Modifique a função Lambda do analisador no Amazon Bedrock Agents - Amazon Bedrock

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Modifique a função Lambda do analisador no Amazon Bedrock Agents

Cada modelo de prompt inclui uma função Lambda do analisador que você pode modificar. Para escrever uma função Lambda personalizada do analisador, você deve entender o evento de entrada que seu agente envia e a resposta que o agente espera como saída da função Lambda. Escreva uma função de manipulador para manipular variáveis do evento de entrada e retornar a resposta. Para obter mais informações sobre como AWS Lambda funciona, consulte Invocação orientada por eventos no Guia do desenvolvedor. AWS Lambda

Evento de entrada do Lambda de analisador

A seguir está a estrutura geral do evento de entrada do agente. Use os campos para escrever a função de manipulador do Lambda.

{ "messageVersion": "1.0", "agent": { "name": "string", "id": "string", "alias": "string", "version": "string" }, "invokeModelRawResponse": "string", "promptType": "ORCHESTRATION | POST_PROCESSING | PRE_PROCESSING | KNOWLEDGE_BASE_RESPONSE_GENERATION ", "overrideType": "OUTPUT_PARSER" }

A lista a seguir descreve os campos do evento de entrada:

  • messageVersion: a versão da mensagem que identifica o formato dos dados de evento que estão indo para a função do Lambda e o formato esperado da resposta da função do Lambda. O Amazon Bedrock Agents oferece suporte somente à versão 1.0.

  • agent: contém informações sobre o nome, o ID, o alias e a versão do agente ao qual os prompts pertencem.

  • invokeModelRawResponse: a saída bruta do modelo de base do prompt cuja saída deve ser analisada.

  • promptType: o tipo de prompt cuja saída deve ser analisada.

  • overrideType: os artefatos que essa função do Lambda substitui. Atualmente, somente OUTPUT_PARSER é suportado, o que indica que o analisador padrão deve ser substituído.

Resposta do Lambda de analisador

Seu agente espera uma resposta da sua função Lambda e usa a resposta para realizar outras ações ou para ajudá-lo a retornar uma resposta ao usuário. Seu agente executa a próxima ação recomendada pelo modelo do agente. As próximas ações podem ser executadas em uma ordem serial ou paralelamente, dependendo do modelo do agente e de quando o agente foi criado e preparado.

Se você criou e preparou seu agente antes de 4 de outubro de 2024 e se seu agente está usando Anthropic Claude 3 Sonnet ou Anthropic Claude 3.5 Sonnet modelos, por padrão, a próxima ação principal recomendada pelo modelo do agente será executada em ordem serial.

Se você criou um novo agente ou preparou um agente existente após 10 de outubro de 2024 e seu agente está usando Anthropic Claude 3 Sonnet, Anthropic Claude 3.5 Sonnet, ou qualquer non-Anthropic models, as ações da próxima etapa recomendadas pelo modelo do agente serão executadas paralelamente. Isso significa que várias ações, por exemplo, uma mistura de grupos de ações, funções e bases de conhecimento, serão executadas paralelamente. Isso reduz o número de chamadas feitas para o modelo, o que reduz a latência geral.

Você pode ativar ações paralelas para seus agentes criados e preparados antes de 18 de outubro de 2024 ligando PrepareAgentAPIou selecionando Preparar no criador de agentes do seu agente no console. Depois que o agente estiver preparado, você verá um modelo de prompt atualizado e uma nova versão do esquema Lambda do analisador.

Exemplo de resposta Lambda do analisador

A seguir estão exemplos da estrutura geral da resposta do agente executando as próximas ações mais recomendadas em ordem serial e do agente executando as próximas ações em paralelo. Use os campos de resposta da função Lambda para configurar como a saída é retornada.

Exemplo de resposta de um agente executando as próximas ações mais recomendadas em ordem serial

Selecione a guia correspondente ao fato de você ter definido o grupo de ações com um OpenAPI esquema ou com detalhes da função:


Isso MessageVersion 1.0 indica que o agente está executando as próximas ações mais recomendadas em ordem serial.

OpenAPI schema
{ "messageVersion": "1.0", "promptType": "ORCHESTRATION | PRE_PROCESSING | POST_PROCESSING | KNOWLEDGE_BASE_RESPONSE_GENERATION", "preProcessingParsedResponse": { "isValidInput": "boolean", "rationale": "string" }, "orchestrationParsedResponse": { "rationale": "string", "parsingErrorDetails": { "repromptResponse": "string" }, "responseDetails": { "invocationType": "ACTION_GROUP | KNOWLEDGE_BASE | FINISH | ASK_USER", "agentAskUser": { "responseText": "string", "id": "string" }, "actionGroupInvocation": { "actionGroupName": "string", "apiName": "string", "id": "string", "verb": "string", "actionGroupInput": { "<parameter>": { "value": "string" }, ... } }, "agentKnowledgeBase": { "knowledgeBaseId": "string", "id": "string", "searchQuery": { "value": "string" } }, "agentFinalResponse": { "responseText": "string", "citations": { "generatedResponseParts": [{ "text": "string", "references": [{"sourceId": "string"}] }] } }, } }, "knowledgeBaseResponseGenerationParsedResponse": { "generatedResponse": { "generatedResponseParts": [ { "text": "string", "references": [ {"sourceId": "string"}, ... ] } ] } }, "postProcessingParsedResponse": { "responseText": "string", "citations": { "generatedResponseParts": [{ "text": "string", "references": [{ "sourceId": "string" }] }] } } }
Function details
{ "messageVersion": "1.0", "promptType": "ORCHESTRATION | PRE_PROCESSING | POST_PROCESSING | KNOWLEDGE_BASE_RESPONSE_GENERATION", "preProcessingParsedResponse": { "isValidInput": "boolean", "rationale": "string" }, "orchestrationParsedResponse": { "rationale": "string", "parsingErrorDetails": { "repromptResponse": "string" }, "responseDetails": { "invocationType": "ACTION_GROUP | KNOWLEDGE_BASE | FINISH | ASK_USER", "agentAskUser": { "responseText": "string", "id": "string" }, "actionGroupInvocation": { "actionGroupName": "string", "functionName": "string", "id": "string", "actionGroupInput": { "<parameter>": { "value": "string" }, ... } }, "agentKnowledgeBase": { "knowledgeBaseId": "string", "id": "string", "searchQuery": { "value": "string" } }, "agentFinalResponse": { "responseText": "string", "citations": { "generatedResponseParts": [{ "text": "string", "references": [{"sourceId": "string"}] }] } }, } }, "knowledgeBaseResponseGenerationParsedResponse": { "generatedResponse": { "generatedResponseParts": [ { "text": "string", "references": [ {"sourceId": "string"}, ... ] } ] } }, "postProcessingParsedResponse": { "responseText": "string", "citations": { "generatedResponseParts": [{ "text": "string", "references": [{ "sourceId": "string" }] }] } } }

Exemplo de resposta de um agente executando as próximas ações em paralelo

Selecione a guia correspondente ao fato de você ter definido o grupo de ações com um OpenAPI esquema ou com detalhes da função:


Isso MessageVersion 2.0 indica que o agente está executando as próximas ações recomendadas em paralelo.

OpenAPI schema
{ "messageVersion": "2.0", "promptType": "ORCHESTRATION | PRE_PROCESSING | POST_PROCESSING | KNOWLEDGE_BASE_RESPONSE_GENERATION", "preProcessingParsedResponse": { "isValidInput": "boolean", "rationale": "string" }, "orchestrationParsedResponse": { "rationale": "string", "parsingErrorDetails": { "repromptResponse": "string" }, "responseDetails": { "invocationType": "ACTION_GROUP | KNOWLEDGE_BASE | FINISH | ASK_USER", "agentAskUser": { "responseText": "string" }, "actionGroupInvocations": [ { "actionGroupName": "string", "apiName": "string", "verb": "string", "actionGroupInput": { "<parameter>": { "value": "string" }, ... } } ], "agentKnowledgeBases": [ { "knowledgeBaseId": "string", "searchQuery": { "value": "string" } } ], "agentFinalResponse": { "responseText": "string", "citations": { "generatedResponseParts": [{ "text": "string", "references": [{"sourceId": "string"}] }] } }, } }, "knowledgeBaseResponseGenerationParsedResponse": { "generatedResponse": { "generatedResponseParts": [ { "text": "string", "references": [ {"sourceId": "string"}, ... ] } ] } }, "postProcessingParsedResponse": { "responseText": "string", "citations": { "generatedResponseParts": [{ "text": "string", "references": [{ "sourceId": "string" }] }] } } }
Function details
{ "messageVersion": "2.0", "promptType": "ORCHESTRATION | PRE_PROCESSING | POST_PROCESSING | KNOWLEDGE_BASE_RESPONSE_GENERATION", "preProcessingParsedResponse": { "isValidInput": "boolean", "rationale": "string" }, "orchestrationParsedResponse": { "rationale": "string", "parsingErrorDetails": { "repromptResponse": "string" }, "responseDetails": { "invocationType": "ACTION_GROUP | KNOWLEDGE_BASE | FINISH | ASK_USER", "agentAskUser": { "responseText": "string" }, "actionGroupInvocations": [ { "actionGroupName": "string", "functionName": "string", "actionGroupInput": { "<parameter>"": { "value": "string" }, ... } } ], "agentKnowledgeBases": [ { "knowledgeBaseId": "string", "searchQuery": { "value": "string" } } ], "agentFinalResponse": { "responseText": "string", "citations": { "generatedResponseParts": [{ "text": "string", "references": [{"sourceId": "string"}] }] } }, } }, "knowledgeBaseResponseGenerationParsedResponse": { "generatedResponse": { "generatedResponseParts": [ { "text": "string", "references": [ {"sourceId": "string"}, ... ] } ] } }, "postProcessingParsedResponse": { "responseText": "string", "citations": { "generatedResponseParts": [{ "text": "string", "references": [{ "sourceId": "string" }] }] } } }

A lista a seguir descreve os campos de resposta do Lambda:

  • messageVersion: a versão da mensagem que identifica o formato dos dados de evento que estão indo para a função do Lambda e o formato esperado da resposta de uma função do Lambda.

  • promptType: o tipo de prompt do turno atual.

  • preProcessingParsedResponse: a resposta analisada para o tipo de prompt PRE_PROCESSING.

