Considerations for using customer managed permissions in AWS RAM - AWS Resource Access Manager

Considerations for using customer managed permissions in AWS RAM

Customer managed permissions are only available in the AWS Region that you create them in. Not all resource types support customer managed permissions. For a list of supported resource types in AWS Resource Access Manager, see Shareable AWS resources.

Customer managed permissions with multiple statements aren't supported. You can only use single non-negating operators in customer managed permissions.

The following conditions aren't supported in customer managed permissions:

  • Principal in the organization related:

    • aws:PrincipalOrgId

    • aws:PrincipalOrgPaths

    • aws:PrincipalAccount

  • Principal for a specified service related:

    • aws:SourceArn

    • aws:SourceAccount

  • System tags:

    • aws:PrincipalTag/aws:

    • aws:ResourceTag/aws:

    • aws:RequestTag/aws: