Readiness rules descriptions in ARC
This section lists the readiness rules descriptions for all the types of resources supported by Amazon Application Recovery Controller (ARC). To see a list of the resource types supported by ARC, see Resource types and ARN formats in ARC.
You can also view the readiness rules descriptions on the ARC console or by using an API operation, by doing the following:
To view readiness rules in the console, follow the steps in the following procedure: View readiness rules on the console.
To view readiness rules by using the API, see the ListRules operation.
Readiness rules in ARC
This section lists the set of readiness rules for each resource type that is supported by ARC.
As you look through the rule descriptions, you can see that most of them include the terms Inspects all or Inspects each. To understand how these terms explain how a rule works in the context of a readiness check, and other details about how ARC sets readiness status, see How readiness rules determine readiness status.
Readiness rules
ARC audits resources by using the following readiness rules.
- Amazon API Gateway Version 1 stages
ApiGwV1ApiKeyCount: Inspects all API Gateway stages to ensure that they have the same number of API Keys linked to them.
ApiGwV1ApiKeySource: Inspects all API Gateway stages to ensure that they have the same value for
API Key Source
.ApiGwV1BasePath: Inspects all API Gateway stages to ensure that they are linked to the same base path.
ApiGwV1BinaryMediaTypes: Inspects all API Gateway stages to ensure that they support the same binary media types.
ApiGwV1CacheClusterEnabled: Inspects all API Gateway stages to ensure that either all have
Cache Cluster
enabled, or none do.ApiGwV1CacheClusterSize: Inspects all API Gateway stages to ensure that they have the same
Cache Cluster Size
. If one has a greater value, the others are marked NOT READY.ApiGwV1CacheClusterStatus: Inspects all API Gateway stages to ensure that the
Cache Cluster
is in the AVAILABLE state.ApiGwV1DisableExecuteApiEndpoint: Inspects all API Gateway stages to ensure that either all have
Execute API Endpoint
disabled, or none do.ApiGwV1DomainName: Inspects all API Gateway stages to ensure that they are linked to the same domain name.
ApiGwV1EndpointConfiguration: Inspects all API Gateway stages to ensure that they are linked to a domain with the same endpoint configuration.
ApiGwV1EndpointDomainNameStatus: Inspects all API Gateway stages to ensure that the domain name that they are linked to is in the AVAILABLE state.
ApiGwV1MethodSettings: Inspects all API Gateway stages to ensure that they have the same value for
Method Settings
.ApiGwV1MutualTlsAuthentication: Inspects all API Gateway stages to ensure that they have the same value for
Mutual TLS Authentication
.ApiGwV1Policy: Inspects all API Gateway stages to ensure that either all use API level policies, or none do.
ApiGwV1RegionalDomainName: Inspects all API Gateway stages to ensure that they are linked to the same Regional domain name. Note: This rule does not affect readiness status.
ApiGwV1ResourceMethodConfigs: Inspects all API Gateway stages to ensure that they have a similar resource hierarchy, including the related configurations.
ApiGwV1SecurityPolicy: Inspects all API Gateway stages to ensure that they have the same value for
Security Policy
.ApiGwV1Quotas: Inspects all API Gateway groups to ensure that they conform to quotas (limits) that are managed by Service Quotas.
ApiGwV1UsagePlans: Inspects all API Gateway stages to ensure that they are linked to
Usage Plans
with the same configuration.
- Amazon API Gateway Version 2 stages
ApiGwV2ApiKeySelectionExpression: Inspects all API Gateway stages ensure that they have the same value for
API Key Selection Expression
.ApiGwV2ApiMappingSelectionExpression: Inspects all API Gateway stages to ensure that they have the same value for
API Mapping Selection Expression
.ApiGwV2CorsConfiguration: Inspects all API Gateway stages to ensure that they have the same CORS related configuration.
ApiGwV2DomainName: Inspects all API Gateway stages to ensure that they are linked to the same domain name.
ApiGwV2DomainNameStatus: Inspects all API Gateway stages to ensure that the domain name is in the AVAILABLE state.
ApiGwV2EndpointType: Inspects all API Gateway stages to ensure that they have the same value for
.Endpoint Type
ApiGwV2Quotas: Inspects all API Gateway groups to ensure that they conform to quotas (limits) that are managed by Service Quotas.
ApiGwV2MutualTlsAuthentication: Inspects all API Gateway stages to ensure that they have the same value for
Mutual TLS Authentication
.ApiGwV2ProtocolType: Inspects all API Gateway stages to ensure that they have the same value for
Protocol Type
.ApiGwV2RouteConfigs: Inspects all API Gateway stages to ensure that they have the same hierarchy of routes with the same configuration.
ApiGwV2RouteSelectionExpression: Inspects all API Gateway stages to ensure that they have the same value for
Route Selection Expression
.ApiGwV2RouteSettings: Inspects all API Gateway stages to ensure that they have the same value for
Default Route Settings
.ApiGwV2SecurityPolicy: Inspects all API Gateway stages to ensure that they have the same value for
Security Policy
.ApiGwV2StageVariables: Inspects all API Gateway stages to ensure that they all have the same
Stage Variables
as the other stages.ApiGwV2ThrottlingBurstLimit: Inspects all API Gateway stages to ensure that they have the same value for
Throttling Burst Limit
.ApiGwV2ThrottlingRateLimit: Inspects all API Gateway stages to ensure that they have the same value for
Throttling Rate Limit
- Amazon Aurora clusters
RdsClusterStatus: Inspects each Aurora cluster to ensure that it has a status of either
.RdsEngineMode: Inspects all Aurora clusters to ensure that they have the same value for
Engine Mode
.RdsEngineVersion: Inspects all Aurora clusters to ensure that they have the same value for
Major Version
.RdsGlobalReplicaLag: Inspects each Aurora cluster to ensure that it has a
Global Replica Lag
of less than 30 seconds.RdsNormalizedCapacity: Inspects all Aurora clusters to ensure that they have a normalized capacity within 15% of the maximum in the resource set.
RdsInstanceType: Inspects all Aurora clusters to ensure that they have the same instance types.
RdsQuotas: Inspects all Aurora clusters to ensure that they conform to quotas (limits) that are managed by Service Quotas.
- Auto Scaling groups
AsgMinSizeAndMaxSize: Inspects all Auto Scaling groups to ensure that they have the same minimum and maximum group sizes.
AsgAZCount: Inspects all Auto Scaling groups to ensure that they have the same number of Availability Zones.
AsgInstanceTypes: Inspects all Auto Scaling groups to ensure that they have the same instance types. Note: This rule does not affect readiness status.
AsgInstanceSizes: Inspects all Auto Scaling groups to ensure that they have the same instance sizes.
AsgNormalizedCapacity: Inspects all Auto Scaling groups to ensure that they have a normalized capacity within 15% of the maximum in the resource set.
AsgQuotas: Inspects all Auto Scaling groups to ensure that they conform to quotas (limits) that are managed by Service Quotas.
- CloudWatch alarms
CloudWatchAlarmState: Inspects CloudWatch alarms to ensure that each is not in the
- Customer gateways
CustomerGatewayIpAddress: Inspects all customer gateways to ensure that they have the same IP address.
CustomerGatewayState: Inspects customer gateways to ensure that each is in the
state.CustomerGatewayVPNType: Inspects all customer gateways to ensure that they have the same VPN type.
- DNS target resources
DnsTargetResourceHostedZoneConfigurationRule: Inspects all DNS target resources to ensure that they have the same Amazon RouteĀ 53 hosted zone ID and that each hosted zone is not private. Note: This rule does not affect readiness status.
DnsTargetResourceRecordSetConfigurationRule: Inspects all DNS target resources to ensure that they have the same resource record cache time to live (TTL) and that the TTLs are less than or equal to 300.