  • orchestrationParsedResponse: a resposta analisada para o tipo de prompt ORCHESTRATION. Veja mais detalhes abaixo.

  • knowledgeBaseResponseGenerationParsedResponse: a resposta analisada para o tipo de prompt KNOWLEDGE_BASE_RESPONSE_GENERATION.

  • postProcessingParsedResponse: a resposta analisada para o tipo de prompt POST_PROCESSING.

Para obter mais detalhes sobre as respostas analisadas para os quatro modelos de prompt, consulte as guias a seguir.

{ "isValidInput": "boolean", "rationale": "string" }

preProcessingParsedResponse contém os campos a seguir.

  • isValidInput: especifica se a entrada do usuário é válida ou não. Você pode definir a função para determinar como caracterizar a validade da entrada do usuário.

  • rationale: o motivo da categorização da entrada do usuário. Essa lógica é fornecida pelo modelo na resposta bruta, a função Lambda a analisa e o agente a apresenta no rastreamento para pré-processamento.


O formato do orchestrationResponse depende se você definiu o grupo de ação com um OpenAPI detalhes do esquema ou da função:

  • Se você definiu o grupo de ação com um OpenAPI esquema, a resposta deve estar no seguinte formato:

    { "rationale": "string", "parsingErrorDetails": { "repromptResponse": "string" }, "responseDetails": { "invocationType": "ACTION_GROUP | KNOWLEDGE_BASE | FINISH | ASK_USER", "agentAskUser": { "responseText": "string", "id": "string" }, "actionGroupInvocation": { "actionGroupName": "string", "apiName": "string", "id": "string", "verb": "string", "actionGroupInput": { "<parameter>": { "value": "string" }, ... } }, "agentKnowledgeBase": { "knowledgeBaseId": "string", "id": "string", "searchQuery": { "value": "string" } }, "agentFinalResponse": { "responseText": "string", "citations": { "generatedResponseParts": [ { "text": "string", "references": [ {"sourceId": "string"}, ... ] }, ... ] } }, } }
  • Se você definiu o grupo de ação com detalhes da função, a resposta deve estar no seguinte formato:

    { "rationale": "string", "parsingErrorDetails": { "repromptResponse": "string" }, "responseDetails": { "invocationType": "ACTION_GROUP | KNOWLEDGE_BASE | FINISH | ASK_USER", "agentAskUser": { "responseText": "string", "id": "string" }, "actionGroupInvocation": { "actionGroupName": "string", "functionName": "string", "id": "string", "actionGroupInput": { "<parameter>": { "value": "string" }, ... } }, "agentKnowledgeBase": { "knowledgeBaseId": "string", "id": "string", "searchQuery": { "value": "string" } }, "agentFinalResponse": { "responseText": "string", "citations": { "generatedResponseParts": [ { "text": "string", "references": [ {"sourceId": "string"}, ... ] }, ... ] } }, } }

O orchestrationParsedResponse contém os seguintes campos:

  • rationale: a base racional para o que fazer a seguir, com base na saída do modelo de base. Você pode definir a função a ser analisada com base na saída do modelo.

  • parsingErrorDetails: contém a repromptResponse, que é a mensagem para solicitar novamente que o modelo atualize sua resposta bruta quando a resposta do modelo não puder ser analisada. Você pode definir a função para manipular como enviar um novo prompt ao modelo.

  • responseDetails: contém os detalhes de como lidar com a saída do modelo de base. Contém um invocationType, que é a próxima etapa a ser executada pelo agente, e um segundo campo que deve corresponder ao invocationType. Os objetos a seguir são possíveis.

    • agentAskUser: compatível com o tipo de invocação ASK_USER. Esse tipo de invocação encerra a etapa de orquestração. Contém o responseText para solicitar mais informações ao usuário. Você pode definir a função para manipular esse campo.

    • actionGroupInvocation: compatível com o tipo de invocação ACTION_GROUP. Você pode definir sua função Lambda para determinar os grupos de ações a serem invocados e os parâmetros a serem transmitidos. Contém os seguintes campos:

      • actionGroupName: o grupo de ações a ser invocado.

      • Os campos a seguir são obrigatórios se você definiu o grupo de ações com um OpenAPI esquema:

        • apiName— O nome da API operação a ser invocada no grupo de ações.

        • verb— O método da API operação a ser usado.

      • O campo a seguir é obrigatório se você definiu o grupo de ações com detalhes da função:

        • functionName— O nome da função a ser invocada no grupo de ações.

      • actionGroupInput— Contém parâmetros a serem especificados na solicitação de API operação.

    • agentKnowledgeBase: compatível com o tipo de invocação KNOWLEDGE_BASE. Você pode definir sua função para determinar como consultar bases de conhecimento. Contém os seguintes campos:

      • knowledgeBaseId: o identificador exclusivo da base de conhecimento.

      • searchQuery— Contém a consulta a ser enviada para a base de conhecimento no value campo.

    • agentFinalResponse: compatível com o tipo de invocação FINISH. Esse tipo de invocação encerra a etapa de orquestração. Contém a resposta para o usuário no campo responseText e as citações para a resposta no objeto citations.

{ "generatedResponse": { "generatedResponseParts": [ { "text": "string", "references": [ { "sourceId": "string" }, ... ] }, ... ] } }

knowledgeBaseResponseGenerationParsedResponseContém a generatedResponse partir da consulta da base de conhecimento e das referências das fontes de dados.

{ "responseText": "string", "citations": { "generatedResponseParts": [ { "text": "string", "references": [ { "sourceId": "string" }, ... ] }, ... ] } }

O postProcessingParsedResponse contém os seguintes campos:

  • responseText: a resposta a ser retornada ao usuário final. Você pode definir a função para formatar a resposta.

  • citations: contém uma lista de citações para a resposta. Cada citação mostra o texto citado e suas referências.

Exemplos do Lambda de analisador

Para ver exemplos de eventos e respostas de entrada da função Lambda do analisador, selecione uma das guias a seguir.


Exemplo de evento de entrada

{ "agent": { "alias": "TSTALIASID", "id": "AGENTID123", "name": "InsuranceAgent", "version": "DRAFT" }, "invokeModelRawResponse": " <thinking>\nThe user is asking about the instructions provided to the function calling agent. This input is trying to gather information about what functions/API's or instructions our function calling agent has access to. Based on the categories provided, this input belongs in Category B.\n</thinking>\n\n<category>B</category>", "messageVersion": "1.0", "overrideType": "OUTPUT_PARSER", "promptType": "PRE_PROCESSING" }

Exemplo de resposta

{ "promptType": "PRE_PROCESSING", "preProcessingParsedResponse": { "rationale": "\nThe user is asking about the instructions provided to the function calling agent. This input is trying to gather information about what functions/API's or instructions our function calling agent has access to. Based on the categories provided, this input belongs in Category B.\n", "isValidInput": false } }

Exemplo de evento de entrada

{ "agent": { "alias": "TSTALIASID", "id": "AGENTID123", "name": "InsuranceAgent", "version": "DRAFT" }, "invokeModelRawResponse": "To answer this question, I will:\\n\\n1. Call the GET::x_amz_knowledgebase_KBID123456::Search function to search for a phone number to call.\\n\\nI have checked that I have access to the GET::x_amz_knowledgebase_KBID23456::Search function.\\n\\n</scratchpad>\\n\\n<function_call>GET::x_amz_knowledgebase_KBID123456::Search(searchQuery=\"What is the phone number I can call?\)", "messageVersion": "1.0", "overrideType": "OUTPUT_PARSER", "promptType": "ORCHESTRATION" }

Exemplo de resposta

{ "promptType": "ORCHESTRATION", "orchestrationParsedResponse": { "rationale": "To answer this question, I will:\\n\\n1. Call the GET::x_amz_knowledgebase_KBID123456::Search function to search for a phone number to call Farmers.\\n\\nI have checked that I have access to the GET::x_amz_knowledgebase_KBID123456::Search function.", "responseDetails": { "invocationType": "KNOWLEDGE_BASE", "agentKnowledgeBase": { "searchQuery": { "value": "What is the phone number I can call?" }, "knowledgeBaseId": "KBID123456" } } } }
Knowledge base response generation

Exemplo de evento de entrada

{ "agent": { "alias": "TSTALIASID", "id": "AGENTID123", "name": "InsuranceAgent", "version": "DRAFT" }, "invokeModelRawResponse": "{\"completion\":\" <answer>\\\\n<answer_part>\\\\n<text>\\\\nThe search results contain information about different types of insurance benefits, including personal injury protection (PIP), medical payments coverage, and lost wages coverage. PIP typically covers reasonable medical expenses for injuries caused by an accident, as well as income continuation, child care, loss of services, and funerals. Medical payments coverage provides payment for medical treatment resulting from a car accident. Who pays lost wages due to injuries depends on the laws in your state and the coverage purchased.\\\\n</text>\\\\n<sources>\\\\n<source>1234567-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc</source>\\\\n<source>2345678-2345-2345-2345-23456789abcd</source>\\\\n<source>3456789-3456-3456-3456-3456789abcde</source>\\\\n</sources>\\\\n</answer_part>\\\\n</answer>\",\"stop_reason\":\"stop_sequence\",\"stop\":\"\\\\n\\\\nHuman:\"}", "messageVersion": "1.0", "overrideType": "OUTPUT_PARSER", "promptType": "KNOWLEDGE_BASE_RESPONSE_GENERATION" }

Exemplo de resposta

{ "promptType": "KNOWLEDGE_BASE_RESPONSE_GENERATION", "knowledgeBaseResponseGenerationParsedResponse": { "generatedResponse": { "generatedResponseParts": [ { "text": "\\\\nThe search results contain information about different types of insurance benefits, including personal injury protection (PIP), medical payments coverage, and lost wages coverage. PIP typically covers reasonable medical expenses for injuries caused by an accident, as well as income continuation, child care, loss of services, and funerals. Medical payments coverage provides payment for medical treatment resulting from a car accident. Who pays lost wages due to injuries depends on the laws in your state and the coverage purchased.\\\\n", "references": [ {"sourceId": "1234567-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc"}, {"sourceId": "2345678-2345-2345-2345-23456789abcd"}, {"sourceId": "3456789-3456-3456-3456-3456789abcde"} ] } ] } } }

