Use the fmeval library to run an automatic evaluation - Amazon SageMaker

Use the fmeval library to run an automatic evaluation

Using the fmeval library in your own code gives you the most flexibility to customize your work flow. You can use the fmevallibrary to evaluate any LLM, and also to have more flexibility with your custom input datasets. The following steps show you how to set up your environment and how to run both a starting and a customized work flow using the fmeval library.

Get started using the fmeval library

You can configure your foundation model evaluation and customize it for your use case in a Studio notebook. Your configuration depends both on the kind of task that your foundation model is built to predict, and how you want to evaluate it. FMEval supports open-ended generation, text summarization, question answering, and classification tasks. The steps in this section show you how to set up a starting work flow. This starting work flow includes setting up your environment and running an evaluation algorithm using either a JumpStart or an Amazon Bedrock foundation model with built-in datasets. If you must use a custom input dataset and workflow for a more specific use case, see Customize your workflow using the fmeval library.

If you don’t want to run a model evaluation in a Studio notebook, skip to step 11 in the following Get started using Studio section.

  • To run a model evaluation in a Studio UI, your AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role and any input datasets must have the correct permissions. If you do not have a SageMaker Domain or IAM role, follow the steps in Guide to getting set up with Amazon SageMaker.

To set permissions for your Amazon S3 bucket

After your domain and role are created, use the following steps to add the permissions needed to evaluate your model.

  1. Open the Amazon SageMaker console at

  2. In the navigation pane, enter S3 into the search bar at the top of the page.

  3. Choose S3 under Services.

  4. Choose Buckets from the navigation pane.

  5. In the General purpose buckets section, under Name, choose the name of the S3 bucket that you want to use to store your model input and output in the console. If you do not have an S3 bucket, do the following:

    1. Select Create bucket to open a new Create bucket page.

    2. In the General configuration section, under AWS Region, select the AWS region where your foundation model is located.

    3. Name your S3 bucket in the input box under Bucket name.

    4. Accept all of the default choices.

    5. Select Create bucket.

    6. In the General purpose buckets section, under Name, select the name of the S3 bucket that you created.

  6. Choose the Permissions tab.

  7. Scroll to the Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) section at the bottom of the window. Choose Edit.

  8. To add permissions to your bucket for foundation evaluations, ensure that the following code appears in the input box. You can also copy and paste the following into the input box.

    [ { "AllowedHeaders": [ "*" ], "AllowedMethods": [ "GET", "PUT", "POST", "DELETE" ], "AllowedOrigins": [ "*" ], "ExposeHeaders": [ "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" ] } ]
  9. Choose Save changes.

To add permissions to your IAM policy
  1. In the search bar at the top of the page, enter IAM.

  2. Under Services, select Identity and Access Management (IAM).

  3. Choose Policies from the navigation pane.

  4. Input AmazonSageMakerFullAccess into the search bar. Select the radio button next to the policy that appears. The Actions button can now be selected.

  5. Choose the down arrow next to Actions. Two options appear.

  6. Choose Attach.

  7. In the IAM listing that appears, search for the name of the role you created. Select the check box next to the name.

  8. Choose Attach policy.

Get started using Studio
  1. In the search bar at the top of the page, enter SageMaker.

  2. Under Services, select Amazon SageMaker.

  3. Choose Studio from the navigation pane.

  4. Choose your domain from the Get Started section, after expanding the down arrow under Select Domain.

  5. Choose your user profile from the Get Started section after expanding the down arrow under Select user profile.

  6. Choose Open Studio to open the landing page for Studio.

  7. Select the file browser from the navigation pane and navigate to the root directory.

  8. Select Create notebook.

  9. In the notebook environment dialog box that opens, select the Data Science 3.0 image.

  10. Choose Select.

  11. Install the fmeval package in your development environment, as shown in the following code example:

    !pip install fmeval

    Install the fmeval library into an environment that uses Python 3.10. For more information about requirements needed to run fmeval , see fmeval dependencies.

FMEval uses a high-level wrapper called ModelRunner to compose input, invoke and extract output from your model. The fmeval package can evaluate any LLM, however the procedure to configure ModelRunner depends on what kind of model you want to evaluate. This section explains how to configure ModelRunner for a JumpStart or Amazon Bedrock model. If you want to use a custom input dataset and custom ModelRunner, see Customize your workflow using the fmeval library.

Use a JumpStart model

To use ModelRunner to evaluate a JumpStart model, create or provide an endpoint, define the model and the built-in dataset, configure, and test ModelRunner.

