Sync Application Composer to deploy to the AWS Cloud - AWS Application Composer

Sync Application Composer to deploy to the AWS Cloud

Use the sync button in AWS Application Composer from the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio Code to deploy your application to the AWS Cloud.

The sync button initiates the sam sync command from the AWS SAM Command Line Interface (CLI).

The sam sync command can deploy new applications or quickly sync changes that you make locally to the AWS Cloud. Running sam sync may include the following:

  • Building your application with sam build to prepare your local application files for deployment by creating or updating a local .aws-sam directory.

  • For resources that support AWS service APIs, the AWS SAM CLI will use the APIs to deploy your changes. The AWS SAM CLI does this to quickly update your resources in the cloud.

  • If necessary, the AWS SAM CLI performs an AWS CloudFormation deployment to update your entire stack through a change set.

The sam sync command is best suited for rapid development environments when quickly updating your cloud resources can benefit your development and testing workflows.

To learn more about sam sync, see Using sam sync in the AWS Serverless Application Model Developer Guide.

Set up

To use the sync feature in Application Composer, you must have the AWS SAM CLI installed on your local machine. For instructions, see Installing the AWS SAM CLI in the AWS Serverless Application Model Developer Guide.

When you use the sync feature in Application Composer, the AWS SAM CLI references your configuration file for the information it needs to sync your application to the AWS Cloud. For instructions on creating, modifying, and using configuration files, see Configure project settings in the AWS Serverless Application Model Developer Guide.

Sync and deploy your application

To sync your application to the AWS Cloud
  1. Select the sync button on the Application Composer canvas.

  2. You may receive a prompt to confirm that you are working with a development stack. Select OK to continue.

  3. Application Composer may prompt you to configure the following options:

    • AWS Region – The region to sync your application to.

    • AWS CloudFormation stack name – The name of your AWS CloudFormation stack. You can select an existing stack name or create a new one.

    • Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket – The name of your Amazon S3 bucket. The AWS SAM CLI will package and store your application files and function code here. You can select an existing bucket or create a new one.

Application Composer will initiate the AWS SAM CLI sam sync command and open a terminal window in your IDE to output its progress.