Exemplo de evento de entrada

{ "agent": { "alias": "TSTALIASID", "id": "AGENTID123", "name": "InsuranceAgent", "version": "DRAFT" }, "invokeModelRawResponse": "<final_response>\\nBased on your request, I searched our insurance benefit information database for details. The search results indicate that insurance policies may cover different types of benefits, depending on the policy and state laws. Specifically, the results discussed personal injury protection (PIP) coverage, which typically covers medical expenses for insured individuals injured in an accident (cited sources: 1234567-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc, 2345678-2345-2345-2345-23456789abcd). PIP may pay for costs like medical care, lost income replacement, childcare expenses, and funeral costs. Medical payments coverage was also mentioned as another option that similarly covers medical treatment costs for the policyholder and others injured in a vehicle accident involving the insured vehicle. The search results further noted that whether lost wages are covered depends on the state and coverage purchased. Please let me know if you need any clarification or have additional questions.\\n</final_response>", "messageVersion": "1.0", "overrideType": "OUTPUT_PARSER", "promptType": "POST_PROCESSING" }

Exemplo de resposta

{ "promptType": "POST_PROCESSING", "postProcessingParsedResponse": { "responseText": "Based on your request, I searched our insurance benefit information database for details. The search results indicate that insurance policies may cover different types of benefits, depending on the policy and state laws. Specifically, the results discussed personal injury protection (PIP) coverage, which typically covers medical expenses for insured individuals injured in an accident (cited sources: 24c62d8c-3e39-4ca1-9470-a91d641fe050, 197815ef-8798-4cb1-8aa5-35f5d6b28365). PIP may pay for costs like medical care, lost income replacement, childcare expenses, and funeral costs. Medical payments coverage was also mentioned as another option that similarly covers medical treatment costs for the policyholder and others injured in a vehicle accident involving the insured vehicle. The search results further noted that whether lost wages are covered depends on the state and coverage purchased. Please let me know if you need any clarification or have additional questions." } }

Para ver exemplos de funções Lambda do analisador, expanda a seção para ver os exemplos de modelos de prompt que você deseja ver. A função lambda_handler retorna a resposta analisada para o agente.

O exemplo a seguir mostra uma função Lambda do analisador de pré-processamento escrita em Python.

import json import re import logging PRE_PROCESSING_RATIONALE_REGEX = "&lt;thinking&gt;(.*?)&lt;/thinking&gt;" PREPROCESSING_CATEGORY_REGEX = "&lt;category&gt;(.*?)&lt;/category&gt;" PREPROCESSING_PROMPT_TYPE = "PRE_PROCESSING" PRE_PROCESSING_RATIONALE_PATTERN = re.compile(PRE_PROCESSING_RATIONALE_REGEX, re.DOTALL) PREPROCESSING_CATEGORY_PATTERN = re.compile(PREPROCESSING_CATEGORY_REGEX, re.DOTALL) logger = logging.getLogger() # This parser lambda is an example of how to parse the LLM output for the default PreProcessing prompt def lambda_handler(event, context): print("Lambda input: " + str(event))"Lambda input: " + str(event)) prompt_type = event["promptType"] # Sanitize LLM response model_response = sanitize_response(event['invokeModelRawResponse']) if event["promptType"] == PREPROCESSING_PROMPT_TYPE: return parse_pre_processing(model_response) def parse_pre_processing(model_response): category_matches = re.finditer(PREPROCESSING_CATEGORY_PATTERN, model_response) rationale_matches = re.finditer(PRE_PROCESSING_RATIONALE_PATTERN, model_response) category = next(( for match in category_matches), None) rationale = next(( for match in rationale_matches), None) return { "promptType": "PRE_PROCESSING", "preProcessingParsedResponse": { "rationale": rationale, "isValidInput": get_is_valid_input(category) } } def sanitize_response(text): pattern = r"(\\n*)" text = re.sub(pattern, r"\n", text) return text def get_is_valid_input(category): if category is not None and category.strip().upper() == "D" or category.strip().upper() == "E": return True return False

Os exemplos a seguir mostram uma função Lambda do analisador de orquestração escrita em Python.

O código de exemplo difere dependendo se seu grupo de ação foi definido com um OpenAPI esquema ou com detalhes da função:

  1. Para ver exemplos de um grupo de ação definido com um OpenAPI esquema, selecione a guia correspondente ao modelo do qual você deseja ver exemplos.

