Create an inference optimization job - Amazon SageMaker AI

Create an inference optimization job

You can create an inference optimization job by using Studio or the SageMaker AI Python SDK. The job optimizes your model by applying the techniques that you choose. For more information, see Optimization techniques.

Instance pricing for inference optimization jobs

When you create a inference optimization job that applies quantization or compilation, SageMaker AI chooses which instance type to use to run the job. You are charged based on the instance used.

For the possible instance types and their pricing details, see the inference optimization pricing information on the Amazon SageMaker AI pricing page.

You incur no additional costs for jobs that apply speculative decoding.

For the supported models that you can optimize, see Supported models reference.

Complete the following steps to create an inference optimization job in Studio.

To begin creating an optimization job
  1. In SageMaker AI Studio, create an optimization job through any of the following paths:

    • To create a job for a JumpStart model, do the following:

      1. In the navigation menu, choose JumpStart.

      2. On the All public models page, choose a model provider, and then choose one of the models that supports optimization.

      3. On the model details page, choose Optimize. This button is enabled only for models that support optimization.

      4. On the Create inference optimization job page, some JumpStart models require you to sign an end-user license agreement (EULA) before you can proceed. If requested, review the license terms in the License agreement section. If the terms are acceptable for your use case, select the checkbox for I accept the EULA, and read the terms and conditions.

    • To create a job for a fine-tuned JumpStart model, do the following:

      1. In the navigation menu, under Jobs, choose Training.

      2. On the Training Jobs page, choose the name of a job that you used to fine tune a JumpStart model. These jobs have the type JumpStart training in the Job type column.

      3. On the details page for the training job, choose Optimize.

    • To create a job for a custom model, do the following:

      1. In the navigation menu, under Jobs, choose Inference optimization.

      2. Choose Create new job.

      3. On the Create inference optimization job page, choose Add model.

      4. In the Add model window, choose Custom Model.

      5. For Custom model name, enter a name.

      6. For S3 URI, enter the URI for the location in Amazon S3 where you've stored your model artifacts.

  2. On the Create inference optimization job page, for Job name, you can accept the default name that SageMaker AI assigns. Or, to enter a custom job name, choose the Job name field, and choose Enter job name.

To set the optimization configurations
  1. For Deployment instance type, choose the instance type that you want to optimize the model for.

    The instance type affects what optimization techniques you can choose. For most types that use GPU hardware, the supported techniques are Quantization and Speculative decoding. If you choose an instance that uses custom silicon, like the AWS Inferentia instance ml.inf2.8xlarge, the supported technique is Compilation, which you can use to compile the model for that specific hardware type.

  2. Select one or more of the optimization techniques that Studio provides:

    • If you select Quantization, choose a data type for Precision data type.

    • If you select Speculative decoding, choose one of the following options:

      • Use SageMaker AI draft model – Choose to use the draft model that SageMaker AI provides.


        If you choose to use the SageMaker AI draft model, you must also enable network isolation. Studio provides this option under Security.

      • Choose JumpStart draft model – Choose to select a model from the JumpStart catalog to use as your draft model.

      • Choose your own draft model – Choose to use your own draft model, and provide the S3 URI that locates it.

    • If you choose Fast model loading, Studio shows the OPTION_TENSOR_PARALLEL_DEGREE environment variable. Use the Value field to set the degree of tensor parallelism. The value must evenly divide the number of GPUs in the instance you chose for Deployment instance type. For example, to shard your model while using an instance with 8 GPUs, use the values 2, 4, or 8.

    • If you set Deployment instance type to an AWS Inferentia or AWS Trainium instance, Studio might show that Compilation is the one supported option. In that case, Studio selects this option for you.

  3. For Output, enter the URI of a location in Amazon S3. There, SageMaker AI stores the artifacts of the optimized model that your job creates.

  4. (Optional) Expand Advanced options for more fine-grained control over settings such as the IAM role, VPC, and environment variables. For more information, see Advanced options below.

  5. When you're finished configuring the job, choose Create job.

    Studio shows the job details page, which shows the job status and all of its settings.

Advanced options

You can set the following advanced options when you create an inference optimization job.

Under Configurations, you can set the following options:

Tensor parallel degree

A value for the degree of tensor parallelism. Tensor parallelism is a type of model parallelism in which specific model weights, gradients, and optimizer states are split across devices. The value must evenly divide the number of GPUs in your cluster.

Maximum token length

The limit for the number of tokens to be generated by the model. Note that the model might not always generate the maximum number of tokens.


The ability to run multiple instances of a model on the same underlying hardware. Use concurrency to serve predictions to multiple users and to maximize hardware utilization.

Batch size

If your model does batch inferencing, use this option to control the size of the batches that your model processes.

Batch inferencing generates model predictions on a batch of observations. It's a good option for large datasets or if you don't need an immediate response to an inference request.

