Update a service pipeline - AWS Proton

Update a service pipeline

Learn to update an AWS Proton service pipeline and cancel the update.

A service pipeline belongs to a service. You can only create or delete a pipeline within the context of service create and delete actions.

There are four modes for updating a service pipeline as described in the following list. When using the AWS CLI, the deployment-type field defines the mode. When you use the console, these modes map to the Edit pipeline and Update to recommended version.


In this mode, a deployment doesn't occur. Only the requested metadata parameters are updated.


In this mode, the service pipeline is deployed and updated with the new spec that you provide. Only requested parameters are updated. Don’t include minor or major version parameters when you use this deployment-type.


In this mode, the service pipeline is deployed and updated with the published, recommended (latest) minor version of the current major version in use by default. You can also specify a different minor version of the current major version in use.


In this mode, the service pipeline is deployed and updated with the published, recommended (latest) major and minor version of the current template by default. You can also specify a different major version that is higher than the major version in use and a minor version (optional).

You can attempt to cancel a service pipeline update deployment if the deploymentStatus is IN_PROGRESS. AWS Proton attempts to cancel the deployment. Successful cancellation isn’t guaranteed.

When you cancel an update deployment, AWS Proton attempts to cancel the deployment as listed in the following steps.

  • Sets the deployment state to CANCELLING.

  • Stops the deployment in process and deletes any new resources that were created by the deployment when IN_PROGRESS.

  • Sets the deployment state to CANCELLED.

  • Reverts the state of the resource to what it was before the deployment was started.

For more information on cancelling a service pipeline deployment, see CancelServicePipelineDeployment in the AWS Proton API Reference.

Use the console or AWS CLI to make updates or cancel update deployments.

AWS Management Console

Update a service pipeline using the console as described in the following steps.

  1. In the AWS Proton console, choose Services.

  2. In the list of services, choose the name of the service that you want to update the pipeline for.

  3. There are two tabs on the service detail page, Overview and Pipeline. Choose Pipeline.

  4. If you want to update specs, choose Edit Pipeline and fill out each form and choose Next until you complete the final form and then choose Update pipeline.

    If you want to update to a new version and there's an information icon that indicates a new version is available at Pipeline template, choose the name of the new template version.

    1. Choose Update to recommended version.

    2. Fill out each form and choose Next until you complete the final form and choose Update.


Update a service pipeline to a new minor version as shown in the following CLI example commands and responses.

When you update your service pipeline with a modified spec, you can use "${Proton::CURRENT_VAL}" to indicate which parameter values to preserve from the original spec, if the values exist in the spec. Use get-service to view the original spec for a service pipeline, as described in View service data.

The following example shows how you can use "${Proton::CURRENT_VAL}" in a spec.


proton: ServiceSpec pipeline: my_sample_pipeline_optional_input: "${Proton::CURRENT_VAL}" my_sample_pipeline_required_input: "${Proton::CURRENT_VAL}" instances: - name: "my-instance" environment: "simple-env" spec: my_sample_service_instance_optional_input: "${Proton::CURRENT_VAL}" my_sample_service_instance_required_input: "${Proton::CURRENT_VAL}" - name: "my-other-instance" environment: "simple-env" spec: my_sample_service_instance_required_input: "789"

Command: to update

$ aws proton update-service-pipeline \ --service-name "simple-svc" \ --spec "file://service-spec.yaml" \ --template-major-version "1" \ --template-minor-version "1" \ --deployment-type "MINOR_VERSION"


{ "pipeline": { "arn": "arn:aws:proton:region-id:123456789012:service/simple-svc/pipeline/a1b2c3d4-5678-90ab-cdef-EXAMPLE11111", "createdAt": "2021-04-02T21:29:59.962000+00:00", "deploymentStatus": "IN_PROGRESS", "lastDeploymentAttemptedAt": "2021-04-02T21:39:28.991000+00:00", "lastDeploymentSucceededAt": "2021-04-02T21:29:59.962000+00:00", "spec": "proton: ServiceSpec\n\npipeline:\n my_sample_pipeline_optional_input: \"abc\"\n my_sample_pipeline_required_input: \"123\"\n\ninstances:\n - name: \"my-instance\"\n environment: \"MySimpleEnv\"\n spec:\n my_sample_service_instance_optional_input: \"def\"\n my_sample_service_instance_required_input: \"456\"\n - name: \"my-other-instance\"\n environment: \"MySimpleEnv\"\n spec:\n my_sample_service_instance_required_input: \"789\"\n", "templateMajorVersion": "1", "templateMinorVersion": "0", "templateName": "svc-simple" } }

Command: to get and confirm status

$ aws proton get-service \ --name "simple-svc"


