How AMI store and restore works
To store and restore an AMI using S3, you use the following APIs:
– Stores the AMI in an S3 bucket -
– Provides the progress of the AMI store task -
– Restores the AMI from an S3 bucket
The CreateStoreImageTask
API stores an AMI as a single object in an S3
The API creates a task that reads all of the data from the AMI and its snapshots, and then uses an S3 multipart upload to store the data in an S3 object. The API takes all of the components of the AMI, including most of the non-Region-specific AMI metadata, and all the EBS snapshots contained in the AMI, and packs them into a single object in S3. The data is compressed as part of the upload process to reduce the amount of space used in S3, so the object in S3 might be smaller than the sum of the sizes of the snapshots in the AMI.
If there are AMI and snapshot tags visible to the account calling this API, they are preserved.
The object in S3 has the same ID as the AMI, but with a .bin
extension. The
following data is also stored as S3 metadata tags on the S3 object: AMI name, AMI
description, AMI registration date, AMI owner account, and a timestamp for the store
The time it takes to complete the task depends on the size of the AMI. It also depends on
how many other tasks are in progress because tasks are queued. You can track the
progress of the task by calling the DescribeStoreImageTasks
The sum of the sizes of all the AMIs in progress is limited to 1,200 GB of EBS snapshot data per account. Further task creation will be rejected until the tasks in progress are less than the limit. For example, if an AMI with 200 GB of snapshot data and another AMI with 400 GB of snapshot data are currently being stored, another request will be accepted, because the total in progress is 600 GB, which is less than the limit. But if a single AMI with 1,200 GB of snapshot data is currently being stored, further tasks are rejected until the task is completed.
The DescribeStoreImageTasks
API describes the
progress of the AMI store tasks. You can describe tasks for specified AMIs. If you
don't specify AMIs, you get a paginated list of all of the store image tasks that
have been processed in the last 31 days.
For each AMI task, the response indicates if the task is InProgress
, or Failed
. For tasks
, the response shows an estimated progress as a
Tasks are listed in reverse chronological order.
Currently, only tasks from the previous month can be viewed.
The CreateRestoreImageTask
API starts a task that
restores an AMI from an S3 object that was previously created by using a
The restore task can be performed in the same or a different Region in which the store task was performed.
The S3 bucket from which the AMI object will be restored must be in the same Region in which the restore task is requested. The AMI will be restored in this Region.
The AMI is restored with its metadata, such as the name, description, and block device mappings corresponding to the values of the stored AMI. The name must be unique for AMIs in the Region for this account. If you do not provide a name, the new AMI gets the same name as the original AMI. The AMI gets a new AMI ID that is generated at the time of the restore process.
The time it takes to complete the AMI restoration task depends on the size of the AMI. It
also depends on how many other tasks are in progress because tasks are queued. You
can view the progress of the task by describing the AMI (describe-images
The sum of the sizes of all of the AMIs in progress is limited to 300 GB (based on the size after restoration) of EBS snapshot data per account. Further task creation will be rejected until the tasks in progress are less than the limit.
File paths
You can use file paths when storing and restoring AMIs, in the following way:
When storing an AMI in S3, the file path can be added to the bucket name. Internally, the system separates the path from the bucket name, and then adds the path to the object key that is generated to store the AMI. The full object path is shown in the response from the API call.
When restoring the AMI, because an object key parameter is available, the path can be added to the beginning of the object key value.
Example: Use a file path when storing and restoring an AMI (AWS CLI)
The following example first stores an AMI in S3, with the file path appended to the bucket name. The example then restores the AMI from S3, with the file path prepended to the object key parameter.
When you store the AMI, specify the file path after the bucket name, as follows:
aws ec2 create-store-image-task \ --image-id
\ --bucketamzn-s3-demo-bucket/path1/path2
The following is example output.
{ "ObjectKey": "
.bin" }
When you restore the AMI, specify the value from the output in the previous step, which includes the file path.
aws ec2 create-restore-image-task \ --object-key
.bin \ --bucketamzn-s3-demo-bucket
\ --name "New AMI Name