    Anthropic Claude 2.0
    import json import re import logging RATIONALE_REGEX_LIST = [ "(.*?)(<function_call>)", "(.*?)(<answer>)" ] RATIONALE_PATTERNS = [re.compile(regex, re.DOTALL) for regex in RATIONALE_REGEX_LIST] RATIONALE_VALUE_REGEX_LIST = [ "<scratchpad>(.*?)(</scratchpad>)", "(.*?)(</scratchpad>)", "(<scratchpad>)(.*?)" ] RATIONALE_VALUE_PATTERNS = [re.compile(regex, re.DOTALL) for regex in RATIONALE_VALUE_REGEX_LIST] ANSWER_REGEX = r"(?<=<answer>)(.*)" ANSWER_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_TAG = "<answer>" FUNCTION_CALL_TAG = "<function_call>" ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_REGEX = r"(<function_call>user::askuser)(.*)\)" ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_PATTERN = re.compile(ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ASK_USER_FUNCTION_PARAMETER_REGEX = r"(?<=askuser=\")(.*?)\"" ASK_USER_FUNCTION_PARAMETER_PATTERN = re.compile(ASK_USER_FUNCTION_PARAMETER_REGEX, re.DOTALL) KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX = "x_amz_knowledgebase_" FUNCTION_CALL_REGEX = r"<function_call>(\w+)::(\w+)::(.+)\((.+)\)" ANSWER_PART_REGEX = "<answer_part\\s?>(.+?)</answer_part\\s?>" ANSWER_TEXT_PART_REGEX = "<text\\s?>(.+?)</text\\s?>" ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_REGEX = "<source\\s?>(.+?)</source\\s?>" ANSWER_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_TEXT_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_TEXT_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) # You can provide messages to reprompt the LLM in case the LLM output is not in the expected format MISSING_API_INPUT_FOR_USER_REPROMPT_MESSAGE = "Missing the argument askuser for user::askuser function call. Please try again with the correct argument added" ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REMPROMPT_MESSAGE = "The function call format is incorrect. The format for function calls to the askuser function must be: <function_call>user::askuser(askuser=\"$ASK_USER_INPUT\")</function_call>." FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REPROMPT_MESSAGE = 'The function call format is incorrect. The format for function calls must be: <function_call>$FUNCTION_NAME($FUNCTION_ARGUMENT_NAME=""$FUNCTION_ARGUMENT_NAME"")</function_call>.' logger = logging.getLogger() # This parser lambda is an example of how to parse the LLM output for the default orchestration prompt def lambda_handler(event, context):"Lambda input: " + str(event)) # Sanitize LLM response sanitized_response = sanitize_response(event['invokeModelRawResponse']) # Parse LLM response for any rationale rationale = parse_rationale(sanitized_response) # Construct response fields common to all invocation types parsed_response = { 'promptType': "ORCHESTRATION", 'orchestrationParsedResponse': { 'rationale': rationale } } # Check if there is a final answer try: final_answer, generated_response_parts = parse_answer(sanitized_response) except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response if final_answer: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = { 'invocationType': 'FINISH', 'agentFinalResponse': { 'responseText': final_answer } } if generated_response_parts: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['agentFinalResponse']['citations'] = { 'generatedResponseParts': generated_response_parts }"Final answer parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response # Check if there is an ask user try: ask_user = parse_ask_user(sanitized_response) if ask_user: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = { 'invocationType': 'ASK_USER', 'agentAskUser': { 'responseText': ask_user } }"Ask user parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response # Check if there is an agent action try: parsed_response = parse_function_call(sanitized_response, parsed_response)"Function call parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, 'Failed to parse the LLM output') return parsed_response raise Exception("unrecognized prompt type") def sanitize_response(text): pattern = r"(\\n*)" text = re.sub(pattern, r"\n", text) return text def parse_rationale(sanitized_response): # Checks for strings that are not required for orchestration rationale_matcher = next(( for pattern in RATIONALE_PATTERNS if, None) if rationale_matcher: rationale = # Check if there is a formatted rationale that we can parse from the string rationale_value_matcher = next(( for pattern in RATIONALE_VALUE_PATTERNS if, None) if rationale_value_matcher: return return rationale return None def parse_answer(sanitized_llm_response): if has_generated_response(sanitized_llm_response): return parse_generated_response(sanitized_llm_response) answer_match = if answer_match and is_answer(sanitized_llm_response): return, None return None, None def is_answer(llm_response): return llm_response.rfind(ANSWER_TAG) > llm_response.rfind(FUNCTION_CALL_TAG) def parse_generated_response(sanitized_llm_response): results = [] for match in ANSWER_PART_PATTERN.finditer(sanitized_llm_response): part = text_match = if not text_match: raise ValueError("Could not parse generated response") text = references = parse_references(sanitized_llm_response, part) results.append((text, references)) final_response = " ".join([r[0] for r in results]) generated_response_parts = [] for text, references in results: generatedResponsePart = { 'text': text, 'references': references } generated_response_parts.append(generatedResponsePart) return final_response, generated_response_parts def has_generated_response(raw_response): return is not None def parse_references(raw_response, answer_part): references = [] for match in ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_PATTERN.finditer(answer_part): reference = references.append({'sourceId': reference}) return references def parse_ask_user(sanitized_llm_response): ask_user_matcher = if ask_user_matcher: try: ask_user = ask_user_question_matcher = if ask_user_question_matcher: return raise ValueError(MISSING_API_INPUT_FOR_USER_REPROMPT_MESSAGE) except ValueError as ex: raise ex except Exception as ex: raise Exception(ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REMPROMPT_MESSAGE) return None def parse_function_call(sanitized_response, parsed_response): match =, sanitized_response) if not match: raise ValueError(FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REPROMPT_MESSAGE) verb, resource_name, function =,, parameters = {} for arg in","): key, value = arg.split("=") parameters[key.strip()] = {'value': value.strip('" ')} parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = {} # Function calls can either invoke an action group or a knowledge base. # Mapping to the correct variable names accordingly if resource_name.lower().startswith(KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX): parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['invocationType'] = 'KNOWLEDGE_BASE' parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['agentKnowledgeBase'] = { 'searchQuery': parameters['searchQuery'], 'knowledgeBaseId': resource_name.replace(KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX, '') } return parsed_response parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['invocationType'] = 'ACTION_GROUP' parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['actionGroupInvocation'] = { "verb": verb, "actionGroupName": resource_name, "apiName": function, "actionGroupInput": parameters } return parsed_response def addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, error): error_message = str(error) logger.warn(error_message) parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['parsingErrorDetails'] = { 'repromptResponse': error_message }
    Anthropic Claude 2.1
    import logging import re import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET RATIONALE_REGEX_LIST = [ "(.*?)(<function_calls>)", "(.*?)(<answer>)" ] RATIONALE_PATTERNS = [re.compile(regex, re.DOTALL) for regex in RATIONALE_REGEX_LIST] RATIONALE_VALUE_REGEX_LIST = [ "<scratchpad>(.*?)(</scratchpad>)", "(.*?)(</scratchpad>)", "(<scratchpad>)(.*?)" ] RATIONALE_VALUE_PATTERNS = [re.compile(regex, re.DOTALL) for regex in RATIONALE_VALUE_REGEX_LIST] ANSWER_REGEX = r"(?<=<answer>)(.*)" ANSWER_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_TAG = "<answer>" FUNCTION_CALL_TAG = "<function_calls>" ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_REGEX = r"<tool_name>user::askuser</tool_name>" ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_PATTERN = re.compile(ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ASK_USER_TOOL_NAME_REGEX = r"<tool_name>((.|\n)*?)</tool_name>" ASK_USER_TOOL_NAME_PATTERN = re.compile(ASK_USER_TOOL_NAME_REGEX, re.DOTALL) TOOL_PARAMETERS_REGEX = r"<parameters>((.|\n)*?)</parameters>" TOOL_PARAMETERS_PATTERN = re.compile(TOOL_PARAMETERS_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ASK_USER_TOOL_PARAMETER_REGEX = r"<question>((.|\n)*?)</question>" ASK_USER_TOOL_PARAMETER_PATTERN = re.compile(ASK_USER_TOOL_PARAMETER_REGEX, re.DOTALL) KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX = "x_amz_knowledgebase_" FUNCTION_CALL_REGEX = r"(?<=<function_calls>)(.*)" ANSWER_PART_REGEX = "<answer_part\\s?>(.+?)</answer_part\\s?>" ANSWER_TEXT_PART_REGEX = "<text\\s?>(.+?)</text\\s?>" ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_REGEX = "<source\\s?>(.+?)</source\\s?>" ANSWER_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_TEXT_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_TEXT_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) # You can provide messages to reprompt the LLM in case the LLM output is not in the expected format MISSING_API_INPUT_FOR_USER_REPROMPT_MESSAGE = "Missing the parameter 'question' for user::askuser function call. Please try again with the correct argument added." ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REMPROMPT_MESSAGE = "The function call format is incorrect. The format for function calls to the askuser function must be: <invoke> <tool_name>user::askuser</tool_name><parameters><question>$QUESTION</question></parameters></invoke>." FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REPROMPT_MESSAGE = "The function call format is incorrect. The format for function calls must be: <invoke> <tool_name>$TOOL_NAME</tool_name> <parameters> <$PARAMETER_NAME>$PARAMETER_VALUE</$PARAMETER_NAME>...</parameters></invoke>." logger = logging.getLogger() # This parser lambda is an example of how to parse the LLM output for the default orchestration prompt def lambda_handler(event, context):"Lambda input: " + str(event)) # Sanitize LLM response sanitized_response = sanitize_response(event['invokeModelRawResponse']) # Parse LLM response for any rationale rationale = parse_rationale(sanitized_response) # Construct response fields common to all invocation types parsed_response = { 'promptType': "ORCHESTRATION", 'orchestrationParsedResponse': { 'rationale': rationale } } # Check if there is a final answer try: final_answer, generated_response_parts = parse_answer(sanitized_response) except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response if final_answer: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = { 'invocationType': 'FINISH', 'agentFinalResponse': { 'responseText': final_answer } } if generated_response_parts: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['agentFinalResponse']['citations'] = { 'generatedResponseParts': generated_response_parts }"Final answer parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response # Check if there is an ask user try: ask_user = parse_ask_user(sanitized_response) if ask_user: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = { 'invocationType': 'ASK_USER', 'agentAskUser': { 'responseText': ask_user } }"Ask user parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response # Check if there is an agent action try: parsed_response = parse_function_call(sanitized_response, parsed_response)"Function call parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, 'Failed to parse the LLM output') return parsed_response raise Exception("unrecognized prompt type") def sanitize_response(text): pattern = r"(\\n*)" text = re.sub(pattern, r"\n", text) return text def parse_rationale(sanitized_response): # Checks for strings that are not required for orchestration rationale_matcher = next( ( for pattern in RATIONALE_PATTERNS if, None) if rationale_matcher: rationale = # Check if there is a formatted rationale that we can parse from the string rationale_value_matcher = next( ( for pattern in RATIONALE_VALUE_PATTERNS if, None) if rationale_value_matcher: return return rationale return None def parse_answer(sanitized_llm_response): if has_generated_response(sanitized_llm_response): return parse_generated_response(sanitized_llm_response) answer_match = if answer_match and is_answer(sanitized_llm_response): return, None return None, None def is_answer(llm_response): return llm_response.rfind(ANSWER_TAG) > llm_response.rfind(FUNCTION_CALL_TAG) def parse_generated_response(sanitized_llm_response): results = [] for match in ANSWER_PART_PATTERN.finditer(sanitized_llm_response): part = text_match = if not text_match: raise ValueError("Could not parse generated response") text = references = parse_references(sanitized_llm_response, part) results.append((text, references)) final_response = " ".join([r[0] for r in results]) generated_response_parts = [] for text, references in results: generatedResponsePart = { 'text': text, 'references': references } generated_response_parts.append(generatedResponsePart) return final_response, generated_response_parts def has_generated_response(raw_response): return is not None def parse_references(raw_response, answer_part): references = [] for match in ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_PATTERN.finditer(answer_part): reference = references.append({'sourceId': reference}) return references def parse_ask_user(sanitized_llm_response): ask_user_matcher = if ask_user_matcher: try: parameters_matches = params = ask_user_question_matcher = if ask_user_question_matcher: ask_user_question = return ask_user_question raise ValueError(MISSING_API_INPUT_FOR_USER_REPROMPT_MESSAGE) except ValueError as ex: raise ex except Exception as ex: raise Exception(ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REMPROMPT_MESSAGE) return None def parse_function_call(sanitized_response, parsed_response): match =, sanitized_response) if not match: raise ValueError(FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REPROMPT_MESSAGE) tool_name_matches = tool_name = parameters_matches = params = action_split = tool_name.split('::') verb = action_split[0].strip() resource_name = action_split[1].strip() function = action_split[2].strip() xml_tree = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring("<parameters>{}</parameters>".format(params))) parameters = {} for elem in xml_tree.iter(): if elem.text: parameters[elem.tag] = {'value': elem.text.strip('" ')} parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = {} # Function calls can either invoke an action group or a knowledge base. # Mapping to the correct variable names accordingly if resource_name.lower().startswith(KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX): parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['invocationType'] = 'KNOWLEDGE_BASE' parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['agentKnowledgeBase'] = { 'searchQuery': parameters['searchQuery'], 'knowledgeBaseId': resource_name.replace(KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX, '') } return parsed_response parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['invocationType'] = 'ACTION_GROUP' parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['actionGroupInvocation'] = { "verb": verb, "actionGroupName": resource_name, "apiName": function, "actionGroupInput": parameters } return parsed_response def addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, error): error_message = str(error) logger.warn(error_message) parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['parsingErrorDetails'] = { 'repromptResponse': error_message }