{ "service": { "arn": "arn:aws:proton:region-id:123456789012:service/simple-svc", "branchName": "main", "createdAt": "2021-04-02T21:29:59.962000+00:00", "lastModifiedAt": "2021-04-02T21:30:54.364000+00:00", "name": "simple-svc", "pipeline": { "arn": "arn:aws:proton:region-id:123456789012:service/simple-svc/pipeline", "createdAt": "2021-04-02T21:29:59.962000+00:00", "deploymentStatus": "SUCCEEDED", "lastDeploymentAttemptedAt": "2021-04-02T21:39:28.991000+00:00", "lastDeploymentSucceededAt": "2021-04-02T21:39:28.991000+00:00", "spec": "proton: ServiceSpec\n\npipeline:\n my_sample_pipeline_optional_input: \"abc\"\n my_sample_pipeline_required_input: \"123\"\n\ninstances:\n - name: \"instance-one\"\n environment: \"simple-env\"\n spec:\n my_sample_service_instance_optional_input: \"def\"\n my_sample_service_instance_required_input: \"456\"\n - name: \"my-other-instance\"\n environment: \"simple-env\"\n spec:\n my_sample_service_instance_required_input: \"789\"\n", "templateMajorVersion": "1", "templateMinorVersion": "1", "templateName": "svc-simple" }, "repositoryConnectionArn": "arn:aws:codestar-connections:region-id:123456789012:connection/a1b2c3d4-5678-90ab-cdef-EXAMPLE11111", "repositoryId": "repo-name/myorg-myapp", "spec": "proton: ServiceSpec\n\npipeline:\n my_sample_pipeline_optional_input: \"abc\"\n my_sample_pipeline_required_input: \"123\"\n\ninstances:\n - name: \"instance-one\"\n environment: \"simple-env\"\n spec:\n my_sample_service_instance_optional_input: \"def\"\n my_sample_service_instance_required_input: \"456\"\n - name: \"my-other-instance\"\n environment: \"simple-env\"\n spec:\n my_sample_service_instance_required_input: \"789\"\n", "status": "ACTIVE", "templateName": "svc-simple" } }
AWS Management Console

Cancel a service pipeline deployment using the console as shown in the following steps.

  1. In the AWS Proton console, choose Services in the navigation pane.

  2. In the list of services, choose the name of the service that has the pipeline with the deployment update that you want to cancel.

  3. In the service detail page, choose the Pipeline tab.

  4. If your update deployment status is In progress, in the service pipeline detail page, choose Cancel deployment.

  5. A modal asks you to confirm the cancellation. Choose Cancel deployment.

  6. Your update deployment status is set to Cancelling and then Cancelled to complete the cancellation.


Cancel an IN_PROGRESS service pipeline deployment update to minor version 2 as shown in the following CLI example commands and responses.

A wait condition is included in the template used for this example so that the cancellation starts before the update deployment succeeds.

Command: to cancel

$ aws proton cancel-service-pipeline-deployment \ --service-name "simple-svc"


{ "pipeline": { "arn": "arn:aws:proton:region-id:123456789012:service/simple-svc/pipeline", "createdAt": "2021-04-02T21:29:59.962000+00:00", "deploymentStatus": "CANCELLING", "lastDeploymentAttemptedAt": "2021-04-02T22:02:45.095000+00:00", "lastDeploymentSucceededAt": "2021-04-02T21:39:28.991000+00:00", "templateMajorVersion": "1", "templateMinorVersion": "1", "templateName": "svc-simple" } }

Command: to get and confirm status

$ aws proton get-service \ --name "simple-svc"


{ "service": { "arn": "arn:aws:proton:region-id:123456789012:service/simple-svc", "branchName": "main", "createdAt": "2021-04-02T21:29:59.962000+00:00", "lastModifiedAt": "2021-04-02T21:30:54.364000+00:00", "name": "simple-svc", "pipeline": { "arn": "arn:aws:proton:region-id:123456789012:service/simple-svc/pipeline", "createdAt": "2021-04-02T21:29:59.962000+00:00", "deploymentStatus": "CANCELLED", "deploymentStatusMessage": "User initiated cancellation.", "lastDeploymentAttemptedAt": "2021-04-02T22:02:45.095000+00:00", "lastDeploymentSucceededAt": "2021-04-02T21:39:28.991000+00:00", "spec": "proton: ServiceSpec\n\npipeline:\n my_sample_pipeline_optional_input: \"abc\"\n my_sample_pipeline_required_input: \"123\"\n\ninstances:\n - name: \"instance-one\"\n environment: \"simple-env\"\n spec:\n my_sample_service_instance_optional_input: \"def\"\n my_sample_service_instance_required_input: \"456\"\n - name: \"my-other-instance\"\n environment: \"simple-env\"\n spec:\n my_sample_service_instance_required_input: \"789\"\n", "templateMajorVersion": "1", "templateMinorVersion": "1", "templateName": "svc-simple" }, "repositoryConnectionArn": "arn:aws:codestar-connections:region-id:123456789012:connection/a1b2c3d4-5678-90ab-cdef-EXAMPLE11111", "repositoryId": "repo-name/myorg-myapp", "spec": "proton: ServiceSpec\n\npipeline:\n my_sample_pipeline_optional_input: \"abc\"\n my_sample_pipeline_required_input: \"123\"\n\ninstances:\n - name: \"instance-one\"\n environment: \"simple-env\"\n spec:\n my_sample_service_instance_optional_input: \"def\"\n my_sample_service_instance_required_input: \"456\"\n - name: \"my-other-instance\"\n environment: \"simple-env\"\n spec:\n my_sample_service_instance_required_input: \"789\"\n", "status": "ACTIVE", "templateName": "svc-simple" } }