Define a JumpStart model and configure a ModelRunner
  1. Provide an endpoint by doing either of the following:

    • Specify the EndpointName to an existing JumpStart endpoint, the model_id, and model_version.

    • Specify the model_id and model_version for your model, and create a JumpStart endpoint.

    The following code example shows how create an endpoint for a Llama 2 foundation model that's available through JumpStart.

    import sagemaker from sagemaker.jumpstart.model import JumpStartModel #JumpStart model and version model_id, model_version = "meta-textgeneration-llama-2-7b-f", "*" my_model = JumpStartModel(model_id=model_id) predictor = my_model.deploy() endpoint_name = predictor.endpoint_name # Accept the EULA, and test the endpoint to make sure it can predict. predictor.predict({"inputs": [[{"role":"user", "content": "Hello how are you?"}]]}, custom_attributes='accept_eula=true')

    The previous code example refers to EULA, which stands for end-use-license-agreement (EULA). The EULA can be found in the model card description of the model that you are using. To use some JumpStart models, you must specify accept_eula=true, as shown in the previous call to predict. For more information about EULA, see the Licenses and model sources section in Model sources and license agreements .

    You can find a list of available JumpStart models at Built-in Algorithms with pre-trained Model Table.

  2. Configure ModelRunner by using the JumpStartModelRunner, as shown in the following configuration example:

    from fmeval.model_runners.sm_jumpstart_model_runner import JumpStartModelRunner js_model_runner = JumpStartModelRunner( endpoint_name=endpoint_name, model_id=model_id, model_version=model_version )

    In the previous configuration example, use the same values for endpoint_name, model_id, and model_version that you used to create the endpoint.

  3. Test your ModelRunner. Send a sample request to your model as shown in the following code example:

    js_model_runner.predict("What is the capital of London")

Use an Amazon Bedrock model

To evaluate an Amazon Bedrock model, you must define the model and built-in dataset, and configure ModelRunner.

Define an Amazon Bedrock model and configure a ModelRunner
  1. To define and print model details, use the following code example for a Titan model that is available through Amazon Bedrock:

    import boto3 import json bedrock = boto3.client(service_name='bedrock') bedrock_runtime = boto3.client(service_name='bedrock-runtime') model_id = "amazon.titan-tg1-large" accept = "application/json" content_type = "application/json" print(bedrock.get_foundation_model(modelIdentifier=modelId).get('modelDetails'))

    In the previous code example, the accept parameter specifies the format of the data that you want to use to evaluate your LLM. The contentType specifies the format of the input data in the request. Only MIME_TYPE_JSON is supported for accept and contentType for Amazon Bedrock models. For more information about these parameters, see InvokeModelWithResponseStream.

  2. To configure ModelRunner, use the BedrockModelRunner, as shown in the following configuration example:

    from fmeval.model_runners.bedrock_model_runner import BedrockModelRunner bedrock_model_runner = BedrockModelRunner( model_id=model_id, output='results[0].outputText', content_template='{"inputText": $prompt, "textGenerationConfig": \ {"maxTokenCount": 4096, "stopSequences": [], "temperature": 1.0, "topP": 1.0}}', )

    Parametrize the ModelRunner configuration as follows.

    • Use the same values for model_id that you used to deploy the model.

    • Use output to specify the format of the generated json response. As an example, if your LLM provided the response [{"results": "this is the output"}], then output='results[0].outputText' returns this is the output.

    • Use content_template to specify how your LLM interacts with requests. The following configuration template is detailed solely to explain the previous configuration example, and it's not required.

      • In the previous configuration example, the variable inputText specifies the prompt, which captures the request made by the user.

      • The variable textGenerationConfig specifies how the LLM generates responses as follows:

        • The parameter maxTokenCount is used to limit the length of the response by limiting the number of tokens returned by the LLM.

        • The parameter stopSequences is used to specify a list of character sequences that tell your LLM to stop generating a response. The model output is stopped the first time any of the listed strings are encountered in the output. As an example, you can use a carriage return sequence to limit the model response to a single line.

        • The parameter topP controls the randomness by limiting the set of tokens to consider when generating the next token. This parameter accepts values between 0.0 and 1.0. Higher values of topP allow for a set containing a broader vocabulary and lower values restrict the set of tokens to more probable words.

        • The parameter temperature controls the randomness of the generated text, and accepts positive values. Higher values of temperature instruct the model to generate more random and diverse responses. Lower values generate responses that are more predictable. Typical ranges for temperature lie between 0.2 and 2.0.

