As traduções são geradas por tradução automática. Em caso de conflito entre o conteúdo da tradução e da versão original em inglês, a versão em inglês prevalecerá.
Atributos calculados padrão nos perfis de clientes do Amazon Connect
Atributos calculados de CTR padrão
Amazon Connect Os perfis de clientes fornecem atributos padrão de out-of-the caixa com base nos registros de contato. Os atributos são os seguintes:
Canal mais frequente
{ "CalculatedAttributeName": "_most_frequent_channel", "DisplayName": "Most frequent channel", "Description": "Returns customer's frequently used communication channel. Channels include voice, chat, task.", "CreatedAt": null, "LastUpdatedAt": null, "Statistic": "MAX_OCCURRENCE", "Conditions": { "Range": { "Value": 30, "Unit": "DAYS" }, "ObjectCount": null }, "AttributeDetails": { "Attributes": [ { "Name": "channel" } ], "Expression": "{}" }, "Tags": { } }
Último canal
{ "CalculatedAttributeName": "_last_channel", "DisplayName": "Last channel", "Description": "Returns customer's last communication channel. Channels include voice, chat, task.", "CreatedAt": null, "LastUpdatedAt": null, "Statistic": "LAST_OCCURRENCE", "Conditions": { "ObjectCount": null }, "AttributeDetails": { "Attributes": [ { "Name": "channel" } ], "Expression": "{}" }, "Tags": { } }
Identificador do último agente
{ "CalculatedAttributeName": "_last_agent_id", "DisplayName": "Last agent identifier", "Description": "Returns identifier of the last agent customer connected with.", "CreatedAt": null, "LastUpdatedAt": null, "Statistic": "LAST_OCCURRENCE", "Conditions": { "ObjectCount": null }, "AttributeDetails": { "Attributes": [ { "Name": "" } ], "Expression": "{}" }, "Tags": { } }
Chamador frequente
{ "CalculatedAttributeName": "_frequent_caller", "DisplayName": "Frequent caller", "Description": "Returns true or false based on the number of times a customer has called.", "CreatedAt": null, "LastUpdatedAt": null, "Statistic": "COUNT", "Conditions": { "Range": { "Value": 30, "Unit": "DAYS" }, "ObjectCount": null, "Threshold": { "Value": "5", "Operator": "GREATER_THAN" } }, "AttributeDetails": { "Attributes": [ { "Name": "contactId" } ], "Expression": "{CTR.contactId}" }, "Tags": { } }
Tempo médio de espera
{ "CalculatedAttributeName": "_average_hold_time", "DisplayName": "Average hold time", "Description": "Returns customer's average hold time for voice calls.", "CreatedAt": null, "LastUpdatedAt": null, "Statistic": "AVERAGE", "Conditions": { "Range": { "Value": 30, "Unit": "DAYS" }, "ObjectCount": null }, "AttributeDetails": { "Attributes": [ { "Name": "agent.customerHoldDurationMillis" }, { "Name": "queue.durationMillis" } ], "Expression": "{CTR.agent.customerHoldDurationMillis} + {CTR.queue.durationMillis}" }, "Tags": { } }
Duração média da chamada
{ "CalculatedAttributeName": "_average_call_duration", "DisplayName": "Average call duration", "Description": "Returns customer's average call duration for voice calls.", "CreatedAt": null, "LastUpdatedAt": null, "Statistic": "AVERAGE", "Conditions": { "Range": { "Value": 30, "Unit": "DAYS" }, "ObjectCount": null }, "AttributeDetails": { "Attributes": [ { "Name": "disconnectTimestamp" }, { "Name": "initiationTimestamp" } ], "Expression": "{CTR.disconnectTimestamp} - {CTR.initiationTimestamp}" }, "Tags": { } }
Tempo máximo de espera do cliente
