AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell
Command Reference

AWS services or capabilities described in AWS Documentation may vary by region/location. Click Getting Started with Amazon AWS to see specific differences applicable to the China (Beijing) Region.


Calls the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) CopyImage API operation.


-SourceImageId <String>
-SourceRegion <String>
-Description <String>
-Name <String>
-ClientToken <String>
-CopyImageTag <Boolean>
-DestinationOutpostArn <String>
-Encrypted <Boolean>
-KmsKeyId <String>
-SnapshotCopyCompletionDurationMinute <Int64>
-TagSpecification <TagSpecification[]>
-Select <String>
-PassThru <SwitchParameter>
-Force <SwitchParameter>
-ClientConfig <AmazonEC2Config>


Initiates an AMI copy operation. You can copy an AMI from one Region to another, or from a Region to an Outpost. You can't copy an AMI from an Outpost to a Region, from one Outpost to another, or within the same Outpost. To copy an AMI to another partition, see CreateStoreImageTask. When you copy an AMI from one Region to another, the destination Region is the current Region. When you copy an AMI from a Region to an Outpost, specify the ARN of the Outpost as the destination. Backing snapshots copied to an Outpost are encrypted by default using the default encryption key for the Region or the key that you specify. Outposts do not support unencrypted snapshots. For information about the prerequisites when copying an AMI, see Copy an AMI in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.


-ClientConfig <AmazonEC2Config>
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-ClientToken <String>
Unique, case-sensitive identifier you provide to ensure idempotency of the request. For more information, see Ensuring idempotency in the Amazon EC2 API Reference.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-CopyImageTag <Boolean>
Indicates whether to include your user-defined AMI tags when copying the AMI.The following tags will not be copied:
  • System tags (prefixed with aws:)
  • For public and shared AMIs, user-defined tags that are attached by other Amazon Web Services accounts
Default: Your user-defined AMI tags are not copied.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-Description <String>
A description for the new AMI in the destination Region.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-DestinationOutpostArn <String>
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Outpost to which to copy the AMI. Only specify this parameter when copying an AMI from an Amazon Web Services Region to an Outpost. The AMI must be in the Region of the destination Outpost. You cannot copy an AMI from an Outpost to a Region, from one Outpost to another, or within the same Outpost.For more information, see Copy AMIs from an Amazon Web Services Region to an Outpost in the Amazon EBS User Guide.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-Encrypted <Boolean>
Specifies whether the destination snapshots of the copied image should be encrypted. You can encrypt a copy of an unencrypted snapshot, but you cannot create an unencrypted copy of an encrypted snapshot. The default KMS key for Amazon EBS is used unless you specify a non-default Key Management Service (KMS) KMS key using KmsKeyId. For more information, see Use encryption with EBS-backed AMIs in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always be used with caution.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-KmsKeyId <String>
The identifier of the symmetric Key Management Service (KMS) KMS key to use when creating encrypted volumes. If this parameter is not specified, your Amazon Web Services managed KMS key for Amazon EBS is used. If you specify a KMS key, you must also set the encrypted state to true.You can specify a KMS key using any of the following:
  • Key ID. For example, 1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab.
  • Key alias. For example, alias/ExampleAlias.
  • Key ARN. For example, arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:012345678910:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab.
  • Alias ARN. For example, arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:012345678910:alias/ExampleAlias.
Amazon Web Services authenticates the KMS key asynchronously. Therefore, if you specify an identifier that is not valid, the action can appear to complete, but eventually fails.The specified KMS key must exist in the destination Region.Amazon EBS does not support asymmetric KMS keys.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-Name <String>
The name of the new AMI in the destination Region.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-PassThru <SwitchParameter>
Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the SourceImageId parameter. The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^SourceImageId' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-Select <String>
Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'ImageId'. Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.EC2.Model.CopyImageResponse). Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.EC2.Model.CopyImageResponse will result in that property being returned. Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-SnapshotCopyCompletionDurationMinute <Int64>
Specify a completion duration, in 15 minute increments, to initiate a time-based AMI copy. The specified completion duration applies to each of the snapshots associated with the AMI. Each snapshot associated with the AMI will be completed within the specified completion duration, regardless of their size.If you do not specify a value, the AMI copy operation is completed on a best-effort basis.For more information, see Time-based copies.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-SourceImageId <String>
The ID of the AMI to copy.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByValue, ByPropertyName)
-SourceRegion <String>
The name of the Region that contains the AMI to copy.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-TagSpecification <TagSpecification[]>
The tags to apply to the new AMI and new snapshots. You can tag the AMI, the snapshots, or both.
  • To tag the new AMI, the value for ResourceType must be image.
  • To tag the new snapshots, the value for ResourceType must be snapshot. The same tag is applied to all the new snapshots.
If you specify other values for ResourceType, the request fails.To tag an AMI or snapshot after it has been created, see CreateTags.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)

