Q. Can I use Amazon RDS for SQL Server
A. No, Amazon RDS for SQL Server is not certified by SAP for SAP NetWeaver based applications. However, it is certified to be used as database for SAP Business Objects BI (BObj BI)
Q. Can I purchase and use a Microsoft SQL Server license from
AWS, such as Microsoft
SQL Server 2019 Enterprise on Windows Server 2022
A. Yes, AWS provides a variety of options for Microsoft SQL Server license-included AMIs, as a pre-installed package with different combinations of Microsoft Windows Server and Microsoft SQL Server versions and editions available. For more information, see Licensing options and Find a SQL Server license-included AMI.
There are some differences in how SAP manages technical support, when the support ticket is raised with SAP support, and if the issue raised is found to be with Microsoft SQL Server, when those licenses are from AWS. In that situation, you need to raise a separate ticket with Support for SQL Server technical support, following the terms of your Support plan.