Create an automatic model evaluation job in Studio - Amazon SageMaker

Create an automatic model evaluation job in Studio

The wizard available in Studio guides you through choosing a model to evaluate, selecting a task type, choosing metrics and datasets, and configuring any required resources. The following topics show you how to format an optional custom input dataset, set up your environment, and create the model evaluation job in Studio.

If you use a built-in dataset to evaluate your model in Studio, the dataset is formatted correctly.. To use your own custom prompt dataset, it must be a jsonlines file, where each line is a valid JSON object. Each JSON object must contain a single prompt.

To help ensure that the JumpStart model you select performs well, SageMaker Clarify automatically formats all prompt datasets to be in format that works best for the Model Evaluation dimensions you select. For built-in prompt datasets, SageMaker Clarify will also augment your prompt with additional instructional text. To see how SageMaker Clarify will modify the prompts, choose prompt template under an Evaluation dimensions you have added to the model evaluation job. To see an example of how you can modify a prompt template, see Prompt template example.

The toggle allows you to turn off or to turn on the automatic prompt templating support that SageMaker Clarify provides for built-in datasets. Turning off the automatic prompt templating allows, you to specify your own custom prompt templates that will be applied to all prompts in your dataset.

To learn which keys are available for a custom dataset in the UI, refer to the following task lists.

  • model_input – Required to indicate the input for the following tasks.

    • The prompt that your model should response to in open-ended generation, toxicity, and accuracy tasks.

    • The question that your model should answer in question answering, and factual knowledge tasks.

    • The text that your model should summarize in text summarization tasks.

    • The text that your model should classify in classification tasks.

    • The text that you want your model to perturb in semantic robustness tasks.

  • target_output – Required to indicate the response against which your model is evaluated for the following tasks.

    • The answer for question answering, accuracy, semantic robustness, and factual evaluation tasks.

    • For accuracy, and semantic robustness tasks, separate acceptable answers with an <OR>. The evaluation accepts any of the answers separated by a comma as correct. As an example, use target_output="UK<OR>England<OR>United Kingdom", if you want to accept either UK or England or United Kingdom as acceptable answers.

  • (Optional) category – Generates evaluation scores reported for each category.

  • sent_less_input – Required to indicate the prompt that contains less bias for prompt stereotyping tasks.

  • sent_more_input – Required to indicate the prompt that contains more bias for prompt stereotyping tasks.

A factual knowledge evaluation requires both the question to ask and the answer to check the model response against. Use the key model_input with the value contained in the question, and the key target_output with the value contained in the answer as follows:

{"model_input": "Bobigny is the capital of", "target_output": "Seine-Saint-Denis", "category": "Capitals"}

The previous example is a single valid JSON object that makes up one record in ajsonlines input file. Each JSON object is sent to your model as a request. To make multiple requests, include multiple lines. The following data input example is for a question answer task that uses an optional category key for evaluation.

{"target_output":"Cantal","category":"Capitals","model_input":"Aurillac is the capital of"} {"target_output":"Bamiyan Province","category":"Capitals","model_input":"Bamiyan city is the capital of"} {"target_output":"Abkhazia","category":"Capitals","model_input":"Sokhumi is the capital of"}

If you evaluate your algorithm in the UI, the following defaults are set for your input dataset:

  • The number of records that the evaluation uses is fixed. The algorithm samples this number of requests randomly from your input dataset.

    • To change this number: Use the fmeval library as described in Customize your work flow using the fmeval library, and set the parameter num_records to your desired number of samples, or -1 to specify the entire dataset. The default number of records that are evaluated is 100 for accuracy, prompt stereotyping, toxicity, classification, and semantic robustness tasks. The default number of records for a factual knowledge task is 300.

  • The target output delimiter as previously described in the target_output parameter is set to <OR> in the UI.

    • To separate acceptable answers using another delimiter: Use the fmeval library as described in Customize your work flow using the fmeval library, and set the parameter target_output_delimiter to your desired delimiter.