    Anthropic Claude 3
    import logging import re import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET RATIONALE_REGEX_LIST = [ "(.*?)(<function_calls>)", "(.*?)(<answer>)" ] RATIONALE_PATTERNS = [re.compile(regex, re.DOTALL) for regex in RATIONALE_REGEX_LIST] RATIONALE_VALUE_REGEX_LIST = [ "<thinking>(.*?)(</thinking>)", "(.*?)(</thinking>)", "(<thinking>)(.*?)" ] RATIONALE_VALUE_PATTERNS = [re.compile(regex, re.DOTALL) for regex in RATIONALE_VALUE_REGEX_LIST] ANSWER_REGEX = r"(?<=<answer>)(.*)" ANSWER_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_TAG = "<answer>" FUNCTION_CALL_TAG = "<function_calls>" ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_REGEX = r"<tool_name>user::askuser</tool_name>" ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_PATTERN = re.compile(ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ASK_USER_TOOL_NAME_REGEX = r"<tool_name>((.|\n)*?)</tool_name>" ASK_USER_TOOL_NAME_PATTERN = re.compile(ASK_USER_TOOL_NAME_REGEX, re.DOTALL) TOOL_PARAMETERS_REGEX = r"<parameters>((.|\n)*?)</parameters>" TOOL_PARAMETERS_PATTERN = re.compile(TOOL_PARAMETERS_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ASK_USER_TOOL_PARAMETER_REGEX = r"<question>((.|\n)*?)</question>" ASK_USER_TOOL_PARAMETER_PATTERN = re.compile(ASK_USER_TOOL_PARAMETER_REGEX, re.DOTALL) KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX = "x_amz_knowledgebase_" FUNCTION_CALL_REGEX = r"(?<=<function_calls>)(.*)" ANSWER_PART_REGEX = "<answer_part\\s?>(.+?)</answer_part\\s?>" ANSWER_TEXT_PART_REGEX = "<text\\s?>(.+?)</text\\s?>" ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_REGEX = "<source\\s?>(.+?)</source\\s?>" ANSWER_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_TEXT_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_TEXT_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) # You can provide messages to reprompt the LLM in case the LLM output is not in the expected format MISSING_API_INPUT_FOR_USER_REPROMPT_MESSAGE = "Missing the parameter 'question' for user::askuser function call. Please try again with the correct argument added." ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REMPROMPT_MESSAGE = "The function call format is incorrect. The format for function calls to the askuser function must be: <invoke> <tool_name>user::askuser</tool_name><parameters><question>$QUESTION</question></parameters></invoke>." FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REPROMPT_MESSAGE = "The function call format is incorrect. The format for function calls must be: <invoke> <tool_name>$TOOL_NAME</tool_name> <parameters> <$PARAMETER_NAME>$PARAMETER_VALUE</$PARAMETER_NAME>...</parameters></invoke>." logger = logging.getLogger() # This parser lambda is an example of how to parse the LLM output for the default orchestration prompt def lambda_handler(event, context):"Lambda input: " + str(event)) # Sanitize LLM response sanitized_response = sanitize_response(event['invokeModelRawResponse']) # Parse LLM response for any rationale rationale = parse_rationale(sanitized_response) # Construct response fields common to all invocation types parsed_response = { 'promptType': "ORCHESTRATION", 'orchestrationParsedResponse': { 'rationale': rationale } } # Check if there is a final answer try: final_answer, generated_response_parts = parse_answer(sanitized_response) except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response if final_answer: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = { 'invocationType': 'FINISH', 'agentFinalResponse': { 'responseText': final_answer } } if generated_response_parts: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['agentFinalResponse']['citations'] = { 'generatedResponseParts': generated_response_parts }"Final answer parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response # Check if there is an ask user try: ask_user = parse_ask_user(sanitized_response) if ask_user: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = { 'invocationType': 'ASK_USER', 'agentAskUser': { 'responseText': ask_user } }"Ask user parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response # Check if there is an agent action try: parsed_response = parse_function_call(sanitized_response, parsed_response)"Function call parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, 'Failed to parse the LLM output') return parsed_response raise Exception("unrecognized prompt type") def sanitize_response(text): pattern = r"(\\n*)" text = re.sub(pattern, r"\n", text) return text def parse_rationale(sanitized_response): # Checks for strings that are not required for orchestration rationale_matcher = next( ( for pattern in RATIONALE_PATTERNS if, None) if rationale_matcher: rationale = # Check if there is a formatted rationale that we can parse from the string rationale_value_matcher = next( ( for pattern in RATIONALE_VALUE_PATTERNS if, None) if rationale_value_matcher: return return rationale return None def parse_answer(sanitized_llm_response): if has_generated_response(sanitized_llm_response): return parse_generated_response(sanitized_llm_response) answer_match = if answer_match and is_answer(sanitized_llm_response): return, None return None, None def is_answer(llm_response): return llm_response.rfind(ANSWER_TAG) > llm_response.rfind(FUNCTION_CALL_TAG) def parse_generated_response(sanitized_llm_response): results = [] for match in ANSWER_PART_PATTERN.finditer(sanitized_llm_response): part = text_match = if not text_match: raise ValueError("Could not parse generated response") text = references = parse_references(sanitized_llm_response, part) results.append((text, references)) final_response = " ".join([r[0] for r in results]) generated_response_parts = [] for text, references in results: generatedResponsePart = { 'text': text, 'references': references } generated_response_parts.append(generatedResponsePart) return final_response, generated_response_parts def has_generated_response(raw_response): return is not None def parse_references(raw_response, answer_part): references = [] for match in ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_PATTERN.finditer(answer_part): reference = references.append({'sourceId': reference}) return references def parse_ask_user(sanitized_llm_response): ask_user_matcher = if ask_user_matcher: try: parameters_matches = params = ask_user_question_matcher = if ask_user_question_matcher: ask_user_question = return ask_user_question raise ValueError(MISSING_API_INPUT_FOR_USER_REPROMPT_MESSAGE) except ValueError as ex: raise ex except Exception as ex: raise Exception(ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REMPROMPT_MESSAGE) return None def parse_function_call(sanitized_response, parsed_response): match =, sanitized_response) if not match: raise ValueError(FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REPROMPT_MESSAGE) tool_name_matches = tool_name = parameters_matches = params = action_split = tool_name.split('::') verb = action_split[0].strip() resource_name = action_split[1].strip() function = action_split[2].strip() xml_tree = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring("<parameters>{}</parameters>".format(params))) parameters = {} for elem in xml_tree.iter(): if elem.text: parameters[elem.tag] = {'value': elem.text.strip('" ')} parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = {} # Function calls can either invoke an action group or a knowledge base. # Mapping to the correct variable names accordingly if resource_name.lower().startswith(KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX): parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['invocationType'] = 'KNOWLEDGE_BASE' parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['agentKnowledgeBase'] = { 'searchQuery': parameters['searchQuery'], 'knowledgeBaseId': resource_name.replace(KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX, '') } return parsed_response parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['invocationType'] = 'ACTION_GROUP' parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['actionGroupInvocation'] = { "verb": verb, "actionGroupName": resource_name, "apiName": function, "actionGroupInput": parameters } return parsed_response def addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, error): error_message = str(error) logger.warn(error_message) parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['parsingErrorDetails'] = { 'repromptResponse': error_message }
    Anthropic Claude 3.5
    import json import logging import re from collections import defaultdict RATIONALE_VALUE_REGEX_LIST = [ "<thinking>(.*?)(</thinking>)", "(.*?)(</thinking>)", "(<thinking>)(.*?)" ] RATIONALE_VALUE_PATTERNS = [re.compile(regex, re.DOTALL) for regex in RATIONALE_VALUE_REGEX_LIST] ANSWER_REGEX = r"(?<=<answer>)(.*)" ANSWER_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_TAG = "<answer>" ASK_USER = "user__askuser" KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX = "x_amz_knowledgebase_" ANSWER_PART_REGEX = "<answer_part\\s?>(.+?)</answer_part\\s?>" ANSWER_TEXT_PART_REGEX = "<text\\s?>(.+?)</text\\s?>" ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_REGEX = "<source\\s?>(.+?)</source\\s?>" ANSWER_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_TEXT_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_TEXT_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) # You can provide messages to reprompt the LLM in case the LLM output is not in the expected format MISSING_API_INPUT_FOR_USER_REPROMPT_MESSAGE = "Missing the parameter 'question' for user__askuser function call. Please try again with the correct argument added." FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REPROMPT_MESSAGE = "The tool name format is incorrect. The format for the tool name must be: 'httpVerb__actionGroupName__apiName." logger = logging.getLogger() # This parser lambda is an example of how to parse the LLM output for the default orchestration prompt def lambda_handler(event, context): logger.setLevel("INFO")"Lambda input: " + str(event)) # Sanitize LLM response response = load_response(event['invokeModelRawResponse']) stop_reason = response["stop_reason"] content = response["content"] content_by_type = get_content_by_type(content) # Parse LLM response for any rationale rationale = parse_rationale(content_by_type) # Construct response fields common to all invocation types parsed_response = { 'promptType': "ORCHESTRATION", 'orchestrationParsedResponse': { 'rationale': rationale } } match stop_reason: case 'tool_use': # Check if there is an ask user try: ask_user = parse_ask_user(content_by_type) if ask_user: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = { 'invocationType': 'ASK_USER', 'agentAskUser': { 'responseText': ask_user, 'id': content_by_type['tool_use'][0]['id'] }, }"Ask user parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response # Check if there is an agent action try: parsed_response = parse_function_call(content_by_type, parsed_response)"Function call parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response case 'end_turn' | 'stop_sequence': # Check if there is a final answer try: if content_by_type["text"]: text_contents = content_by_type["text"] for text_content in text_contents: final_answer, generated_response_parts = parse_answer(text_content) if final_answer: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse'][ 'responseDetails'] = { 'invocationType': 'FINISH', 'agentFinalResponse': { 'responseText': final_answer } } if generated_response_parts: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'][ 'agentFinalResponse']['citations'] = { 'generatedResponseParts': generated_response_parts }"Final answer parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response case _: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, 'Failed to parse the LLM output') return parsed_response def load_response(text): raw_text = r'{}'.format(text) json_text = json.loads(raw_text) return json_text def get_content_by_type(content): content_by_type = defaultdict(list) for content_value in content: content_by_type[content_value["type"]].append(content_value) return content_by_type def parse_rationale(content_by_type): if "text" in content_by_type: rationale = content_by_type["text"][0]["text"] if rationale is not None: rationale_matcher = next( ( for pattern in RATIONALE_VALUE_PATTERNS if, None) if rationale_matcher: rationale = return rationale return None def parse_answer(response): if has_generated_response(response["text"].strip()): return parse_generated_response(response) answer_match =["text"].strip()) if answer_match: return, None return None, None def parse_generated_response(response): results = [] for match in ANSWER_PART_PATTERN.finditer(response): part = text_match = if not text_match: raise ValueError("Could not parse generated response") text = references = parse_references(part) results.append((text, references)) final_response = " ".join([r[0] for r in results]) generated_response_parts = [] for text, references in results: generatedResponsePart = { 'text': text, 'references': references } generated_response_parts.append(generatedResponsePart) return final_response, generated_response_parts def has_generated_response(raw_response): return is not None def parse_references(answer_part): references = [] for match in ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_PATTERN.finditer(answer_part): reference = references.append({'sourceId': reference}) return references def parse_ask_user(content_by_type): try: if content_by_type["tool_use"][0]["name"] == ASK_USER: ask_user_question = content_by_type["tool_use"][0]["input"]["question"] if not ask_user_question: raise ValueError(MISSING_API_INPUT_FOR_USER_REPROMPT_MESSAGE) return ask_user_question except ValueError as ex: raise ex return None def parse_function_call(content_by_type, parsed_response): try: content = content_by_type["tool_use"][0] tool_name = content["name"] action_split = tool_name.split('__') verb = action_split[0].strip() resource_name = action_split[1].strip() function = action_split[2].strip() except ValueError as ex: raise ValueError(FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REPROMPT_MESSAGE) parameters = {} for param, value in content["input"].items(): parameters[param] = {'value': value} parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = {} # Function calls can either invoke an action group or a knowledge base. # Mapping to the correct variable names accordingly if resource_name.lower().startswith(KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX): parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'][ 'invocationType'] = 'KNOWLEDGE_BASE' parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'][ 'agentKnowledgeBase'] = { 'searchQuery': parameters['searchQuery'], 'knowledgeBaseId': resource_name.replace( KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX, ''), 'id': content["id"] } return parsed_response parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'][ 'invocationType'] = 'ACTION_GROUP' parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'][ 'actionGroupInvocation'] = { "verb": verb, "actionGroupName": resource_name, "apiName": function, "actionGroupInput": parameters, "id": content["id"] } return parsed_response def addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, error): error_message = str(error) logger.warn(error_message) parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['parsingErrorDetails'] = { 'repromptResponse': error_message }
  2. Para ver exemplos de um grupo de ações definido com detalhes da função, selecione a guia correspondente ao modelo do qual você deseja ver exemplos.

