutpostId


The number of available instance types. This metric includes the AvailableReservedInstances count.

To determine the number of instances that you can reserve, subtract the AvailableReservedInstances count from the AvailableInstanceType_Count count.

Number of instances that you can reserve = AvailableInstanceType_Count - AvailableReservedInstances

This metric does not include capacity for any Dedicated Hosts configured on the Outpost.

Unit: Count

Maximum resolution: 5 minutes

Dimensions: InstanceType and OutpostId


The number of instances that are available for launch into the compute capacity reserved using Capacity Reservations.

This metric does not include Amazon EC2 Reserved Instances.

This metric does not include the number of instances that you can reserve. To determine how many instances you can reserve, subtract the AvailableReservedInstances count from the AvailableInstanceType_Count count.

Number of instances that you can reserve = AvailableInstanceType_Count - AvailableReservedInstances

Unit: Count

Maximum resolution: 5 minutes

Dimensions: InstanceType and OutpostId


The number of instances that are running in the compute capacity reserved using Capacity Reservations. This metric does not include Amazon EC2 Reserved Instances.

Unit: Count

Maximum resolution: 5 minutes

Dimensions: InstanceType and OutpostId


The total number of instances, running and available for launch, provided by the compute capacity reserved using Capacity Reservations. This metric does not include Amazon EC2 Reserved Instances.

Unit: Count

Maximum resolution: 5 minutes

Dimensions: InstanceType and OutpostId


The percentage of EBS volume type capacity in use.

Unit: Percent

Maximum resolution: 5 minutes

Statistics: The most useful statistics are Average and pNN.NN (percentiles).

Dimensions: VolumeType and OutpostId


The percentage of EBS volume type capacity available.

Unit: Percent

Maximum resolution: 5 minutes

Statistics: The most useful statistics are Average and pNN.NN (percentiles).

Dimensions: VolumeType and OutpostId


The number of gigabytes in use for the EBS volume type.

Unit: Gigabyte

Maximum resolution: 5 minutes

Statistics: The most useful statistics are Average and pNN.NN (percentiles).

Dimensions: VolumeType and OutpostId


The number of gigabytes of available capacity for the EBS volume type.

Unit: Gigabyte

Maximum resolution: 5 minutes

Statistics: The most useful statistics are Average and pNN.NN (percentiles).

Dimensions: VolumeType and OutpostId

Metric dimensions

To filter the metrics for your Outpost, use the following dimensions.

Dimension Description

The account or service using the capacity.


The instance family.


The instance type.


The ID of the Outpost.


The EBS volume type.


The ID of the local gateway or service link Virtual Interface (VIF).


The ID of the virtual interface group for the local gateway Virtual Interface (VIF).

View CloudWatch metrics for your Outposts rack

You can view the CloudWatch metrics for your Outposts rack using the CloudWatch console.

To view metrics using the CloudWatch console
  1. Open the CloudWatch console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Metrics.

  3. Select the Outposts namespace.

  4. (Optional) To view a metric across all dimensions, enter its name in the search field.

To view metrics using the AWS CLI

Use the following list-metrics command to list the available metrics.

aws cloudwatch list-metrics --namespace AWS/Outposts
To get the statistics for a metric using the AWS CLI

Use the following get-metric-statistics command to get statistics for the specified metric and dimension. CloudWatch treats each unique combination of dimensions as a separate metric. You can't retrieve statistics using combinations of dimensions that were not specially published. You must specify the same dimensions that were used when the metrics were created.

aws cloudwatch get-metric-statistics \ --namespace AWS/Outposts --metric-name InstanceTypeCapacityUtilization \ --statistics Average --period 3600 \ --dimensions Name=OutpostId,Value=op-01234567890abcdef Name=InstanceType,Value=c5.xlarge \ --start-time 2019-12-01T00:00:00Z --end-time 2019-12-08T00:00:00Z