        For more information about parameters for a specific Amazon Bedrock foundation model, see Inference parameters for foundation models.

      The format of the content_template parameter depends on the inputs and parameters supported by your LLM. For example, Anthropic’s Claude 2 model can support the following content_template:

      "content_template": "{\"prompt\": $prompt, \"max_tokens_to_sample\": 500}"

      As another example, the Falcon 7b model can support the following content_template.

      "content_template": "{\"inputs\": $prompt, \"parameters\":{\"max_new_tokens\": \ 10, \"top_p\": 0.9, \"temperature\": 0.8}}"

      Lastly, test your ModelRunner. Send a sample request to your model as shown in the following code example:

      bedrock_model_runner.predict("What is the capital of London?")

After you configure your data and ModelRunner, you can run an evaluation algorithm on the responses generated by your LLM. To see a list of all of the available evaluation algorithms, run the following code:

from fmeval.eval_algo_mapping import EVAL_ALGORITHMS print(EVAL_ALGORITHMS.keys())

Each algorithm has both an evaluate and an evaluate_sample method. The evaluate method computes a score for the entire dataset. The evaluate_sample method evaluates the score for a single instance.

The evaluate_sample method returns EvalScore objects. EvalScore objects contain aggregated scores of how well your model performed during evaluation. The evaluate_sample method has the following optional parameters:

  • model_output – The model response for a single request.

  • model_input – A prompt containing the request to your model.

  • target_output – The expected response from the prompt contained in model_input.

The following code example shows how to use the evaluate_sample:

#Evaluate your custom sample model_output = model_runner.predict("London is the capital of?")[0] eval_algo.evaluate_sample(target_output="UK<OR>England<OR>United Kingdom", model_output=model_output)

The evaluate method has the following optional parameters:

  • model – An instance of ModelRunner using the model that you want to evaluate.

  • dataset_config – The dataset configuration. If dataset_config is not provided, the model is evaluated using all of the built-in datasets that are configured for this task.

  • prompt_template – A template used to generate prompts. If prompt_template is not provided, your model is evaluated using a default prompt template.

  • save – If set to True, record-wise prompt responses and scores are saved to the file EvalAlgorithmInterface.EVAL_RESULTS_PATH. Defaults to False.

  • num_records – The number of records that are sampled randomly from the input dataset for evaluation. Defaults to 300.

The evaluate algorithm returns a list of EvalOutput objects that can include the following:

  • eval_name – The name of the evaluation algorithm.

    dataset_name – The name of dataset used by the evaluation algorithm.

    prompt_template – A template used to compose prompts that is consumed if the parameter model_output is not provided in the dataset. For more information, see prompt_template in the Configure a JumpStart ModelRunner section.

    dataset_scores – An aggregated score computed across the whole dataset.

    category_scores – A list of CategoryScore objects that contain the scores for each category in the dataset.

    output_path – The local path to the evaluation output. This output contains prompt-responses with record-wise evaluation scores.

    error – A string error message for a failed evaluation job.

The following dimensions are available for model evaluation:

  • Accuracy

  • Factual knowledge

  • Prompt stereotyping

  • Semantic robustness

  • Toxicity


You can run an accuracy algorithm for a question answering, text summarization, or classification task. The algorithms are different for each task in order to accommodate the different data input types and problems as follows:

  • For question answering tasks, run the QAAccuracy algorithm with a QAAccuracyConfig file.

  • For text summarization tasks, run the SummarizationAccuracy algorithm with a SummarizationAccuracyConfig.

  • For classification tasks, run the ClassificationAccuracy algorithm with a ClassificationAccuracyConfig.

The QAAccuracy algorithm returns a list of EvalOutput objects that contains one accuracy score for each sample. To run the question answer accuracy algorithm, instantiate a QAAccuracygeConfig and pass in either <OR> or None as the target_output_delimiter. The question answer accuracy algorithm compares the response that your model generates with a known response. If you pass in <OR> as the target delimiter, then the algorithm scores the response as correct if it generates any of the content separated by <OR> in the answer. If you pass None or an empty string as the target_output_delimiter, the code throws an error.

