Evaluate a JumpStart model for prompt stereotyping - Amazon SageMaker

Evaluate a JumpStart model for prompt stereotyping

You can use a high-level ModelRunner wrapper to evaluate an Amazon SageMaker JumpStart model for prompt stereotyping. The prompt stereotyping algorithm measures the probability of your model encoding biases in its response. These biases include those for race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, nationality, disability, physical appearance, and socioeconomic status.

This tutorial shows how to load the Falcon 7-B model from the Technology Innovation Institute, available in JumpStart, and ask this model to generate responses to prompts. Then, this tutorial shows how to evaluate the responses for prompt stereotyping against the built-in CrowS-Pairs open source challenge dataset.

The sections of this tutorial show how to do the following:

  • Set up your environment.

  • Run your model evaluation.

  • View your analysis results.

Set up your environment

  • Use a base Python 3.10 kernel environment and an ml.g4dn.2xlarge Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance before starting this tutorial.

    For more information about instance types and their recommended use cases, see Instance types available for use with Studio Classic.

Install required libraries
  1. Install the SageMaker, fmeval, and other required libraries in your code as follows:

    !pip3 install sagemaker !pip3 install -U pyarrow !pip3 install -U accelerate !pip3 install "ipywidgets>=8" !pip3 install jsonlines !pip install fmeval !pip3 install boto3==1.28.65 import sagemaker
  2. Download the sample JSON Lines dataset crows-pairs_sample.jsonl, into your current working directory.

  3. Check that your environment contains the sample input file using the following code:

    import glob # Check for fmeval wheel and built-in dataset if not glob.glob("crows-pairs_sample.jsonl"): print("ERROR - please make sure file exists: crows-pairs_sample.jsonl")
  4. Define a JumpStart model as follows:

    from sagemaker.jumpstart.model import JumpStartModel model_id, model_version, = ( "huggingface-llm-falcon-7b-instruct-bf16", "*", )
  5. Deploy the JumpStart model and create an endpoint as follows:

    my_model = JumpStartModel(model_id=model_id) predictor = my_model.deploy() endpoint_name = predictor.endpoint_name
  6. Define a prompt and the format of the model request, or payload, as follows:

    prompt = "London is the capital of" payload = { "inputs": prompt, "parameters": { "do_sample": True, "top_p": 0.9, "temperature": 0.8, "max_new_tokens": 1024, "decoder_input_details" : True, "details" : True }, }

    In the previous code example, the following parameters are included in the model request:

    • do_sample – Instructs the model to sample from the raw model outputs (prior to normalization) during model inference to introduce diversity and creativity into model responses. Defaults to False. If you set do_sample to True, then you must specify a value for one of the following parameters: temperature, top_k, top_p, or typical_p.

    • top_p – Controls the randomness by limiting the set of tokens to consider when generating the next token. Higher values of top_p allow for a set containing a broader vocabulary. Lower values restrict the set of tokens to more probable words. Ranges for top_p are greater than 0 and less than 1.

    • temperature – Controls the randomness of the generated text. Higher values of temperature instruct the model to generate more random and diverse responses. Lower values generate responses that are more predictable. Values for temperature must be positive.

    • max_new_tokens – Limits the length of the response by limiting the number of tokens returned by your model. Defaults to 20.

    • decoder_input_details – Returns information about the log probabilities assigned by the model to each potential next token and the corresponding token IDs. If decoder_input_details is set to True, you must also set details to True in order to receive the requested details. Defaults to False.

    For more information about parameters for this Hugging Face model, see types.py.

Send a sample inference request

To test your model, send a sample request to your model and print the model response as follows:

response = predictor.predict(payload) print(response[0]["generated_text"])

In the previous code example, if your model provided the response [{"response": "this is the output"}], then the print statement returns this is the output.

Set up FMEval

  1. Load the required libraries to run FMEval as follows:

    import fmeval from fmeval.data_loaders.data_config import DataConfig from fmeval.model_runners.sm_jumpstart_model_runner import JumpStartModelRunner from fmeval.constants import MIME_TYPE_JSONLINES from fmeval.eval_algorithms.prompt_stereotyping import PromptStereotyping, PROMPT_STEREOTYPING from fmeval.eval_algorithms import EvalAlgorithm
  2. Set up the data configuration for your input dataset.

    If you don't use a built-in dataset, your data configuration must identify the column that contains more bias in sent_more_input_location. You must also identify the column that contains less bias in sent_less_input_location. If you are using a built-in dataset from JumpStart, these parameters are passed to FMEval automatically through the model metadata.

    Specify the sent_more_input_location and sent_less_input_location columns for a prompt stereotyping task, the name, uniform resource identifier (URI), and MIME type.

    config = DataConfig( dataset_name="crows-pairs_sample", dataset_uri="crows-pairs_sample.jsonl", dataset_mime_type=MIME_TYPE_JSONLINES, sent_more_input_location="sent_more", sent_less_input_location="sent_less", category_location="bias_type", )

    For more information about column information that other tasks require, see the Use a custom input dataset section in Use a custom input dataset.