  • You must use a text-based JumpStart language model that is available for model evaluation. These models have several data input configuration parameters that are passed automatically into the FMeval process.

    • To use another kind of model: Use the fmeval library to define the data configuration for your input dataset.

To run an automatic evaluation for your large language model (LLM), you must set up your environment to have the correct permissions to run an evaluation. Then, you can use the UI to guide you through the steps in the work flow, and run an evaluation. The following sections show you how to use the UI to run an automatic evaluation.

  • To run a model evaluation in a Studio UI, your AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role and any input datasets must have the correct permissions. If you do not have a SageMaker Domain or IAM role, follow the steps in Guide to getting set up with Amazon SageMaker.

To set permissions for your S3 bucket

After your domain and role are created, use the following steps to add the permissions needed to evaluate your model.

  1. Open the Amazon SageMaker console at

  2. In the navigation pane, enter S3 into the search bar at the top of the page.

  3. Choose S3 under Services.

  4. Choose Buckets from the navigation pane.

  5. In the General purpose buckets section, under Name, choose the name of the Amazon S3 bucket that you want to use to store your custom prompt dataset, and where you want the results of your model evaluation job saved. Your Amazon S3 bucket must be in the same AWS Region as your Studio instance. If you don't have an Amazon S3 bucket, do the following.

    1. Select Create bucket to open a new Create bucket page.

    2. In the General configuration section, under AWS Region, select the AWS region where your foundation model is located.

    3. Name your S3 bucket in the input box under Bucket name.

    4. Accept all of the default choices.

    5. Select Create bucket.

    6. In the General purpose buckets section, under Name, select the name of the S3 bucket that you created.

  6. Choose the Permissions tab.

  7. Scroll to the Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) section at the bottom of the window. Choose Edit.

  8. To add the CORS permissions to your bucket copy the following code into the input box.

    [ { "AllowedHeaders": [ "*" ], "AllowedMethods": [ "GET", "PUT", "POST", "DELETE" ], "AllowedOrigins": [ "*" ], "ExposeHeaders": [ "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" ] } ]
  9. Choose Save changes.

To add permissions to your IAM policy
  1. In the search bar at the top of the page, enter IAM.

  2. Under Services, select Identity and Access Management (IAM).

  3. Choose Policies from the navigation pane.

  4. Choose Create policy. When the Policy editor opens, choose JSON.

  5. Choose Next.

  6. Ensure that the following permissions appear in the Policy editor. You can also copy and paste the following into the Policy editor.

    { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "cloudwatch:PutMetricData", "logs:CreateLogStream", "logs:PutLogEvents", "logs:CreateLogGroup", "logs:DescribeLogStreams", "s3:GetObject", "s3:PutObject", "s3:ListBucket", "ecr:GetAuthorizationToken", "ecr:BatchCheckLayerAvailability", "ecr:GetDownloadUrlForLayer", "ecr:BatchGetImage" ], "Resource": "*" }, { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "sagemaker:Search", "sagemaker:CreateProcessingJob", "sagemaker:DescribeProcessingJob" ], "Resource": "*" } ] }
  7. Choose Next.

  8. Enter a policy name in the Policy details section, under Policy name. You can also enter an optional description. You will search for this policy name when you assign it to a role.

  9. Choose Create policy.

To add permissions to your IAM role
  1. Choose Roles in the navigation pane. Input the name of the role that you want to use.

  2. Select the name of the role under Role name. The main window changes to show information about your role.

  3. In the Permissions policies section, choose the down arrow next to Add permissions.

  4. From the options that appear, choose Attach policies.

  5. From the list of policies that appear, search for the policy that you created in Step 5. Select the check the box next to your policy's name.

  6. Choose the down arrow next to Actions.

  7. From the options that appear, select Attach.

  8. Search for the name of the role that you created. Select the check box next to the name.

  9. Choose Add permissions. A banner at the top of the page should state Policy was successfully attached to role.

  • .

When you create an automatic model evaluation job, you can choose from available text-based JumpStart models or you can use a text based JumpStart model that you've previous deployed to an endpoint.

