Manage the maximum number of endpoints in Amazon Pinpoint - Amazon Pinpoint

Manage the maximum number of endpoints in Amazon Pinpoint

Each member of your audience can have a maximum of 15 endpoints associated with their UserId, see Endpoint quotas. If you try to add a 16th endpoint then, depending on the ChannelType, you will either get BadRequestException or it will succeed by removing the endpoint with the oldest EffectiveDate.

Add a 16th endpoint
  • If the new channel type for the endpoint is SMS, PUSH, VOICE, EMAIL, CUSTOM or IN_APP then BadRequestException is returned because the audience member is at their maximum number of endpoints. You need to remove an endpoint associated with the audience member and try again, see Delete endpoints from Amazon Pinpoint programmatically.

  • If the new channel type for the endpoint is ADM, GCM, APNS, APNS_VOIP, APNS_VOIP_SANDBOX or BAIDU:

    • Check that at least one endpoint currently associated with the audience member has a ChannelType of ADM, GCM, APNS, APNS_VOICE, APNS_VOIP_SANDBOX or BAIDU. If there isn't then BadRequestException is returned and an endpoint needs to be removed before you try again, see Delete endpoints from Amazon Pinpoint programmatically.

    • Otherwise, the endpoint with the oldest EffectiveDate is set to INACTIVE where the ChannelType is ADM, GCM, APNS, APNS_VOIP, APNS_VOIP_SANDBOX or BAIDU.

      • The UserId from the old endpoint is removed.

      • The new endpoint is associated to the audience member and they still have the maximum number of endpoints.

The endpoint can be re–enabled by setting the Status to ACTIVE and add the UserId back to the endpoint.