  3. Set up a custom ModelRunner as shown in the following code example:

    js_model_runner = JumpStartModelRunner( endpoint_name=endpoint_name, model_id=model_id, model_version=model_version, output='[0].generated_text', log_probability='[0].details.prefill[*].logprob', content_template='{"inputs": $prompt, "parameters": {"do_sample": true, "top_p": 0.9, "temperature": 0.8, "max_new_tokens": 1024, "decoder_input_details": true,"details": true}}', )

    The previous code example specifies the following:

    • endpoint_name – The name of the endpoint that you created in the previous Install required libraries step.

    • model_id – The id used to specify your model. This parameter was specified when the JumpStart model was defined.

    • model_version – The version of your model used to specify your model. This parameter was specified when the JumpStart model was defined.

    • output – Captures the output from the Falcon 7b model, which returns its response in a generated_text key. If your model provided the response [{"generated_text": "this is the output"}], then [0].generated_text returns this is the output.

    • log_probability – Captures the log probability returned by this JumpStart model.

    • content_template – Specifies how your model interacts with requests. The example configuration template is detailed solely to explain the previous example, and it's not required. The parameters in the content template are the same ones that are declared for payload. For more information about parameters for this Hugging Face model, see types.py.

  4. Configure your evaluation report and save it to a directory as shown in the following example code:

    import os eval_dir = "results-eval-prompt-stereotyping" curr_dir = os.getcwd() eval_results_path = os.path.join(curr_dir, eval_dir) + "/" os.environ["EVAL_RESULTS_PATH"] = eval_results_path if os.path.exists(eval_results_path): print(f"Directory '{eval_results_path}' exists.") else: os.mkdir(eval_results_path)
  5. Set up a parallelization factor as follows:

    os.environ["PARALLELIZATION_FACTOR"] = "1"

    A PARALLELIZATION_FACTOR is a multiplier for the number of concurrent batches sent to your compute instance. If your hardware allows for parallelization, you can set this number to multiply the number of invocations for your evaluation job. For example, if you have 100 invocations, and PARALLELIZATION_FACTOR is set to 2, then your job will run 200 invocations. You can increase PARALLELIZATION_FACTOR up to 10, or remove the variable entirely. To read a blog about how AWS Lambda uses PARALLELIZATION_FACTOR see New AWS Lambda scaling controls for Kinesis and DynamoDB event sources.

Run your model evaluation

  1. Define your evaluation algorithm. The following example shows how to define a PromptStereotyping algorithm:

    eval_algo = PromptStereotyping()

    For examples of algorithms that calculate metrics for other evaluation tasks, see Evaluate your model in Use the fmeval library to run an automatic evaluation.

  2. Run your evaluation algorithm. The following code example uses the model and data configuration that was previously defined, and a prompt_template that uses feature to pass your prompt to the model as follows:

    eval_output = eval_algo.evaluate(model=js_model_runner, dataset_config=config, prompt_template="$feature", save=True)

    Your model output may be different than the previous sample output.

View your analysis results

  1. Parse an evaluation report from the eval_output object returned by the evaluation algorithm as follows:

    import json print(json.dumps(eval_output, default=vars, indent=4))

    The previous command returns the following output (condensed for brevity):

    [ { "eval_name": "prompt_stereotyping", "dataset_name": "crows-pairs_sample", "dataset_scores": [ { "name": "prompt_stereotyping", "value": 0.6666666666666666 } ], "prompt_template": "$feature", "category_scores": [ { "name": "disability", "scores": [ { "name": "prompt_stereotyping", "value": 0.5 } ] }, ... ], "output_path": "/home/sagemaker-user/results-eval-prompt-stereotyping/prompt_stereotyping_crows-pairs_sample.jsonl", "error": null } ]

    The previous example output displays an overall score for dataset following "name": prompt_stereotyping. This score is the normalized difference in log probabilities between the model response providing more versus less bias. If the score is greater than 0.5, this means that your model response is more likely to return a response containing more bias. If the score is less than 0.5, your model is more likely to return a response containing less bias. If the score is 0.5, the model response does not contain bias as measured by the input dataset. You will use the output_path to create a Pandas DataFrame in the following step.

  2. Import your results and read them into a DataFrame, and attach the prompt stereotyping scores to the model input, model output, and target output as follows:

    import pandas as pd data = [] with open(os.path.join(eval_results_path, "prompt_stereotyping_crows-pairs_sample.jsonl"), "r") as file: for line in file: data.append(json.loads(line)) df = pd.DataFrame(data) df['eval_algo'] = df['scores'].apply(lambda x: x[0]['name']) df['eval_score'] = df['scores'].apply(lambda x: x[0]['value']) df

    For a notebook that contains the code examples given in this section, see jumpstart-falcon-stereotyping.ipnyb.