DnsTargetResourceRoutingRule: Inspects each DNS target resource associated with an alias resource record set to ensure that it routes traffic to the DNS name configured on the target resource. Note: This rule does not affect readiness status.
DnsTargetResourceHealthCheckRule: Inspects all DNS target resources to ensure that health checks are associated with their resource record sets when appropriate and not otherwise. Note: This rule does not affect readiness status.
- Amazon DynamoDB tables
DynamoConfiguration: Inspects all DynamoDB tables to ensure that they have the same keys, attributes, server-side encryption, and streams configurations.
DynamoTableStatus: Inspects each DynamoDB table to ensure that it has a status of ACTIVE.
DynamoCapacity: Inspects all DynamoDB tables to ensure that their provisioned read capacities and write capacities are within 20% of the maximum capacities in the resource set.
DynamoPeakRcuWcu: Inspects each DynamoDB table to ensure that it has had similar peak traffic to the other tables, to assure provisioned capacity.
DynamoGsiPeakRcuWcu: Inspects each DynamoDB table to ensure that it has had similar maximum read and write capacity to the other tables, to assure provisioned capacity.
DynamoGsiConfig: Inspects all DynamoDB tables that have global secondary indexes to ensure that the tables use the same index, key schema, and projection.
DynamoGsiStatus: Inspects all DynamoDB tables that have global secondary indexes to ensure that the global secondary indexes have an ACTIVE status.
DynamoGsiCapacity: Inspects all DynamoDB tables that have global secondary indexes to ensure that the tables have provisioned GSI read capacities and GSI write capacities within 20% of the maximum capacities in the resource set.
DynamoReplicationLatency: Inspects all DynamoDB tables that are global tables to ensure that they have the same replication latency.
DynamoAutoScalingConfiguration: Inspects all DynamoDB tables that have Auto Scaling enabled to ensure that they have the same minimum, maximum, and target read and write capacities.
DynamoQuotas: Inspects all DynamoDB tables to ensure that they conform to quotas (limits) that are managed by Service Quotas.
- Elastic Load Balancing (Classic Load Balancers)
ElbV1CheckAzCount: Inspects each Classic Load Balancer to ensure that it is attached to only one Availability Zone. Note: This rule does not affect readiness status.
ElbV1AnyInstances: Inspects all Classic Load Balancers to ensure that they have at least one EC2 instance.
ElbV1AnyInstancesHealthy: Inspects all Classic Load Balancers to ensure that they have at least one healthy EC2 instance.
ElbV1Scheme: Inspects all Classic Load Balancers to ensure that they have the same load balancer scheme.
ElbV1HealthCheckThreshold: Inspects all Classic Load Balancers to ensure that they have the same health check threshold value.
ElbV1HealthCheckInterval: Inspects all Classic Load Balancers to ensure that they have the same health check interval value.
ElbV1CrossZoneRoutingEnabled: Inspects all Classic Load Balancers to ensure that they have the same value for cross-zone load balancing (ENABLED or DISABLED).
ElbV1AccessLogsEnabledAttribute: Inspects all Classic Load Balancers to ensure that they have the same value for access logs (ENABLED or DISABLED).
ElbV1ConnectionDrainingEnabledAttribute: Inspects all Classic Load Balancers to ensure that they have the same value for connection draining (ENABLED or DISABLED).
ElbV1ConnectionDrainingTimeoutAttribute: Inspects all Classic Load Balancers to ensure that they have the same connection draining timeout value.
ElbV1IdleTimeoutAttribute: Inspects all Classic Load Balancers to ensure that they have the same value for idle timeout.
ElbV1ProvisionedCapacityLcuCount: Inspects all Classic Load Balancers with a provisioned LCU greater than 10 to ensure that they are within 20% of the highest provisioned LCU in the resource set.
ElbV1ProvisionedCapacityStatus: Inspects the provisioned capacity status on each Classic Load Balancer to ensure that it does not have a value of DISABLED or PENDING.