    Anthropic Claude 2.0
    import json import re import logging RATIONALE_REGEX_LIST = [ "(.*?)(<function_call>)", "(.*?)(<answer>)" ] RATIONALE_PATTERNS = [re.compile(regex, re.DOTALL) for regex in RATIONALE_REGEX_LIST] RATIONALE_VALUE_REGEX_LIST = [ "<scratchpad>(.*?)(</scratchpad>)", "(.*?)(</scratchpad>)", "(<scratchpad>)(.*?)" ] RATIONALE_VALUE_PATTERNS = [re.compile(regex, re.DOTALL) for regex in RATIONALE_VALUE_REGEX_LIST] ANSWER_REGEX = r"(?<=<answer>)(.*)" ANSWER_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_TAG = "<answer>" FUNCTION_CALL_TAG = "<function_call>" ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_REGEX = r"(<function_call>user::askuser)(.*)\)" ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_PATTERN = re.compile(ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ASK_USER_FUNCTION_PARAMETER_REGEX = r"(?<=askuser=\")(.*?)\"" ASK_USER_FUNCTION_PARAMETER_PATTERN = re.compile(ASK_USER_FUNCTION_PARAMETER_REGEX, re.DOTALL) KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX = "x_amz_knowledgebase_" FUNCTION_CALL_REGEX_API_SCHEMA = r"<function_call>(\w+)::(\w+)::(.+)\((.+)\)" FUNCTION_CALL_REGEX_FUNCTION_SCHEMA = r"<function_call>(\w+)::(.+)\((.+)\)" ANSWER_PART_REGEX = "<answer_part\\s?>(.+?)</answer_part\\s?>" ANSWER_TEXT_PART_REGEX = "<text\\s?>(.+?)</text\\s?>" ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_REGEX = "<source\\s?>(.+?)</source\\s?>" ANSWER_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_TEXT_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_TEXT_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) # You can provide messages to reprompt the LLM in case the LLM output is not in the expected format MISSING_API_INPUT_FOR_USER_REPROMPT_MESSAGE = "Missing the argument askuser for user::askuser function call. Please try again with the correct argument added" ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REMPROMPT_MESSAGE = "The function call format is incorrect. The format for function calls to the askuser function must be: <function_call>user::askuser(askuser=\"$ASK_USER_INPUT\")</function_call>." FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REPROMPT_MESSAGE = 'The function call format is incorrect. The format for function calls must be: <function_call>$FUNCTION_NAME($FUNCTION_ARGUMENT_NAME=""$FUNCTION_ARGUMENT_NAME"")</function_call>.' logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel("INFO") # This parser lambda is an example of how to parse the LLM output for the default orchestration prompt def lambda_handler(event, context):"Lambda input: " + str(event)) # Sanitize LLM response sanitized_response = sanitize_response(event['invokeModelRawResponse']) # Parse LLM response for any rationale rationale = parse_rationale(sanitized_response) # Construct response fields common to all invocation types parsed_response = { 'promptType': "ORCHESTRATION", 'orchestrationParsedResponse': { 'rationale': rationale } } # Check if there is a final answer try: final_answer, generated_response_parts = parse_answer(sanitized_response) except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response if final_answer: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = { 'invocationType': 'FINISH', 'agentFinalResponse': { 'responseText': final_answer } } if generated_response_parts: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['agentFinalResponse']['citations'] = { 'generatedResponseParts': generated_response_parts }"Final answer parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response # Check if there is an ask user try: ask_user = parse_ask_user(sanitized_response) if ask_user: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = { 'invocationType': 'ASK_USER', 'agentAskUser': { 'responseText': ask_user } }"Ask user parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response # Check if there is an agent action try: parsed_response = parse_function_call(sanitized_response, parsed_response)"Function call parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, 'Failed to parse the LLM output') return parsed_response raise Exception("unrecognized prompt type") def sanitize_response(text): pattern = r"(\\n*)" text = re.sub(pattern, r"\n", text) return text def parse_rationale(sanitized_response): # Checks for strings that are not required for orchestration rationale_matcher = next(( for pattern in RATIONALE_PATTERNS if, None) if rationale_matcher: rationale = # Check if there is a formatted rationale that we can parse from the string rationale_value_matcher = next(( for pattern in RATIONALE_VALUE_PATTERNS if, None) if rationale_value_matcher: return return rationale return None def parse_answer(sanitized_llm_response): if has_generated_response(sanitized_llm_response): return parse_generated_response(sanitized_llm_response) answer_match = if answer_match and is_answer(sanitized_llm_response): return, None return None, None def is_answer(llm_response): return llm_response.rfind(ANSWER_TAG) > llm_response.rfind(FUNCTION_CALL_TAG) def parse_generated_response(sanitized_llm_response): results = [] for match in ANSWER_PART_PATTERN.finditer(sanitized_llm_response): part = text_match = if not text_match: raise ValueError("Could not parse generated response") text = references = parse_references(sanitized_llm_response, part) results.append((text, references)) final_response = " ".join([r[0] for r in results]) generated_response_parts = [] for text, references in results: generatedResponsePart = { 'text': text, 'references': references } generated_response_parts.append(generatedResponsePart) return final_response, generated_response_parts def has_generated_response(raw_response): return is not None def parse_references(raw_response, answer_part): references = [] for match in ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_PATTERN.finditer(answer_part): reference = references.append({'sourceId': reference}) return references def parse_ask_user(sanitized_llm_response): ask_user_matcher = if ask_user_matcher: try: ask_user = ask_user_question_matcher = if ask_user_question_matcher: return raise ValueError(MISSING_API_INPUT_FOR_USER_REPROMPT_MESSAGE) except ValueError as ex: raise ex except Exception as ex: raise Exception(ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REMPROMPT_MESSAGE) return None def parse_function_call(sanitized_response, parsed_response): match =, sanitized_response) match_function_schema =, sanitized_response) if not match and not match_function_schema: raise ValueError(FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REPROMPT_MESSAGE) if match: schema_type = 'API' verb, resource_name, function, param_arg =,,, else: schema_type = 'FUNCTION' resource_name, function, param_arg =,, parameters = {} for arg in param_arg.split(","): key, value = arg.split("=") parameters[key.strip()] = {'value': value.strip('" ')} parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = {} # Function calls can either invoke an action group or a knowledge base. # Mapping to the correct variable names accordingly if schema_type == 'API' and resource_name.lower().startswith(KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX): parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['invocationType'] = 'KNOWLEDGE_BASE' parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['agentKnowledgeBase'] = { 'searchQuery': parameters['searchQuery'], 'knowledgeBaseId': resource_name.replace(KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX, '') } return parsed_response parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['invocationType'] = 'ACTION_GROUP' if schema_type == 'API': parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['actionGroupInvocation'] = { "verb": verb, "actionGroupName": resource_name, "apiName": function, "actionGroupInput": parameters } else: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['actionGroupInvocation'] = { "actionGroupName": resource_name, "functionName": function, "actionGroupInput": parameters } return parsed_response def addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, error): error_message = str(error) logger.warn(error_message) parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['parsingErrorDetails'] = { 'repromptResponse': error_message }
    Anthropic Claude 2.1
    import logging import re import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET RATIONALE_REGEX_LIST = [ "(.*?)(<function_calls>)", "(.*?)(<answer>)" ] RATIONALE_PATTERNS = [re.compile(regex, re.DOTALL) for regex in RATIONALE_REGEX_LIST] RATIONALE_VALUE_REGEX_LIST = [ "<scratchpad>(.*?)(</scratchpad>)", "(.*?)(</scratchpad>)", "(<scratchpad>)(.*?)" ] RATIONALE_VALUE_PATTERNS = [re.compile(regex, re.DOTALL) for regex in RATIONALE_VALUE_REGEX_LIST] ANSWER_REGEX = r"(?<=<answer>)(.*)" ANSWER_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_TAG = "<answer>" FUNCTION_CALL_TAG = "<function_calls>" ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_REGEX = r"<tool_name>user::askuser</tool_name>" ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_PATTERN = re.compile(ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ASK_USER_TOOL_NAME_REGEX = r"<tool_name>((.|\n)*?)</tool_name>" ASK_USER_TOOL_NAME_PATTERN = re.compile(ASK_USER_TOOL_NAME_REGEX, re.DOTALL) TOOL_PARAMETERS_REGEX = r"<parameters>((.|\n)*?)</parameters>" TOOL_PARAMETERS_PATTERN = re.compile(TOOL_PARAMETERS_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ASK_USER_TOOL_PARAMETER_REGEX = r"<question>((.|\n)*?)</question>" ASK_USER_TOOL_PARAMETER_PATTERN = re.compile(ASK_USER_TOOL_PARAMETER_REGEX, re.DOTALL) KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX = "x_amz_knowledgebase_" FUNCTION_CALL_REGEX = r"(?<=<function_calls>)(.*)" ANSWER_PART_REGEX = "<answer_part\\s?>(.+?)</answer_part\\s?>" ANSWER_TEXT_PART_REGEX = "<text\\s?>(.+?)</text\\s?>" ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_REGEX = "<source\\s?>(.+?)</source\\s?>" ANSWER_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_TEXT_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_TEXT_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) # You can provide messages to reprompt the LLM in case the LLM output is not in the expected format MISSING_API_INPUT_FOR_USER_REPROMPT_MESSAGE = "Missing the parameter 'question' for user::askuser function call. Please try again with the correct argument added." ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REMPROMPT_MESSAGE = "The function call format is incorrect. The format for function calls to the askuser function must be: <invoke> <tool_name>user::askuser</tool_name><parameters><question>$QUESTION</question></parameters></invoke>." FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REPROMPT_MESSAGE = "The function call format is incorrect. The format for function calls must be: <invoke> <tool_name>$TOOL_NAME</tool_name> <parameters> <$PARAMETER_NAME>$PARAMETER_VALUE</$PARAMETER_NAME>...</parameters></invoke>." logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel("INFO") # This parser lambda is an example of how to parse the LLM output for the default orchestration prompt def lambda_handler(event, context):"Lambda input: " + str(event)) # Sanitize LLM response sanitized_response = sanitize_response(event['invokeModelRawResponse']) # Parse LLM response for any rationale rationale = parse_rationale(sanitized_response) # Construct response fields common to all invocation types parsed_response = { 'promptType': "ORCHESTRATION", 'orchestrationParsedResponse': { 'rationale': rationale } } # Check if there is a final answer try: final_answer, generated_response_parts = parse_answer(sanitized_response) except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response if final_answer: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = { 'invocationType': 'FINISH', 'agentFinalResponse': { 'responseText': final_answer } } if generated_response_parts: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['agentFinalResponse']['citations'] = { 'generatedResponseParts': generated_response_parts }"Final answer parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response # Check if there is an ask user try: ask_user = parse_ask_user(sanitized_response) if ask_user: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = { 'invocationType': 'ASK_USER', 'agentAskUser': { 'responseText': ask_user } }"Ask user parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response # Check if there is an agent action try: parsed_response = parse_function_call(sanitized_response, parsed_response)"Function call parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, 'Failed to parse the LLM output') return parsed_response raise Exception("unrecognized prompt type") def sanitize_response(text): pattern = r"(\\n*)" text = re.sub(pattern, r"\n", text) return text def parse_rationale(sanitized_response): # Checks for strings that are not required for orchestration rationale_matcher = next( ( for pattern in RATIONALE_PATTERNS if, None) if rationale_matcher: rationale = # Check if there is a formatted rationale that we can parse from the string rationale_value_matcher = next( ( for pattern in RATIONALE_VALUE_PATTERNS if, None) if rationale_value_matcher: return return rationale return None def parse_answer(sanitized_llm_response): if has_generated_response(sanitized_llm_response): return parse_generated_response(sanitized_llm_response) answer_match = if answer_match and is_answer(sanitized_llm_response): return, None return None, None def is_answer(llm_response): return llm_response.rfind(ANSWER_TAG) > llm_response.rfind(FUNCTION_CALL_TAG) def parse_generated_response(sanitized_llm_response): results = [] for match in ANSWER_PART_PATTERN.finditer(sanitized_llm_response): part = text_match = if not text_match: raise ValueError("Could not parse generated response") text = references = parse_references(sanitized_llm_response, part) results.append((text, references)) final_response = " ".join([r[0] for r in results]) generated_response_parts = [] for text, references in results: generatedResponsePart = { 'text': text, 'references': references } generated_response_parts.append(generatedResponsePart) return final_response, generated_response_parts def has_generated_response(raw_response): return is not None def parse_references(raw_response, answer_part): references = [] for match in ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_PATTERN.finditer(answer_part): reference = references.append({'sourceId': reference}) return references def parse_ask_user(sanitized_llm_response): ask_user_matcher = if ask_user_matcher: try: parameters_matches = params = ask_user_question_matcher = if ask_user_question_matcher: ask_user_question = return ask_user_question raise ValueError(MISSING_API_INPUT_FOR_USER_REPROMPT_MESSAGE) except ValueError as ex: raise ex except Exception as ex: raise Exception(ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REMPROMPT_MESSAGE) return None def parse_function_call(sanitized_response, parsed_response): match =, sanitized_response) if not match: raise ValueError(FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REPROMPT_MESSAGE) tool_name_matches = tool_name = parameters_matches = params = action_split = tool_name.split('::') schema_type = 'FUNCTION' if len(action_split) == 2 else 'API' if schema_type == 'API': verb = action_split[0].strip() resource_name = action_split[1].strip() function = action_split[2].strip() else: resource_name = action_split[0].strip() function = action_split[1].strip() xml_tree = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring("<parameters>{}</parameters>".format(params))) parameters = {} for elem in xml_tree.iter(): if elem.text: parameters[elem.tag] = {'value': elem.text.strip('" ')} parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = {} # Function calls can either invoke an action group or a knowledge base. # Mapping to the correct variable names accordingly if schema_type == 'API' and resource_name.lower().startswith(KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX): parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['invocationType'] = 'KNOWLEDGE_BASE' parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['agentKnowledgeBase'] = { 'searchQuery': parameters['searchQuery'], 'knowledgeBaseId': resource_name.replace(KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX, '') } return parsed_response parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['invocationType'] = 'ACTION_GROUP' if schema_type == 'API': parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['actionGroupInvocation'] = { "verb": verb, "actionGroupName": resource_name, "apiName": function, "actionGroupInput": parameters } else: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['actionGroupInvocation'] = { "actionGroupName": resource_name, "functionName": function, "actionGroupInput": parameters } return parsed_response def addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, error): error_message = str(error) logger.warn(error_message) parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['parsingErrorDetails'] = { 'repromptResponse': error_message }