{ "CalculatedAttributeName": "_maximum_hold_time", "DisplayName": "Customer's maximum hold time", "Description": "Returns customer's maximum hold time for voice calls in the past month.", "AttributeDetails": { "Attributes": [ { "Name": "agent.customerHoldDurationMillis" }, { "Name": "queue.durationMillis" } ], "Expression": "{CTR.agent.customerHoldDurationMillis} + {CTR.queue.durationMillis}" }, "Statistic": "MAXIMUM", "Conditions": { "Range": { "Value": 30, "Unit": "DAYS" }, "ObjectCount": null, "Threshold": null }, "Launched": false }
Atributo calculado do perfil padrão
Amazon Connect Os perfis de clientes fornecem um atributo padrão de out-of-the caixa com base em um perfil. Os atributos são os seguintes:
Novo cliente
{ "CalculatedAttributeName": "_new_customer", "DisplayName": "New customer", "Description": "Returns true or false for new customer profiles created.", "CreatedAt": null, "LastUpdatedAt": null, "Statistic": "TIME_DIFFERENCE_FROM_NOW", "Conditions": { "ObjectCount": null, "Threshold": { "Value": "30", "Operator": "LESS_THAN" } }, "AttributeDetails": { "Attributes": [ { "Name": "createdAt" } ], "Expression": "{_profile.createdAt}" }, "Tags": { } }
Atributos calculados do ativo padrão
Amazon Connect O Customer Profiles fornece atributos padrão de out-of-the caixa com base nos ativos. Os atributos são os seguintes:
Contagem de ativos
{ "CalculatedAttributeName": "_assets_count", "DisplayName": "Count of assets", "Description": "Returns the count of assets for a customer.", "AttributeDetails": { "Attributes": [ { "Name": "AssetId" } ], "Expression": "{_asset.AssetId}" }, "Statistic": "COUNT", "Conditions": { "Range": null, "ObjectCount": null, "Threshold":null }, "Launched": false }
Data da primeira compra do ativo
{ "CalculatedAttributeName": "_asset_first_occurrence", "DisplayName": "First asset purchased date", "Description": "Returns purchase date of the customer's first asset.", "AttributeDetails": { "Attributes": [ { "Name": "PurchaseDate" } ], "Expression": "{_asset.PurchaseDate}" }, "Statistic": "FIRST_OCCURRENCE", "Conditions": { "Range": null, "ObjectCount": null, "Threshold": null }, "Launched": false }
Data do último ativo comprado
{ "CalculatedAttributeName": "_asset_last_occurrence", "DisplayName": "Last asset purchased date", "Description": "Returns purchase date of the customer's last asset.", "AttributeDetails": { "Attributes": [ { "Name": "PurchaseDate" } ], "Expression": "{_asset.PurchaseDate}" }, "Statistic": "LAST_OCCURRENCE", "Conditions": { "Range": null, "ObjectCount": null, "Threshold": null }, "Launched": false }
Preço total do ativo
{ "CalculatedAttributeName": "_assets_price_sum", "DisplayName": "Total asset price", "Description": "Returns customer's total asset price.", "AttributeDetails": { "Attributes": [ { "Name": "Price" } ], "Expression": "{_asset.Price}" }, "Statistic": "SUM", "Conditions": { "Range": null, "ObjectCount": null, "Threshold": null }, "Launched": false }
Preço médio do ativo
{ "CalculatedAttributeName": "_assets_price_average", "DisplayName": "Average asset price", "Description": "Returns customer's average asset price.", "AttributeDetails": { "Attributes": [ { "Name": "Price" } ], "Expression": "{_asset.Price}" }, "Statistic": "AVERAGE", "Conditions": { "Range": null, "ObjectCount": null, "Threshold": null }, "Launched": false }
Nome do primeiro ativo