Call the evaluate method and pass in your desired parameters as shown in the following code example:

from fmeval.eval import get_eval_algorithm from fmeval.eval_algorithms.qa_accuracy import QAAccuracy, QAAccuracyConfig eval_algo = QAAccuracy(QAAccuracyConfig(target_output_delimiter="<OR>"))) eval_output = eval_algo.evaluate(model=model_runner, dataset_config=config, prompt_template="$feature", save=True)

The SummarizationAccuracy algorithm returns a list of EvalOutput objects that contain scores for ROUGE-N, Meteor, and BERTScore. For more information about these scores, see the Text summarization section in Using prompt datasets and available evaluation dimensions in model evaluation jobs . To run the text summarization accuracy algorithm, instantiate a SummarizationAccuracyConfig and pass in the following:

  • Specify the type of ROUGE metric you want to use in your evaluation to rouge_type. You can choose rouge1, rouge2, or rougeL. These metrics compare generated summaries to reference summaries. ROUGE-1 compares the generated summaries and reference summaries using overlapping unigrams (sequences of one item such as “the”, “is”). ROUGE-2 compares the generated and reference summaries using bigrams (groups of two sequences such as “the large”, “is home”). ROUGE-L compares the longest matching sequence of words. For more information about ROUGE, see ROUGE: A Package for Automatic Evaluation of Summaries.

  • Set use_stemmer_for_rouge to True or False. A stemmer removes affixes from words before comparing them. For example, a stemmer removes the affixes from “swimming” and “swam” so that they are both “swim” after stemming.

  • Set model_type_for_bertscore to the model that you want to use to calculate a BERTScore. You can choose ROBERTA_MODEL or the more advanced MICROSOFT_DEBERTA_MODEL.

Lastly, call the evaluate method and pass in your desired parameters as shown in the following code example:

from fmeval.eval import get_eval_algorithm from fmeval.eval_algorithms.summarization_accuracy import SummarizationAccuracy, SummarizationAccuracyConfig eval_algo = SummarizationAccuracy(SummarizationAccuracyConfig(rouge_type="rouge1",model_type_for_bertscore="MICROSOFT_DEBERTA_MODEL")) eval_output = eval_algo.evaluate(model=model_runner, dataset_config=config, prompt_template="$feature", save=True)

The ClassificationAccuracy algorithm returns a list of EvalOutput objects that contain the classification accuracy, precision, recall, and balanced accuracy scores for each sample. For more information about these scores, see the Classification section in Using prompt datasets and available evaluation dimensions in model evaluation jobs . To run the classification accuracy algorithm, instantiate a ClassificationAccuracyConfig and pass in an averaging strategy to multiclass_average_strategy. You can choose micro, macro, samples, weighted, or binary. The default value is micro. Then, pass in a list containing the names of the columns that contain the true labels for your classification categories to valid_labels. Lastly, call the evaluate method and pass in your desired parameters as shown in the following code example:

from fmeval.eval import get_eval_algorithm from fmeval.eval_algorithms.classification_accuracy import ClassificationAccuracy, ClassificationAccuracyConfig eval_algo = ClassificationAccuracy(ClassificationAccuracyConfig(multiclass_average_strategy="samples",valid_labels=["animal_type","plant_type","fungi_type"])) eval_output = eval_algo.evaluate(model=model_runner, dataset_config=config, prompt_template="$feature", save=True)

Factual knowledge

You can run the factual knowledge algorithm for open-ended generation. To run the factual knowledge algorithm, instantiate a FactualKnowledgeConfig and optionally pass a delimiter string (by default, this is <OR>). The factual knowledge algorithm compares the response that your model generates with a known response. The algorithm scores the response as correct if it generates any of the content separated by the delimiter in the answer. If you pass None as the target_output_delimiter, then the model must generate the same response as the answer to be scored as correct. Lastly, call the evaluate method and pass in your desired parameters.

Factual knowledge returns a list of EvalScore objects. These contain aggregated scores on how well your model is able to encode factual knowledge as described in the Foundation model evaluation overview section. The scores range between 0 and 1 with the lowest score corresponding to a lower knowledge of real-world facts.

The following code example shows how to evaluate your LLM using the factual knowledge algorithm:

from fmeval.eval import get_eval_algorithm from fmeval.eval_algorithms.factual_knowledge import FactualKnowledge, FactualKnowledgeConfig eval_algo = FactualKnowledge(FactualKnowledgeConfig()) eval_output = eval_algo.evaluate(model=model_runner, dataset_config=config, prompt_template="$feature", save=True)

Prompt stereotyping

You can run the prompt stereotyping algorithm for open-ended generation. To run the prompt stereotyping algorithm, your DataConfig must identify the columns in your input dataset that contain a less stereotypical sentence in sent_less_input_location and a more stereotypical sentence in sent_more_output_location. For more information about DataConfig, see the previous section 2. Configure ModelRunner. Next, call the evaluate method and pass in your desired parameters.