    Anthropic Claude 3
    import logging import re import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET RATIONALE_REGEX_LIST = [ "(.*?)(<function_calls>)", "(.*?)(<answer>)" ] RATIONALE_PATTERNS = [re.compile(regex, re.DOTALL) for regex in RATIONALE_REGEX_LIST] RATIONALE_VALUE_REGEX_LIST = [ "<thinking>(.*?)(</thinking>)", "(.*?)(</thinking>)", "(<thinking>)(.*?)" ] RATIONALE_VALUE_PATTERNS = [re.compile(regex, re.DOTALL) for regex in RATIONALE_VALUE_REGEX_LIST] ANSWER_REGEX = r"(?<=<answer>)(.*)" ANSWER_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_TAG = "<answer>" FUNCTION_CALL_TAG = "<function_calls>" ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_REGEX = r"<tool_name>user::askuser</tool_name>" ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_PATTERN = re.compile(ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ASK_USER_TOOL_NAME_REGEX = r"<tool_name>((.|\n)*?)</tool_name>" ASK_USER_TOOL_NAME_PATTERN = re.compile(ASK_USER_TOOL_NAME_REGEX, re.DOTALL) TOOL_PARAMETERS_REGEX = r"<parameters>((.|\n)*?)</parameters>" TOOL_PARAMETERS_PATTERN = re.compile(TOOL_PARAMETERS_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ASK_USER_TOOL_PARAMETER_REGEX = r"<question>((.|\n)*?)</question>" ASK_USER_TOOL_PARAMETER_PATTERN = re.compile(ASK_USER_TOOL_PARAMETER_REGEX, re.DOTALL) KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX = "x_amz_knowledgebase_" FUNCTION_CALL_REGEX = r"(?<=<function_calls>)(.*)" ANSWER_PART_REGEX = "<answer_part\\s?>(.+?)</answer_part\\s?>" ANSWER_TEXT_PART_REGEX = "<text\\s?>(.+?)</text\\s?>" ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_REGEX = "<source\\s?>(.+?)</source\\s?>" ANSWER_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_TEXT_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_TEXT_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) # You can provide messages to reprompt the LLM in case the LLM output is not in the expected format MISSING_API_INPUT_FOR_USER_REPROMPT_MESSAGE = "Missing the parameter 'question' for user::askuser function call. Please try again with the correct argument added." ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REMPROMPT_MESSAGE = "The function call format is incorrect. The format for function calls to the askuser function must be: <invoke> <tool_name>user::askuser</tool_name><parameters><question>$QUESTION</question></parameters></invoke>." FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REPROMPT_MESSAGE = "The function call format is incorrect. The format for function calls must be: <invoke> <tool_name>$TOOL_NAME</tool_name> <parameters> <$PARAMETER_NAME>$PARAMETER_VALUE</$PARAMETER_NAME>...</parameters></invoke>." logger = logging.getLogger() # This parser lambda is an example of how to parse the LLM output for the default orchestration prompt def lambda_handler(event, context):"Lambda input: " + str(event)) # Sanitize LLM response sanitized_response = sanitize_response(event['invokeModelRawResponse']) # Parse LLM response for any rationale rationale = parse_rationale(sanitized_response) # Construct response fields common to all invocation types parsed_response = { 'promptType': "ORCHESTRATION", 'orchestrationParsedResponse': { 'rationale': rationale } } # Check if there is a final answer try: final_answer, generated_response_parts = parse_answer(sanitized_response) except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response if final_answer: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = { 'invocationType': 'FINISH', 'agentFinalResponse': { 'responseText': final_answer } } if generated_response_parts: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['agentFinalResponse']['citations'] = { 'generatedResponseParts': generated_response_parts }"Final answer parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response # Check if there is an ask user try: ask_user = parse_ask_user(sanitized_response) if ask_user: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = { 'invocationType': 'ASK_USER', 'agentAskUser': { 'responseText': ask_user } }"Ask user parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response # Check if there is an agent action try: parsed_response = parse_function_call(sanitized_response, parsed_response)"Function call parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, 'Failed to parse the LLM output') return parsed_response raise Exception("unrecognized prompt type") def sanitize_response(text): pattern = r"(\\n*)" text = re.sub(pattern, r"\n", text) return text def parse_rationale(sanitized_response): # Checks for strings that are not required for orchestration rationale_matcher = next( ( for pattern in RATIONALE_PATTERNS if, None) if rationale_matcher: rationale = # Check if there is a formatted rationale that we can parse from the string rationale_value_matcher = next( ( for pattern in RATIONALE_VALUE_PATTERNS if, None) if rationale_value_matcher: return return rationale return None def parse_answer(sanitized_llm_response): if has_generated_response(sanitized_llm_response): return parse_generated_response(sanitized_llm_response) answer_match = if answer_match and is_answer(sanitized_llm_response): return, None return None, None def is_answer(llm_response): return llm_response.rfind(ANSWER_TAG) > llm_response.rfind(FUNCTION_CALL_TAG) def parse_generated_response(sanitized_llm_response): results = [] for match in ANSWER_PART_PATTERN.finditer(sanitized_llm_response): part = text_match = if not text_match: raise ValueError("Could not parse generated response") text = references = parse_references(sanitized_llm_response, part) results.append((text, references)) final_response = " ".join([r[0] for r in results]) generated_response_parts = [] for text, references in results: generatedResponsePart = { 'text': text, 'references': references } generated_response_parts.append(generatedResponsePart) return final_response, generated_response_parts def has_generated_response(raw_response): return is not None def parse_references(raw_response, answer_part): references = [] for match in ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_PATTERN.finditer(answer_part): reference = references.append({'sourceId': reference}) return references def parse_ask_user(sanitized_llm_response): ask_user_matcher = if ask_user_matcher: try: parameters_matches = params = ask_user_question_matcher = if ask_user_question_matcher: ask_user_question = return ask_user_question raise ValueError(MISSING_API_INPUT_FOR_USER_REPROMPT_MESSAGE) except ValueError as ex: raise ex except Exception as ex: raise Exception(ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REMPROMPT_MESSAGE) return None def parse_function_call(sanitized_response, parsed_response): match =, sanitized_response) if not match: raise ValueError(FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REPROMPT_MESSAGE) tool_name_matches = tool_name = parameters_matches = params = action_split = tool_name.split('::') schema_type = 'FUNCTION' if len(action_split) == 2 else 'API' if schema_type == 'API': verb = action_split[0].strip() resource_name = action_split[1].strip() function = action_split[2].strip() else: resource_name = action_split[0].strip() function = action_split[1].strip() xml_tree = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring("<parameters>{}</parameters>".format(params))) parameters = {} for elem in xml_tree.iter(): if elem.text: parameters[elem.tag] = {'value': elem.text.strip('" ')} parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = {} # Function calls can either invoke an action group or a knowledge base. # Mapping to the correct variable names accordingly if schema_type == 'API' and resource_name.lower().startswith(KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX): parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['invocationType'] = 'KNOWLEDGE_BASE' parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['agentKnowledgeBase'] = { 'searchQuery': parameters['searchQuery'], 'knowledgeBaseId': resource_name.replace(KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX, '') } return parsed_response parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['invocationType'] = 'ACTION_GROUP' if schema_type == 'API': parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['actionGroupInvocation'] = { "verb": verb, "actionGroupName": resource_name, "apiName": function, "actionGroupInput": parameters } else: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['actionGroupInvocation'] = { "actionGroupName": resource_name, "functionName": function, "actionGroupInput": parameters } return parsed_response def addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, error): error_message = str(error) logger.warn(error_message) parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['parsingErrorDetails'] = { 'repromptResponse': error_message }
    Anthropic Claude 3.5
    import json import logging import re from collections import defaultdict RATIONALE_VALUE_REGEX_LIST = [ "<thinking>(.*?)(</thinking>)", "(.*?)(</thinking>)", "(<thinking>)(.*?)" ] RATIONALE_VALUE_PATTERNS = [re.compile(regex, re.DOTALL) for regex in RATIONALE_VALUE_REGEX_LIST] ANSWER_REGEX = r"(?<=<answer>)(.*)" ANSWER_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_TAG = "<answer>" ASK_USER = "user__askuser" KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX = "x_amz_knowledgebase_" ANSWER_PART_REGEX = "<answer_part\\s?>(.+?)</answer_part\\s?>" ANSWER_TEXT_PART_REGEX = "<text\\s?>(.+?)</text\\s?>" ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_REGEX = "<source\\s?>(.+?)</source\\s?>" ANSWER_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_TEXT_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_TEXT_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) # You can provide messages to reprompt the LLM in case the LLM output is not in the expected format MISSING_API_INPUT_FOR_USER_REPROMPT_MESSAGE = "Missing the parameter 'question' for user__askuser function call. Please try again with the correct argument added." FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REPROMPT_MESSAGE = "The tool name format is incorrect. The format for the tool name must be: 'httpVerb__actionGroupName__apiName." logger = logging.getLogger() # This parser lambda is an example of how to parse the LLM output for the default orchestration prompt def lambda_handler(event, context): logger.setLevel("INFO")"Lambda input: " + str(event)) # Sanitize LLM response response = load_response(event['invokeModelRawResponse']) stop_reason = response["stop_reason"] content = response["content"] content_by_type = get_content_by_type(content) # Parse LLM response for any rationale rationale = parse_rationale(content_by_type) # Construct response fields common to all invocation types parsed_response = { 'promptType': "ORCHESTRATION", 'orchestrationParsedResponse': { 'rationale': rationale } } match stop_reason: case 'tool_use': # Check if there is an ask user try: ask_user = parse_ask_user(content_by_type) if ask_user: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = { 'invocationType': 'ASK_USER', 'agentAskUser': { 'responseText': ask_user, 'id': content_by_type['tool_use'][0]['id'] }, }"Ask user parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response # Check if there is an agent action try: parsed_response = parse_function_call(content_by_type, parsed_response)"Function call parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response case 'end_turn' | 'stop_sequence': # Check if there is a final answer try: if content_by_type["text"]: text_contents = content_by_type["text"] for text_content in text_contents: final_answer, generated_response_parts = parse_answer(text_content) if final_answer: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse'][ 'responseDetails'] = { 'invocationType': 'FINISH', 'agentFinalResponse': { 'responseText': final_answer } } if generated_response_parts: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'][ 'agentFinalResponse']['citations'] = { 'generatedResponseParts': generated_response_parts }"Final answer parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response case _: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, 'Failed to parse the LLM output') return parsed_response def load_response(text): raw_text = r'{}'.format(text) json_text = json.loads(raw_text) return json_text def get_content_by_type(content): content_by_type = defaultdict(list) for content_value in content: content_by_type[content_value["type"]].append(content_value) return content_by_type def parse_rationale(content_by_type): if "text" in content_by_type: rationale = content_by_type["text"][0]["text"] if rationale is not None: rationale_matcher = next( ( for pattern in RATIONALE_VALUE_PATTERNS if, None) if rationale_matcher: rationale = return rationale return None def parse_answer(response): if has_generated_response(response["text"].strip()): return parse_generated_response(response) answer_match =["text"].strip()) if answer_match: return, None return None, None def parse_generated_response(response): results = [] for match in ANSWER_PART_PATTERN.finditer(response): part = text_match = if not text_match: raise ValueError("Could not parse generated response") text = references = parse_references(part) results.append((text, references)) final_response = " ".join([r[0] for r in results]) generated_response_parts = [] for text, references in results: generatedResponsePart = { 'text': text, 'references': references } generated_response_parts.append(generatedResponsePart) return final_response, generated_response_parts def has_generated_response(raw_response): return is not None def parse_references(answer_part): references = [] for match in ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_PATTERN.finditer(answer_part): reference = references.append({'sourceId': reference}) return references def parse_ask_user(content_by_type): try: if content_by_type["tool_use"][0]["name"] == ASK_USER: ask_user_question = content_by_type["tool_use"][0]["input"]["question"] if not ask_user_question: raise ValueError(MISSING_API_INPUT_FOR_USER_REPROMPT_MESSAGE) return ask_user_question except ValueError as ex: raise ex return None def parse_function_call(content_by_type, parsed_response): try: content = content_by_type["tool_use"][0] tool_name = content["name"] action_split = tool_name.split('__') schema_type = 'FUNCTION' if len(action_split) == 2 else 'API' if schema_type == 'API': verb = action_split[0].strip() resource_name = action_split[1].strip() function = action_split[2].strip() else: resource_name = action_split[1].strip() function = action_split[2].strip() except ValueError as ex: raise ValueError(FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REPROMPT_MESSAGE) parameters = {} for param, value in content["input"].items(): parameters[param] = {'value': value} parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = {} # Function calls can either invoke an action group or a knowledge base. # Mapping to the correct variable names accordingly if schema_type == 'API' and resource_name.lower().startswith(KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX): parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'][ 'invocationType'] = 'KNOWLEDGE_BASE' parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'][ 'agentKnowledgeBase'] = { 'searchQuery': parameters['searchQuery'], 'knowledgeBaseId': resource_name.replace( KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX, ''), 'id': content["id"] } return parsed_response parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'][ 'invocationType'] = 'ACTION_GROUP' if schema_type == 'API': parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'][ 'actionGroupInvocation'] = { "verb": verb, "actionGroupName": resource_name, "apiName": function, "actionGroupInput": parameters, "id": content["id"] } else: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['actionGroupInvocation'] = { "actionGroupName": resource_name, "functionName": function, "actionGroupInput": parameters } return parsed_response def addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, error): error_message = str(error) logger.warn(error_message) parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['parsingErrorDetails'] = { 'repromptResponse': error_message }