{ "CalculatedAttributeName": "_assets_name_first_occurrence", "DisplayName": "First asset name", "Description": "Returns name of the customer's first asset", "AttributeDetails": { "Attributes": [ { "Name": "AssetName" } ], "Expression": "{_asset.AssetName}" }, "Statistic": "FIRST_OCCURRENCE", "Conditions": { "Range": null, "ObjectCount": null, "Threshold": null }, "Launched": false }
Último nome do ativo
{ "CalculatedAttributeName": "_assets_name_last_occurrence", "DisplayName": "Last asset name", "Description": "Returns name of the customer's last asset.", "AttributeDetails": { "Attributes": [ { "Name": "AssetName" } ], "Expression": "{_asset.AssetName}" }, "Statistic": "LAST_OCCURRENCE", "Conditions": { "Range": null, "ObjectCount": null, "Threshold": null }, "Launched": false }
Atributos calculados por caso padrão
Amazon Connect Os perfis de clientes fornecem atributos padrão de out-of-the caixa com base nos casos. Os atributos são os seguintes:
Contagem de casos
{ "CalculatedAttributeName": "_cases_count", "DisplayName": "Count of cases", "Description": "Returns the count of customer's cases for a customer.", "AttributeDetails": { "Attributes": [ { "Name": "CaseId" } ], "Expression": "{_case.CaseId}" }, "Statistic": "COUNT", "Conditions": { "Range": null, "ObjectCount": null, "Threshold":null }, "Launched": false }
Data de criação do primeiro caso
{ "CalculatedAttributeName": "_case_first_occurrence", "DisplayName": "First case created date", "Description": "Returns created date of the customer's first case.", "AttributeDetails": { "Attributes": [ { "Name": "CreatedDate" } ], "Expression": "{_case.CreatedDate}" }, "Statistic": "FIRST_OCCURRENCE", "Conditions": { "Range": null, "ObjectCount": null, "Threshold": null }, "Launched": false }
Data de criação do último caso
{ "CalculatedAttributeName": "_case_last_occurrence", "DisplayName": "Last case created date", "Description": "Returns created date of the customer's last case.", "AttributeDetails": { "Attributes": [ { "Name": "CreatedDate" } ], "Expression": "{_case.CreatedDate}" }, "Statistic": "LAST_OCCURRENCE", "Conditions": { "Range": null, "ObjectCount": null, "Threshold": null }, "Launched": false }
Contagem de casos abertos
{ "CalculatedAttributeName": "_cases_open_status_count", "DisplayName": "Count of open cases", "Description": "Returns the count of customer's open cases.", "AttributeDetails": { "Attributes": [ { "Name": "CaseId" } ], "Expression": "{_case.CaseId}" }, "Statistic": "COUNT", "Conditions": { "Range": null, "ObjectCount": null, "Threshold":null }, "Filter": { "Include": "ALL", "Groups": [ { "Type": "ALL", "Dimensions": [ { "Attributes": { "Status": { "DimensionType": "INCLUSIVE", "Values": ["Open"] } } } ] } ] }, "Launched": false }
Contagem de casos encerrados
{ "CalculatedAttributeName": "_cases_closed_status_count", "DisplayName": "Count of closed cases", "Description": "Returns the count of customer's closed cases.", "AttributeDetails": { "Attributes": [ { "Name": "CaseId" } ], "Expression": "{_case.CaseId}" }, "Statistic": "COUNT", "Conditions": { "Range": null, "ObjectCount": null, "Threshold":null }, "Filter": { "Include": "ALL", "Groups": [ { "Type": "ALL", "Dimensions": [ { "Attributes": { "Status": { "DimensionType": "INCLUSIVE", "Values": ["Closed"] } } } ] } ] }, "Launched": false }
Atributos calculados do registro de comunicação padrão
Amazon Connect O Customer Profiles fornece atributos padrão de out-of-the caixa com base nos registros de comunicação. Os atributos são os seguintes:
Data de abertura do último e-mail