To create a automatic model evaluation job use the following procedure.

To launch an automatic model evaluation job in Studio.
  1. Open the Amazon SageMaker console at

  2. In the search bar at the top of the page, enter SageMaker.

  3. Under Services, select Amazon SageMaker.

  4. Choose Studio from the navigation pane.

  5. Choose your domain from the Get Started section, after expanding the down arrow under Select Domain.

  6. Choose your user profile from the Get Started section after expanding the down arrow under Select user profile.

  7. Choose Open Studio to open the landing page for Studio.

  8. Choose Jobs from the primary navigation pane.

  9. Then, choose Model evaluation.

To set up an evaluation job
  1. Next, choose Evaluate a model,.

  2. In Step 1: Specify job details do the following:

    1. Enter the Name of your model evaluation. This name helps you identify your model evaluation job after it is submitted.

    2. Enter a Description to add more context to the name.

    3. Choose Next.

  3. In Step 2: Set up evaluation do the following:

    1. Under Evaluation type choose Automatic.

    2. Then, choose Add model to evaluation

    3. In the Add model modal you can choose to use either a Pre-trained Jumpstart foundation model or SageMaker endpoint. If you've already deployed JumpStart model choose SageMaker endpoint otherwise choose Pre-trained Jumpstart foundation model.

    4. Then, choose Save.

    5. (Optional) After adding your model choose Prompt template to see the expected input format for prompts based on the model you selected. For information about how to configure a prompt template for a dataset, see Prompt templates.

      • To use the default prompt template, complete the following steps:

        1. Toggle on Use the default prompt templates provided by the datasets.

        2. (Optional) For each dataset, review the prompt supplied by Clarify.

        3. Choose Save.

      • To use a custom prompt template, complete the following steps:

        1. Toggle off Use the default prompt templates provided by the datasets.

        2. If Clarify displays a default prompt, you can customize it or remove it and supply your own. You must include the $model_input variable in the prompt template.

        3. Choose Save.

    6. Then, under Task type choose a task type.

      For more information about tasks types and the associated evaluation dimensions, see the Automatic evaluation in Using prompt datasets and available evaluation dimensions in model evaluation jobs .

    7. In the Evaluation metrics section, choose an Evaluation dimension. The text box under Description contains additional context about the dimension.

      After you select a task, the metrics associated with the task appear under Metrics. In this section, do the following.

    8. Select an evaluation dimension from the down arrow under Evaluation dimension.

    9. Choose an evaluation dataset. You can choose to use your own dataset or use a built-in dataset. If you want to use your own dataset to evaluate the model, it must be formatted in a way that FMEval can use. It must also be located in an S3 bucket that has the CORS permissions referenced in the previous Set up your environment section. For more information about how to format a custom dataset see Use a custom input dataset.

    10. Input an S3 bucket location where you want to save the output evaluation results. This file is in jsonlines (.jsonl) format.

    11. Configure your processor in the Processor configuration section using the following parameters:

      • Use Instance count to specify the number of compute instances you want to use to run your model. If you use more than 1 instance, your model is run in parallel instances.

      • Use Instance type to choose the kind of compute instance you want to use to run your model. For more information about instance types, see Instance types available for use with Studio Classic.

      • Use Volume KMS key to specify your AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) encryption key. SageMaker uses your AWS KMS key to encrypt incoming traffic from the model and your Amazon S3 bucket. For more information about keys, see AWS Key Management Service.

      • Use Output KMS key to specify your AWS KMS encryption key for outgoing traffic.

      • Use IAM Role to specify the access and permissions for the default processor. Enter the IAM role that you set up in Set up your environment

    12. After you specify your model and criteria, choose Next. The main window skips to Step 5 Review and Save.

Review and run your evaluation job
  1. Review all of the parameters, model, and data that you selected for your evaluation.

  2. Choose Create resource to run your evaluation.

  3. To check your job status, go to the top of the Model Evaluations section on the page.