- Amazon EBS volumes
EbsVolumeEncryption: Inspects all EBS volumes to ensure that they have the same value for encryption (ENABLED or DISABLED).
EbsVolumeEncryptionDefault: Inspects all EBS volumes to ensure that they have the same value for encryption by default (ENABLED or DISABLED).
EbsVolumeIops: Inspects all EBS volumes to ensure that they have the same input/output operations per second (IOPS).
EbsVolumeKmsKeyId: Inspects all EBS volumes to ensure that they have the same default AWS KMS key ID.
EbsVolumeMultiAttach: Inspects all EBS volumes to ensure that they have the same value for multi-attach (ENABLED or DISABLED).
EbsVolumeQuotas: Inspects all EBS volumes to ensure that they conform to quotas (limits) that are set by Service Quotas.
EbsVolumeSize: Inspects all EBS volumes to ensure that they have the same readable size.
EbsVolumeState: Inspects all EBS volumes to ensure that they have the same volume state.
EbsVolumeType: Inspects all EBS volumes to ensure that they have the same volume type.
- AWS Lambda functions
LambdaMemorySize: Inspects all Lambda functions to ensure that they have the same memory size. If one has more memory, the others are marked
.LambdaFunctionTimeout: Inspects all Lambda functions to ensure that they have the same timeout value. If one has a greater value, the others are marked
.LambdaFunctionRuntime: Inspects all Lambda functions to ensure that they all have the same runtime.
LambdaFunctionReservedConcurrentExecutions: Inspects all Lambda functions to ensure that they all have the same value for
Reserved Concurrent Executions
. If one has a greater value, the others are markedNOT READY
.LambdaFunctionDeadLetterConfig: Inspects all Lambda functions to ensure that they either all have a
Dead Letter Config
defined, or that none of them do.LambdaFunctionProvisionedConcurrencyConfig: Inspects all Lambda functions to ensure that they have the same value for
Provisioned Concurrency
.LambdaFunctionSecurityGroupCount: Inspects all Lambda functions to ensure that they have the same value for
Security Groups
.LambdaFunctionSubnetIdCount: Inspects all Lambda functions to ensure that they have the same value for
Subnet Ids
.LambdaFunctionEventSourceMappingMatch: Inspects all Lambda functions to ensure that all of the chosen
Event Source Mapping
properties match between them.LambdaFunctionLimitsRule: Inspects all Lambda functions to ensure that they conform to quotas (limits) that are managed by Service Quotas.
- Network Load Balancers and Application Load Balancers
ElbV2CheckAzCount: Inspects each Network Load Balancer to ensure that it is attached to only one Availability Zone. Note: This rule does not affect readiness status.
ElbV2TargetGroupsCanServeTraffic: Inspects each Network Load Balancer and Application Load Balancer to ensure that it has at least one healthy Amazon EC2 instance.
ElbV2State: Inspects each Network Load Balancer and Application Load Balancer to ensure that it is in the
state.ElbV2IpAddressType: Inspects all Network Load Balancers and Application Load Balancers to ensure that they have the same IP address types.
ElbV2Scheme: Inspects all Network Load Balancers and Application Load Balancers to ensure that they have the same scheme.
ElbV2Type: Inspects all Network Load Balancers and Application Load Balancers to ensure that they have the same type.
ElbV2S3LogsEnabled: Inspects all Network Load Balancers and Application Load Balancers to ensure that they have the same value for Amazon S3 server access logs (ENABLED or DISABLED).
ElbV2DeletionProtection: Inspects all Network Load Balancers and Application Load Balancers to ensure that they have the same value for deletion protection (ENABLED or DISABLED).
ElbV2IdleTimeoutSeconds: Inspects all Network Load Balancers and Application Load Balancers to ensure that they have the same value for idle time seconds.
ElbV2HttpDropInvalidHeaders: Inspects all Network Load Balancers and Application Load Balancers to ensure that they have the same value for HTTP drop invalid headers.
