Setup scheduled assessments and drift notification - AWS Resilience Hub

Setup scheduled assessments and drift notification

AWS Resilience Hub allows you to setup scheduled assessments and drift notification for assessing your application daily and getting notified when a drift is detected.

To setup drift notification
  1. To assess your application daily, turn on Automatically assess daily.

    If this option is turned on, the daily assessment schedule begins only after the following:

    • The application is manually assessed successfully for the first time.

    • The application is configured with an appropriate IAM role.

    • If your application is configured with current IAM user permissions, you must create the AWSResilienceHubAsssessmentExecutionPolicy

      role using the appropriate procedure in How AWS Resilience Hub works with IAM.

  2. To get notified when AWS Resilience Hub detects any drifts from the resiliency policies, or when its resources have drifted, turn on Get notified when the application drifts.

    If this option is turned on, to receive drift notifications, you must specify an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic. To provide Amazon SNS topic, in Provide an SNS Topic section, select Choose an SNS topic option and select an Amazon SNS topic from the Choose an SNS topic dropdown list.


    To use Amazon SNS topics that are in a different AWS account or different Region, or both, select Enter SNS topic ARN and enter the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon SNS topic in the Provide an SNS topic box. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) in the AWS General Reference.


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