Changing a user's role
If you're using IAM Identity Center or Active Directory, you can change a user's role by adding or removing them from a group that's mapped to the role that you want to assign them in QuickSight. You can also perform this task by adding a new group to a role in QuickSight. To do this, you need both administrative privileges in Amazon QuickSight and also appropriate AWS permissions.
With IAM Identity Center integrated users, you can change role types for a user by moving them to a group that is associated with a different QuickSight role. If a user belongs to multiple groups that are mapped to different role types, the user is able to access QuickSight with the role that offers the broadest level of access.
When you make changes to users or groups in Amazon QuickSight, it can take up to five minutes for the change to take effect. Examples of such changes are the following:
Deleting a user
Changing a user from an admin to an author
Adding or removing group members
The five-minute time period allows changes to propagate throughout the system.