Visual overview of Application Composer from the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio Code - AWS Application Composer

Visual overview of Application Composer from the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio Code

Application Composer's visual designer in the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio Code includes a visual canvas, which includes components that are numbered in the following image and listed below.

Application Composer's visual designer, including components of its visual canvas which are numerically itemized.
  1. Resource palette – Displays cards that you can design with.

  2. Card categories – Cards are organized by categories unique to Application Composer.

  3. Resource search bar – Search for cards that you can add to the canvas.

  4. List – Displays a tree view of your application resources.

  5. Resources – Displays the resource palette.

  6. Left pane toggle – Hide or show the left pane.

  7. Arrange – Arranges your application architecture in the canvas.

  8. Sync – Initiates the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) CLI sam sync command to deploy your application.

  9. Menu – Provides general options such as the following:

    • Export canvas

    • Tour the canvas

    • Links to Documentation

    • Keyboard shortcuts

  10. Resource properties panel – Displays relevant properties for the card that’s been selected in the canvas. This panel is dynamic. Properties displayed will change as you configure your card.

  11. Card – Displays a view of your card on the canvas.

  12. Line – Represents a connection between cards.

  13. Group – A group of cards. You can group cards for visual organization.

  14. Port – Connection points to other cards.

  15. Card actions – Provides actions you can take on your card.

    • Details – Brings up the Resource properties panel.

    • Group – Group selected cards together.

    • Delete – Deletes the card from your canvas and template.

  16. Re-center – Re-center your application diagram on the visual canvas.

  17. Zoom – Zoom in and out on your canvas.