Common Credential and Region Parameters

-AccessKey <String>
The AWS access key for the user account. This can be a temporary access key if the corresponding session token is supplied to the -SessionToken parameter.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-Credential <AWSCredentials>
An AWSCredentials object instance containing access and secret key information, and optionally a token for session-based credentials.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByValue, ByPropertyName)
-EndpointUrl <String>
The endpoint to make the call against.Note: This parameter is primarily for internal AWS use and is not required/should not be specified for normal usage. The cmdlets normally determine which endpoint to call based on the region specified to the -Region parameter or set as default in the shell (via Set-DefaultAWSRegion). Only specify this parameter if you must direct the call to a specific custom endpoint.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-NetworkCredential <PSCredential>
Used with SAML-based authentication when ProfileName references a SAML role profile. Contains the network credentials to be supplied during authentication with the configured identity provider's endpoint. This parameter is not required if the user's default network identity can or should be used during authentication.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByValue, ByPropertyName)
-ProfileLocation <String>
Used to specify the name and location of the ini-format credential file (shared with the AWS CLI and other AWS SDKs)If this optional parameter is omitted this cmdlet will search the encrypted credential file used by the AWS SDK for .NET and AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio first. If the profile is not found then the cmdlet will search in the ini-format credential file at the default location: (user's home directory)\.aws\credentials.If this parameter is specified then this cmdlet will only search the ini-format credential file at the location given.As the current folder can vary in a shell or during script execution it is advised that you use specify a fully qualified path instead of a relative path.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
AliasesAWSProfilesLocation, ProfilesLocation
-ProfileName <String>
The user-defined name of an AWS credentials or SAML-based role profile containing credential information. The profile is expected to be found in the secure credential file shared with the AWS SDK for .NET and AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio. You can also specify the name of a profile stored in the .ini-format credential file used with the AWS CLI and other AWS SDKs.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
AliasesStoredCredentials, AWSProfileName
-Region <Object>
The system name of an AWS region or an AWSRegion instance. This governs the endpoint that will be used when calling service operations. Note that the AWS resources referenced in a call are usually region-specific.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-SecretKey <String>
The AWS secret key for the user account. This can be a temporary secret key if the corresponding session token is supplied to the -SessionToken parameter.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
AliasesSK, SecretAccessKey
-SessionToken <String>
The session token if the access and secret keys are temporary session-based credentials.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)


This cmdlet returns a System.String object. The service call response (type Amazon.EC2.Model.CopyImageResponse) can be returned by specifying '-Select *'.


Example 1

Copy-EC2Image -SourceRegion eu-west-1 -SourceImageId ami-12345678 -Region us-west-2 -Name "Copy of ami-12345678"

This example copies the specified AMI in the 'EU (Ireland)' region to the 'US West (Oregon)' region. If -Region is not specified, the current default region is used as the destination region.

Supported Version

AWS Tools for PowerShell: 2.x.y.z