{ "CalculatedAttributeName": "_campaign_email_last_open", "DisplayName": "Last email open date", "Description": "Returns the last email open date of the customer.", "AttributeDetails": { "Attributes": [ { "Name": "Events.Open.UpdatedDate" } ], "Expression": "{_communicationRecord.Events.Open.UpdatedDate}" }, "Statistic": "LAST_OCCURRENCE", "Conditions": { "Range": null, "ObjectCount": null, "Threshold": null }, "Filter": { "Include": "ALL", "Groups": [ { "Type": "ALL", "Dimensions": [ { "Attributes": { "Attributes.ChannelSubType": { "DimensionType": "INCLUSIVE", "Values": ["connect:Email"] }, "Events.Open.EventType": { "DimensionType": "INCLUSIVE", "Values": ["Open"] } } } ] } ] }, "Launched": false }
Contagem de e-mails abertos
{ "CalculatedAttributeName": "_campaign_email_open_count", "DisplayName": "Email open count", "Description": "Returns the number of times emails were opened by a customer.", "AttributeDetails": { "Attributes": [ { "Name": "CommunicationRecordId" } ], "Expression": "{_communicationRecord.CommunicationRecordId}" }, "Statistic": "COUNT", "Conditions": { "Range": null, "ObjectCount": null, "Threshold": null }, "Filter": { "Include": "ALL", "Groups": [ { "Type": "ALL", "Dimensions": [ { "Attributes": { "Attributes.ChannelSubType": { "DimensionType": "INCLUSIVE", "Values": ["connect:Email"] }, "Events.Open.EventType": { "DimensionType": "INCLUSIVE", "Values": ["Open"] } } } ] } ] }, "Launched": false }
Contagem de entrega de e-mail
{ "CalculatedAttributeName": "_campaign_email_delivery_count", "DisplayName": "Email delivery count", "Description": "Returns the number of times emails were delivered to a customer.", "AttributeDetails": { "Attributes": [ { "Name": "CommunicationRecordId" } ], "Expression": "{_communicationRecord.CommunicationRecordId}" }, "Statistic": "COUNT", "Conditions": { "Range": null, "ObjectCount": null, "Threshold": null }, "Filter": { "Include": "ALL", "Groups": [ { "Type": "ALL", "Dimensions": [ { "Attributes": { "Attributes.ChannelSubType": { "DimensionType": "INCLUSIVE", "Values": ["connect:Email"] }, "Events.Delivery.EventType": { "DimensionType": "INCLUSIVE", "Values": ["Delivery"] } } } ] } ] }, "Launched": false }
Contagem de SMS entregues
{ "CalculatedAttributeName": "_campaign_sms_delivery_count", "DisplayName": "SMS delivered count", "Description": "Returns the number of times SMS were delivered to a customer.", "AttributeDetails": { "Attributes": [ { "Name": "CommunicationRecordId" } ], "Expression": "{_communicationRecord.CommunicationRecordId}" }, "Statistic": "COUNT", "Conditions": { "Range": null, "ObjectCount": null, "Threshold": null }, "Filter": { "Include": "ALL", "Groups": [ { "Type": "ALL", "Dimensions": [ { "Attributes": { "Attributes.ChannelSubType": { "DimensionType": "INCLUSIVE", "Values": ["connect:SMS"] }, "Events.TEXT_DELIVERED.EventType": { "DimensionType": "INCLUSIVE", "Values": ["TEXT_DELIVERED"] } } } ] } ] }, "Launched": false }
Data do último SMS bloqueado
{ "CalculatedAttributeName": "_campaign_sms_last_stop", "DisplayName": "Last SMS blocked date", "Description": "Returns the last SMS blocked date of the customer.", "AttributeDetails": { "Attributes": [ { "Name": "Events.TEXT_BLOCKED.UpdatedDate" } ], "Expression": "{_communicationRecord.Events.TEXT_BLOCKED.UpdatedDate}" }, "Statistic": "LAST_OCCURRENCE", "Conditions": { "Range": null, "ObjectCount": null, "Threshold": null }, "Filter": { "Include": "ANY", "Groups": [ { "Type": "ALL", "Dimensions": [ { "Attributes": { "Attributes.ChannelSubType": { "DimensionType": "INCLUSIVE", "Values": ["connect:SMS"] }, "Events.TEXT_BLOCKED.EventType": { "DimensionType": "INCLUSIVE", "Values": ["TEXT_BLOCKED"] } } } ] } ] }, "Launched": false }