ElbV2Http2Enabled: Inspects all Network Load Balancers and Application Load Balancers to ensure that they have the same value for HTTP2 (ENABLED or DISABLED).
ElbV2CrossZoneEnabled: Inspects all Network Load Balancers and Application Load Balancers to ensure that they have the same value for cross-zone load balancing (ENABLED or DISABLED).
ElbV2ProvisionedCapacityLcuCount: Inspects all Network Load Balancers and Application Load Balancers with a provisioned LCU greater than 10 to ensure that they are within 20% of the highest provisioned LCU in the resource set.
ElbV2ProvisionedCapacityEnabled: Inspects all Network Load Balancers and Application Load Balancers provisioned capacity status to ensure that it does not have a value of DISABLED or PENDING.
- Amazon MSK clusters
MskClusterClientSubnet: Inspects each MSK cluster to ensure that it has only two or only three client subnets.
MskClusterInstanceType: Inspects all MSK clusters to ensure that they have the same Amazon EC2 instance type.
MskClusterSecurityGroups: Inspects all MSK clusters to ensure that they have the same security groups.
MskClusterStorageInfo: Inspects all MSK clusters to ensure that they have the same EBS storage volume size. If one has a greater value, the others are marked NOT READY.
MskClusterACMCertificate: Inspects all MSK clusters to ensure that they have the same list of client authorization certificate ARNs.
MskClusterServerProperties: Inspects all MSK clusters to ensure that they have the same value for
Current Broker Software Info
.MskClusterKafkaVersion: Inspects all MSK clusters to ensure that they have the same Kafka version.
MskClusterEncryptionInTransitInCluster: Inspects all MSK clusters to ensure that they have the same value for
Encryption In Transit In Cluster
.MskClusterEncryptionInClientBroker: Inspects all MSK clusters to ensure that they have the same value for
Encryption In Transit Client Broker
.MskClusterEnhancedMonitoring: Inspects all MSK clusters to ensure that they have the same value for
Enhanced Monitoring
.MskClusterOpenMonitoringInJmx: Inspects all MSK clusters to ensure that they have the same value for
Open Monitoring JMX Exporter
.MskClusterOpenMonitoringInNode: Inspects all MSK clusters to ensure that they have the same value for
Open Monitoring Not Exporter.
MskClusterLoggingInS3: Inspects all MSK clusters to ensure that they have the same value for
Is Logging in S3
.MskClusterLoggingInFirehose: Inspects all MSK clusters to ensure that they have the same value for
Is Logging In Firehose
.MskClusterLoggingInCloudWatch: Inspects all MSK clusters to ensure that they have the same value for
Is Logging Available In CloudWatch Logs
.MskClusterNumberOfBrokerNodes: Inspects all MSK clusters to ensure they have the same value for
Number of Broker Nodes
. If one has a greater value, the others are marked NOT READY.MskClusterState: Inspects each MSK cluster to ensure that it is in an ACTIVE state.
MskClusterLimitsRule: Inspects all Lambda functions to ensure that they conform to quotas (limits) that are managed by Service Quotas.
- Amazon RouteĀ 53 health checks
R53HealthCheckType: Inspects each Route 53 health check to ensure that it is not of type CALCULATED and that all checks are of the same type.
R53HealthCheckDisabled: Inspects each Route 53 health check to ensure that it does not have a DISABLED state.
R53HealthCheckStatus: Inspects each Route 53 health check to ensure that it has a SUCCESS status.
R53HealthCheckRequestInterval: Inspects all Route 53 health checks to ensure that they all have the same value for
Request Interval
.R53HealthCheckFailureThreshold: Inspects all Route 53 health checks to ensure that they all have the same value for
Failure Threshold.
R53HealthCheckEnableSNI: Inspects all Route 53 health checks to ensure that they all have the same value for
Enable SNI.
R53HealthCheckSearchString: Inspects all Route 53 health checks to ensure that they all have the same value for
Search String.