Prompt stereotyping returns a list of EvalOutput objects that contain a score for each input record and overall scores for each type of bias. The scores are calculated by comparing the probability of the more and less stereotypical sentences. The overall score reports how often the model preferred the stereotypical sentence in that the model assigns a higher probability to the more stereotypical compared to the less stereotypical sentence. A score of 0.5 indicates that your model is unbiased, or that it prefers more and less stereotypical sentences at equal rates. A score of greater than 0.5 indicates that your model is likely to generate a response that is more stereotypical. Scores less than 0.5 indicate that your model is likely to generate a response that is less stereotypical.

The following code example shows how to evaluate your LLM using the prompt stereotyping algorithm:

from fmeval.eval import get_eval_algorithm from fmeval.eval_algorithms.prompt_stereotyping import PromptStereotyping eval_algo = PromptStereotyping() eval_output = eval_algo.evaluate(model=model_runner, dataset_config=config, prompt_template="$feature", save=True)

Semantic robustness

You can run a semantic robustness algorithm for any FMEval task, however your model should be deterministic. A deterministic model is one that always generate the same output for the same input. One may typically achieve determinism by setting a random seed in the decoding process. The algorithms are different for each task in order to accommodate the different data input types and problems as follows:

  • For open-ended generation, question answering, or task classification run the GeneralSemanticRobustness algorithm with a GeneralSemanticRobustnessConfig file.

  • For text summarization, run the SummarizationAccuracySemanticRobustness algorithm with a SummarizationAccuracySemanticRobustnessConfig file.

The GeneralSemanticRobustness algorithm returns a list of EvalScore objects that contain accuracy with values between 0 and 1 quantifying the difference between the perturbed and unperturbed model outputs. To run the general semantic robustness algorithm, instantiate a GeneralSemanticRobustnessConfig and pass in a perturbation_type. You can choose one of the following for perturbation_type:

  • Butterfinger – A perturbation that mimics spelling mistakes using character swaps based on keyboard distance. Input a probability that a given character is perturbed. Butterfinger is the default value for perturbation_type.

  • RandomUpperCase – A perturbation that changes a fraction of characters to uppercase. Input a decimal from 0 to 1.

  • WhitespaceAddRemove – The probability that a white space character is added in front of a non-white space character into white.

You can also specify the following parameters:

  • num_perturbations – The number of perturbations for each sample to introduce into the generated text. The default is 5.

  • butter_finger_perturbation_prob – The probability that a character is be perturbed. Used only when perturbation_type is Butterfinger. The default is 0.1.

  • random_uppercase_corrupt_proportion – The fraction of characters to be changed to uppercase. Used only when perturbation_type is RandomUpperCase. The default is 0.1.

  • whitespace_add_prob – Given a white space, the probability of removing it from a sample. Used only when perturbation_type is WhitespaceAddRemove. The default is 0.05.

  • whitespace_remove_prob – Given a non-white space, the probability of adding a white space in front of it. Used only when perturbation_type is WhitespaceAddRemove. The default is 0.1.

Lastly, call the evaluate method and pass in your desired parameters as shown in the following code example:

from fmeval.eval import get_eval_algorithm from fmeval.eval_algorithms.general_semantic_robustness import GeneralSemanticRobustness, GeneralSemanticRobustnessConfig eval_algo = GeneralSemanticRobustness(GeneralSemanticRobustnessConfig(perturbation_type="RandomUpperCase",num_perturbations=2,random_uppercase_corrupt_proportion=0.3))) eval_output = eval_algo.evaluate(model=model_runner, dataset_config=config, prompt_template="$feature", save=True)

The SummarizationAccuracySemanticRobustness algorithm returns a list of EvalScore objects that contain the difference (or delta) between the ROUGE-N, Meteor, and BERTScore values between the generated and reference summaries. For more information about these scores, see the Text summarization section in Using prompt datasets and available evaluation dimensions in model evaluation jobs . To run the text summarization semantic robustness algorithm, instantiate a SummarizationAccuracySemanticRobustnessConfig and pass in a perturbation_type.

You can choose one of the following for perturbation_type:

  • Butterfinger – A perturbation that mimics spelling mistakes using character swaps based on keyboard distance. Input a probability that a given character is perturbed. Butterfinger is the default value for perturbation_type.

  • RandomUpperCase – A perturbation that changes a fraction of characters to uppercase. Input a decimal from 0 to 1.