Data do último bloqueio da operadora de SMS
{ "CalculatedAttributeName": "_campaign_sms_last_stop_carrier", "DisplayName": "Last SMS carrier blocked date", "Description": "Returns the last SMS carrier blocked date of the customer.", "AttributeDetails": { "Attributes": [ { "Name": "Events.TEXT_CARRIER_BLOCKED.UpdatedDate" } ], "Expression": "{_communicationRecord.Events.TEXT_CARRIER_BLOCKED.UpdatedDate}" }, "Statistic": "LAST_OCCURRENCE", "Conditions": { "Range": null, "ObjectCount": null, "Threshold": null }, "Filter": { "Include": "ANY", "Groups": [ { "Type": "ALL", "Dimensions": [ { "Attributes": { "Attributes.ChannelSubType": { "DimensionType": "INCLUSIVE", "Values": ["connect:SMS"] }, "Events.TEXT_CARRIER_BLOCKED.EventType": { "DimensionType": "INCLUSIVE", "Values": ["TEXT_CARRIER_BLOCKED"] } } } ] } ] }, "Launched": false }
Atributos calculados da ordem padrão
Amazon Connect O Customer Profiles fornece atributos padrão de out-of-the caixa com base nos pedidos. Os atributos são os seguintes:
Contagem de pedidos
{ "CalculatedAttributeName": "_orders_count", "DisplayName": "Count of orders", "Description": "Returns the count of orders for a customer.", "AttributeDetails": { "Attributes": [ { "Name": "OrderId" } ], "Expression": "{_order.OrderId}" }, "Statistic": "COUNT", "Conditions": { "Range": null, "ObjectCount": null, "Threshold":null }, "Launched": false }
Data de criação do primeiro pedido
{ "CalculatedAttributeName": "_order_first_occurrence", "DisplayName": "First order created date", "Description": "Returns created date of the customer's first order.", "AttributeDetails": { "Attributes": [ { "Name": "CreatedDate" } ], "Expression": "{_order.CreatedDate}" }, "Statistic": "FIRST_OCCURRENCE", "Conditions": { "Range": null, "ObjectCount": null, "Threshold": null }, "Launched": false }
Data de criação do último pedido
{ "CalculatedAttributeName": "_order_last_occurrence", "DisplayName": "Last order created date", "Description": "Returns created date of the customer's last order.", "AttributeDetails": { "Attributes": [ { "Name": "CreatedDate" } ], "Expression": "{_order.CreatedDate}" }, "Statistic": "LAST_OCCURRENCE", "Conditions": { "Range": null, "ObjectCount": null, "Threshold": null }, "Launched": false }
Preço total de todos os pedidos
{ "CalculatedAttributeName": "_orders_total_price_sum", "DisplayName": "Total price of all orders", "Description": "Returns sum of total price for all customer's orders.", "Statistic": "SUM", "AttributeDetails": { "Attributes": [ { "Name": "TotalPrice" } ], "Expression": "{_order.TotalPrice}" }, "Conditions": { "Range": null, "ObjectCount": null, "Threshold":null }, "Launched": false }
Média do preço total dos pedidos
{ "CalculatedAttributeName": "_orders_total_price_average", "DisplayName": "Orders average of total price", "Description": "Returns average of total price for all customer's orders.", "AttributeDetails": { "Attributes": [ { "Name": "TotalPrice" } ], "Expression": "{_order.TotalPrice}" }, "Statistic": "AVERAGE", "Conditions": { "Range": null, "ObjectCount": null, "Threshold": null }, "Launched": false }