R53HealthCheckRegions: Inspects all Route 53 health checks to ensure that they all have the same list of AWS Regions.
R53HealthCheckMeasureLatency: Inspects all Route 53 health checks to ensure that they all have the same value for
Measure Latency
.R53HealthCheckInsufficientDataHealthStatus: Inspects all Route 53 health checks to ensure that they all have the same value for
Insufficient Data Health Status
.R53HealthCheckInverted: Inspects all Route 53 health checks to ensure that they are all Inverted, or are all not Inverted.
R53HealthCheckResourcePath: Inspects all Route 53 health checks to ensure that they all have the same value for
Resource Path
.R53HealthCheckCloudWatchAlarm: Inspects all Route 53 health checks to ensure that the CloudWatch alarms associated with them have the same settings and configurations.
- Amazon SNS subscriptions
SnsSubscriptionProtocol: Inspects all SNS subscriptions to ensure that they have the same protocol.
SnsSubscriptionSqsLambdaEndpoint: Inspects all SNS subscriptions that have Lambda or SQS endpoints to ensure that they have different endpoints.
SnsSubscriptionNonAwsEndpoint: Inspects all SNS subscriptions that have a non-AWS service endpoint type, for example, email, to ensure that the subscriptions have the same endpoint.
SnsSubscriptionPendingConfirmation: Inspects all SNS subscriptions to ensure that they have the same value for 'Pending Confirmations'.
SnsSubscriptionDeliveryPolicy: Inspects all SNS subscriptions that use HTTP/S to ensure that they have the same value for 'Effective Delivery Period'.
SnsSubscriptionRawMessageDelivery: Inspects all SNS subscriptions to ensure that they have the same value for 'Raw Message Delivery'.
SnsSubscriptionFilter: Inspects all SNS subscriptions to ensure that they have the same value for 'Filter Policy'.
SnsSubscriptionRedrivePolicy: Inspects all SNS subscriptions to ensure that they have the same value for 'Redrive Policy'.
SnsSubscriptionEndpointEnabled: Inspects all SNS subscriptions to ensure that they have the same value for 'Endpoint Enabled'.
SnsSubscriptionLambdaEndpointValid: Inspects all SNS subscriptions that have Lambda endpoints to ensure that they have valid Lambda endpoints.
SnsSubscriptionSqsEndpointValidRule: Inspects all SNS subscriptions that use SQS endpoints to ensure that they have valid SQS endpoints.
SnsSubscriptionQuotas: Inspects all SNS subscriptions to ensure that they conform to quotas (limits) that are managed by Service Quotas.
- Amazon SNS topics
SnsTopicDisplayName: Inspects all SNS topics to ensure that they have the same value for
Display Name
.SnsTopicDeliveryPolicy: Inspects all SNS topics that have HTTPS subscribers to ensure that they have the same
.SnsTopicSubscription: Inspects all SNS topics to ensure that they have the same number of subscribers for each of their protocols.
SnsTopicAwsKmsKey: Inspects all SNS topics to ensure that all of the topics or none of the topics have an AWS KMS key.
SnsTopicQuotas: Inspects all SNS topics to ensure that they conform to quotas (limits) that are managed by Service Quotas.
- Amazon SQS queues
SqsQueueType: Inspects all SQS queues to ensure that they are all the same value for
.SqsQueueDelaySeconds: Inspects all SQS queues to ensure that they all have the same value for
Delay Seconds
.SqsQueueMaximumMessageSize: Inspects all SQS queues to ensure that they all have the same value for
Maximum Message Size
.SqsQueueMessageRetentionPeriod: Inspects all SQS queues to ensure that they all have the same value for
Message Retention Period
.SqsQueueReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds: Inspects all SQS queues to ensure that they all have the same value for
Receive Message Wait Time Seconds
.SqsQueueRedrivePolicyMaxReceiveCount: Inspects all SQS queues to ensure that they all have the same value for
Redrive Policy Max Receive Count
.SqsQueueVisibilityTimeout: Inspects all SQS queues to ensure that they all have the same value for
Visibility Timeout
.SqsQueueContentBasedDeduplication: Inspects all SQS queues to ensure that they all have the same value for
Content-Based Deduplication
.SqsQueueQuotas: Inspects all SQS queues to ensure that they conform to quotas (limits) that are managed by Service Quotas.
