Cancel a pending ad avail - AWS Elemental Live

Cancel a pending ad avail

If you inserted an ad avail the start time has not yet passed, you can cancel the insertion. No SCTE-35 message will be inserted.


POST <IP address of Live node>/live_events/<ID of event>/cue_point

Body of HTTP

The XML body contains one cue_point element containing the following tag:

Tag Sub-tag Type Value
cancel_event_id integer The event ID of the original SCTE-35 request.


The response includes a message that identifies the event ID of the original request.

Cancel a Pending Ad Avail Example

The following shows a request to cancel the insertion of a pending ad avail in the event with the ID 4. The original SCTE-35 ad avail has an ID of 38:

POST ---------------------------------------- <cue_point> <cancel_event_id>38</cancel_event_id> </cue_point>

The following shows an example response for the request:

<response> <tag>13</tag> <event_id>5</event_id> <message>Canceled eventID [5]</message> <value>cue_point</value> </response>