  • WhitespaceAddRemove – Input a probability that a white space character is added in front of a non-white space character into white.

You can also specify the following parameters:

  • num_perturbations – The number of perturbations for each sample to introduce into the generated text. Default is 5.

  • butter_finger_perturbation_prob – The probability that a character is perturbed. Used only when perturbation_type is Butterfinger. Default is 0.1.

  • random_uppercase_corrupt_proportion – The fraction of characters to be changed to uppercase. Used only when perturbation_type is RandomUpperCase. Default is 0.1.

  • whitespace_add_prob – Given a white space, the probability of removing it from a sample. Used only when perturbation_type is WhitespaceAddRemove. Default is 0.05.

  • whitespace_remove_prob – Given a non-white space, the probability of adding a white space in front of it. Used only when perturbation_type is WhitespaceAddRemove, Default is 0.1.

  • rouge_type – Metrics that compare generated summaries to reference summaries. Specify the type of ROUGE metric you want to use in your evaluation to rouge_type. You can choose rouge1, rouge2, or rougeL. ROUGE-1 compares the generated summaries and reference summaries using overlapping unigrams (sequences of one item such as “the”, “is”). ROUGE-2 compares the generated and reference summaries using bigrams (groups of two sequences such as “the large”, “is home”). ROUGE-L compares the longest matching sequence of words. For more information about ROUGE, see ROUGE: A Package for Automatic Evaluation of Summaries.

  • Set user_stemmer_for_rouge to True or False. A stemmer removes affixes from words before comparing them. For example, a stemmer removes the affixes from “swimming” and “swam” so that they are both “swim” after stemming.

  • Set model_type_for_bertscore to the model that you want to use to calculate a BERTScore. You can choose ROBERTA_MODEL or the more advanced MICROSOFT_DEBERTA_MODEL.

    Call the evaluate method and pass in your desired parameters as shown in the following code example:

    from fmeval.eval import get_eval_algorithm from fmeval.eval_algorithms.summarization_accuracy_semantic_robustness import SummarizationAccuracySemanticRobustness, SummarizationAccuracySemanticRobustnessConfig eval_algo = SummarizationAccuracySemanticRobustness(SummarizationAccuracySemanticRobustnessConfig(perturbation_type="Butterfinger",num_perturbations=3,butter_finger_perturbation_prob=0.2))) eval_output = eval_algo.evaluate(model=model_runner, dataset_config=config, prompt_template="$feature", save=True)


You can run the a toxicity algorithm for open-ended generation, text summarization, or question answering. There are three distinct classes depending on the task.

  • For open-ended generation, run the Toxicity algorithm with a ToxicityConfig file.

  • For summarization, use the class Summarization_Toxicity.

  • For question answering, use the class QAToxicity.

The toxicity algorithm returns one or more a list of EvalScore objects (depending on the toxicity detector) that contain scores between 0 and 1. To run the toxicity algorithm, instantiate a ToxicityConfig and pass in a toxicity model to use to evaluate your model against in model_type. You can choose the following for model_type:

  • `detoxify` for UnitaryAI Detoxify-unbiased, a multilabel text classifier trained on Toxic Comment Classification Challenge and Jigsaw Unintended Bias in Toxicity Classification. The model provides 7 scores for the following classes: toxicity, severe toxicity, obscenity, threat, insult, sexual explicity and identity attack.

    The following is example output from the detoxity model:

    EvalScore(name='toxicity', value=0.01936926692724228), EvalScore(name='severe_toxicity', value=3.3755677577573806e-06), EvalScore(name='obscene', value=0.00022437423467636108), EvalScore(name='identity_attack', value=0.0006707844440825284), EvalScore(name='insult', value=0.005559926386922598), EvalScore(name='threat', value=0.00016682750720065087), EvalScore(name='sexual_explicit', value=4.828436431125738e-05)
  • `toxigen` for Toxigen-roberta, a binary RoBERTa-based text classifier fine-tuned on the ToxiGen dataset, which contains sentences with subtle and implicit toxicity pertaining to 13 minority groups.

Lastly, call the evaluate method and pass in your desired parameters as shown in the following code example.

from fmeval.eval import get_eval_algorithm from fmeval.eval_algorithms.toxicity import Toxicity, ToxicityConfig eval_algo = Toxicity(ToxicityConfig(model_type="detoxify")) eval_output = eval_algo.evaluate(model=model_runner, dataset_config=config, prompt_template="$feature", save=True)