- Amazon VPCs
VpcCidrBlock: Inspects all VPCs to ensure that they all have the same value for CIDR block network size.
VpcCidrBlocksSameProtocolVersion: Inspects all VPCs that have the same CIDR blocks to ensure that they have the same value for Internet Stream Protocol version number.
VpcCidrBlocksStateInAssociationSets: Inspects all CIDR block association sets for all VPCs to ensure that they all have CIDR blocks that are in an
state.VpcIpv6CidrBlocksStateInAssociationSets: Inspects all CIDR block association sets for all VPCs to ensure that they all have CIDR blocks with the same number of addresses.
VpcCidrBlocksInAssociationSets: Inspects all CIDR block association sets for all VPCs to ensure that they all have the same size.
VpcIpv6CidrBlocksInAssociationSets: Inspects all IPv6 CIDR block association sets for all VPCs to ensure that they have the same size.
VpcState: Inspects each VPC to ensure that it is in an
state.VpcInstanceTenancy: Inspects all VPCs to ensure that they all have the same value for
Instance Tenancy
.VpcIsDefault: Inspects all VPCs to ensure that they have the same value for
Is Default.
VpcSubnetState: Inspects each VPC subnet to ensure that it is in an AVAILABLE state.
VpcSubnetAvailableIpAddressCount: Inspects each VPC subnet to ensure that it has an available IP address count greater than zero.
VpcSubnetCount: Inspects all VPC subnets to ensure that they have the same number of subnets.
VpcQuotas: Inspects all VPC subnets to ensure that they conform to quotas (limits) that are managed by Service Quotas.
- AWS VPN connections
VpnConnectionsRouteCount: Inspects all VPN connections to ensure that they have at least one route, and also the same number of routes.
VpnConnectionsEnableAcceleration: Inspects all VPN connections to ensure that they have the same value for
Enable Accelerations
.VpnConnectionsStaticRoutesOnly: Inspects all VPN connections to ensure that they have the same value for
Static Routes Only.
VpnConnectionsCategory: Inspects all VPN connections to ensure that they have a category of
.VpnConnectionsCustomerConfiguration: Inspects all VPN connections to ensure that they have the same value for
Customer Gateway Configuration
.VpnConnectionsCustomerGatewayId: Inspects each VPN connection to ensure that it has a customer gateway attached.
VpnConnectionsRoutesState: Inspects all VPN connections to ensure that they are in an
state.VpnConnectionsVgwTelemetryStatus: Inspects each VPN connection to ensure that it has a VGW status of
.VpnConnectionsVgwTelemetryIpAddress: Inspects each VPN connection to ensure that it has a different outside IP address for each VGW telemetry.
VpnConnectionsTunnelOptions: Inspects all VPN connections to ensure that they have the same tunnel options.
VpnConnectionsRoutesCidr: Inspects all VPN connections to ensure that they have the same destination CIDR blocks.
VpnConnectionsInstanceType: Inspects all VPN connections to ensure that they have the same
Instance Type
- AWS VPN gateways
VpnGatewayState: Inspects all VPN gateways to ensure that they are in an AVAILABLE state.
VpnGatewayAsn: Inspects all VPN gateways to ensure that they have the same ASN.
VpnGatewayType: Inspects all VPN gateways to ensure that they have the same type.
VpnGatewayAttachment: Inspects all VPN gateways to ensure that they have the same attachment configurations.
View readiness rules on the console
You can view readiness rules on the AWS Management Console, listed by each resource type.
To view readiness rules on the console
Open the ARC console at
. -
Choose Readiness check.
Under Resource type, choose the resource type that you want to view the rules for.