O exemplo a seguir mostra uma função Lambda do analisador de geração de respostas da base de conhecimento escrita em Python.

import json import re import logging ANSWER_PART_REGEX = "&lt;answer_part\\s?>(.+?)&lt;/answer_part\\s?>" ANSWER_TEXT_PART_REGEX = "&lt;text\\s?>(.+?)&lt;/text\\s?>" ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_REGEX = "&lt;source\\s?>(.+?)&lt;/source\\s?>" ANSWER_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_TEXT_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_TEXT_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) logger = logging.getLogger() # This parser lambda is an example of how to parse the LLM output for the default KB response generation prompt def lambda_handler(event, context):"Lambda input: " + str(event)) raw_response = event['invokeModelRawResponse'] parsed_response = { 'promptType': 'KNOWLEDGE_BASE_RESPONSE_GENERATION', 'knowledgeBaseResponseGenerationParsedResponse': { 'generatedResponse': parse_generated_response(raw_response) } } return parsed_response def parse_generated_response(sanitized_llm_response): results = [] for match in ANSWER_PART_PATTERN.finditer(sanitized_llm_response): part = text_match = if not text_match: raise ValueError("Could not parse generated response") text = references = parse_references(sanitized_llm_response, part) results.append((text, references)) generated_response_parts = [] for text, references in results: generatedResponsePart = { 'text': text, 'references': references } generated_response_parts.append(generatedResponsePart) return { 'generatedResponseParts': generated_response_parts } def parse_references(raw_response, answer_part): references = [] for match in ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_PATTERN.finditer(answer_part): reference = references.append({'sourceId': reference}) return references

O exemplo a seguir mostra uma função Lambda do analisador de pós-processamento escrita em Python.

import json import re import logging FINAL_RESPONSE_REGEX = r"&lt;final_response>([\s\S]*?)&lt;/final_response>" FINAL_RESPONSE_PATTERN = re.compile(FINAL_RESPONSE_REGEX, re.DOTALL) logger = logging.getLogger() # This parser lambda is an example of how to parse the LLM output for the default PostProcessing prompt def lambda_handler(event, context):"Lambda input: " + str(event)) raw_response = event['invokeModelRawResponse'] parsed_response = { 'promptType': 'POST_PROCESSING', 'postProcessingParsedResponse': {} } matcher = if not matcher: raise Exception("Could not parse raw LLM output") response_text = parsed_response['postProcessingParsedResponse']['responseText'] = response_text return parsed_response