Verify that an AMI is enabled for NitroTPM
To enable NitroTPM for an instance, you must launch the instance using an AMI
with NitroTPM enabled. You can use either describe-images
to verify that an AMI is enabled for NitroTPM.
If NitroTPM is enabled for the AMI, the value for TpmSupport
To describe the image
You can use the describe-images command as follows.
aws ec2 describe-images --image-ids
--query Images[*].TpmSupport
If NitroTPM is enabled for the AMI, the output is as follows.
If TPM is not enabled, the output is empty.
To describe the image attribute
Alternatively, if you are the AMI owner, you can use the describe-image-attribute command as follows, specifying tpmSupport
as the attribute
aws ec2 describe-image-attribute \ --region
\ --image-idami-0123456789example
\ --attribute tpmSupport
The following is example output.
"ImageId": "ami-0123456789example
"TpmSupport": {
"Value": "v2.0"