Copy an Amazon EC2 AMI
You can create a copy an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) within the same Region or across Regions in the
same partition. If you need your AMI copies to complete within a specific timeframe, you can
optionally initiate time-based AMI copy operations. With time-based AMI copy operations, you
specificy a completion duration, between 15 minutes and 48 hours, in which the copy operation
is to be completed. For more information, see Time-based
copies in the Amazon EBS User Guide.
To copy an AMI to another partition, see Store and restore an AMI.
Permission to copy AMIs – You can use
IAM policies to grant or deny users permission to copy AMIs. Starting October
28, 2024, you can specify resource-level permissions for the
action on the source AMI. Resource-level permissions
for the target AMI are available as before.
Launch permissions and Amazon S3 bucket
permissions – AWS does not copy launch permissions or
Amazon S3 bucket permissions from the source AMI to the new AMI. After the copy
operation is complete, you can apply launch permissions and Amazon S3 bucket
permissions to the new AMI.
Tags – You can only copy user-defined
AMI tags that you attached to the source AMI. System tags (prefixed with
) and user-defined tags that are attached by other
AWS accounts will not be copied. When copying an AMI, you can attach new tags
to the target AMI and its backing snapshots.
Quotas for time-based AMI copies – Once
you reach your cumulative snapshot copy throughput quota,
subsequent time-based AMI copy requests fail. For more information, see
Quotas for time-based copies in the Amazon EBS User Guide.
There are no charges for copying an AMI. However, standard storage and data transfer
rates apply. If you copy an EBS-backed AMI, you will incur charges for the storage of
any additional EBS snapshots.
Additional charges apply for time-based AMI copy operations. For more information, see
Time-based copies in the Amazon EBS User Guide.
Copy an AMI
You can copy an AMI using the following procedures.
- Console
To copy an AMI
Open the Amazon EC2 console at
From the console navigation bar, select the Region that contains
the AMI.
In the navigation pane, choose AMIs to
display the list of AMIs available to you in the Region.
If you don't see the AMI you want to copy, choose a different
filter. You can filter by AMIs Owned by me,
Private images, Public
images, and Disabled
Select the AMI to copy, and then choose
Actions, Copy
On the Copy AMI page, specify the following
AMI copy name: A name for the new
AMI. You can include the operating system information in
the name because Amazon EC2 does not provide this information
when displaying details about the AMI.
AMI copy description: By default, the
description includes information about the source AMI so
that you can distinguish a copy from its original. You can
change this description as needed.
Destination Region: The Region in
which to copy the AMI. For more information, see Cross-Region copying.
If you need the copy to be completed within a specific timeframe, select
Enable time-based copy. For Completion duration,
enter the required completion duration, in 15-minute increments. The completion
duration applies to all snapshots associated with the AMI. For more information,
Time-based copies in the Amazon EBS User Guide.
If you do not need the AMI copy to be completed in a specific timeframe, do
not enable time-based copy. In this case, the snapshot copy is completed on a best-effort
Copy tags: Select this checkbox to
include your user-defined AMI tags when copying the AMI.
System tags (prefixed with aws:
) and user-defined
tags that are attached by other AWS accounts will not be
(EBS-backed AMIs only) Encrypt EBS snapshots of AMI copy: Select
this checkbox to encrypt the target snapshots, or to
re-encrypt them using a different key. If encryption by
default is enabled, the Encrypt EBS snapshots of
AMI copy checkbox is selected and cannot be
cleared. For more information, see Encryption and copying.
(EBS-backed AMIs only) KMS key: The
KMS key to used to encrypt the target snapshots.
Tags: You can tag the new
AMI and the new snapshots with the same tags, or you can tag
them with different tags.
To tag the new AMI and the new snapshots with the
same tags,
choose Tag image and snapshots
together. The same tags are applied to
the new AMI and every snapshot that is
To tag the new AMI and the new snapshots with
different tags,
choose Tag image and snapshots
separately. Different tags are applied
to the new AMI and the snapshots that are created.
Note, however, that all the new snapshots that are
created get the same tags; you can't tag each new
snapshot with a different tag.
To add a tag, choose Add tag, and
enter the key and value for the tag. Repeat for each
When you're ready to copy the AMI, choose Copy
The initial status of the new AMI is
. The AMI copy operation is complete
when the status is Available
To copy an AMI using the AWS CLI
You can copy an AMI using the copy-image command.
You must specify both the source and destination Regions. You specify
the source Region using the --source-region
parameter. You
can specify the destination Region using either the
parameter or an environment variable. For more
information, see Configuring the AWS Command Line Interface.
(EBS-backed AMIs only) When you encrypt a target snapshot during copying,
you must specify these additional parameters: --encrypted
For example commands, see the Examples
under copy-image in the
AWS CLI Command Reference.
- PowerShell
To copy an AMI using the Tools for Windows PowerShell
You can copy an AMI using the Copy-EC2Image
command. You must specify both the source and destination Regions. You
specify the source Region using the -SourceRegion
parameter. You can specify the destination Region using either the
parameter or the
command. For more information, see
Specifying AWS Regions.
(EBS-backed AMIs only) When you encrypt a target snapshot during copying,
you must specify these additional parameters: -Encrypted
Stop a pending AMI copy operation
You can stop a pending AMI copy using the following procedures.
- Console
To stop an AMI copy operation using the console
Open the Amazon EC2 console at
From the navigation bar, select the destination Region from the
Region selector.
In the navigation pane, choose AMIs.
Select the AMI to stop copying, and then choose
Actions, Deregister
When asked for confirmation, choose Deregister
- Command line
To stop an AMI copy operation using the command line
You can use one of the following commands. For more information about
these command line interfaces, see Access Amazon EC2.