Under Security, you can set the following options:

IAM Role

An IAM role that enables SageMaker AI to perform tasks on your behalf. During model optimization, SageMaker AI needs your permission to:

  • Read input data from an S3 bucket

  • Write model artifacts to an S3 bucket

  • Write logs to Amazon CloudWatch Logs

  • Publish metrics to Amazon CloudWatch

You grant permissions for all of these tasks to an IAM role.

For more information, see How to use SageMaker AI execution roles.

Encryption KMS key

A key in AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS). SageMaker AI uses they key to encrypt the artifacts of the optimized model when SageMaker AI uploads the model to Amazon S3.


SageMaker AI uses this information to create network interfaces and attach them to your model containers. The network interfaces provide your model containers with a network connection within your VPC that is not connected to the internet. They also enable your model to connect to resources in your private VPC.

For more information, see Give SageMaker AI Hosted Endpoints Access to Resources in Your Amazon VPC.

Enable network isolation

Activate this option if you want to restrict your container's internet access. Containers that run with network isolation can’t make any outbound network calls.


You must activate this option when you optimize with speculative decoding and you use the SageMaker AI draft model.

For more information about network isolation, see Network Isolation.

Under Advanced container definition, you can set the following options:

Stopping condition

Specifies a limit to how long a job can run. When the job reaches the time limit, SageMaker AI ends the job. Use this option to cap costs.


Key-value pairs associated with the optimization job.

For more information about tags, see Tagging your AWS resources in the AWS General Reference.

Environment variables

Key-value pairs that define the environment variables to set in the model container.

You can create an inference optimization job by using the SageMaker AI Python SDK in your project. First, you define a Model instance by using the ModelBuilder class. Then, you use the optimize() method to run a job that optimizes your model with quantization, speculative decoding, or compilation. When the job completes, you deploy the model to an inference endpoint by using the deploy() method.

For more information about the classes and methods used in the following examples, see APIs in the SageMaker AI Python SDK documentation.

To set up your project
  1. In your application code, import the necessary libraries. The following example imports the SDK for Python (Boto3). It also imports the classes from the SageMaker AI Python SDK that you use to define and work with models:

    import boto3 from sagemaker.serve.builder.model_builder import ModelBuilder from sagemaker.serve.builder.schema_builder import SchemaBuilder from sagemaker.session import Session from pathlib import Path
  2. Initialize a SageMaker AI session. The following example uses the Session() class:

    sagemaker_session = Session()
To define your model
  1. Create a SchemaBuilder instance, and provide input and output samples. You supply this instance to the ModelBuilder class when you define a model. With it, SageMaker AI automatically generates the marshalling functions for serializing and deserializing the input and output.

    For more information about using the SchemaBuilder and ModelBuilder classes, see Create a model in Amazon SageMaker AI with ModelBuilder.

    The following example provides sample input and output strings to the SchemaBuilder class:

    response = "Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. It is the fifth planet from the sun." sample_input = { "inputs": "What is the largest planet in the solar system?", "parameters": {"max_new_tokens": 128, "top_p": 0.9, "temperature": 0.6}, } sample_output = [{"generated_text": response}] schema_builder = SchemaBuilder(sample_input, sample_output)
  2. Define your model to SageMaker AI. The following example sets the parameters to initialize a ModelBuilder instance:

    model_builder = ModelBuilder( model="jumpstart-model-id", schema_builder=schema_builder, sagemaker_session=sagemaker_session, role_arn=sagemaker_session.get_caller_identity_arn(), )

    This example uses a JumpStart model. Replace jumpstart-model-id with the ID of a JumpStart model, such as meta-textgeneration-llama-3-70b.


    If you want to optimize with speculative decoding, and you want to use the SageMaker AI draft, you must enable network isolation. To enable it, include the following argument when you initialize a ModelBuilder instance:


    For more information about network isolation, see Network Isolation.

To optimize with quantization
  1. To run a quantization job, use the optimize() method, and set the quantization_config argument. The following example sets OPTION_QUANTIZE as an environment variable in the optimization container:

    optimized_model = model_builder.optimize( instance_type="instance-type", accept_eula=True, quantization_config={ "OverrideEnvironment": { "OPTION_QUANTIZE": "awq", }, }, output_path="s3://output-path", )

    In this example, replace instance-type with an ML instance, such as ml.p4d.24xlarge. Replace s3://output-path with the path to the S3 location where you store the optimized model that the job creates.

    The optimize() method returns a Model object, which you can use to deploy your model to an endpoint.

  2. When the job completes, deploy the model. The following example uses the deploy() method:

    predictor = optimized_model.deploy( instance_type="instance-type", accept_eula=True, )

    In this example, replace instance-type with an ML instance, such as ml.p4d.24xlarge.

    The deploy() method returns a predictor object, which you can use to send inference requests to the endpoint that hosts the model.

To optimize with speculative decoding using the SageMaker AI draft model

When you optimize your model with speculative decoding, you can choose to use a draft model that SageMaker AI provides, or you can use your own. The following examples use the SageMaker AI draft model.


To optimize with speculative decoding and the SageMaker AI draft model, you must enable network isolation when you define your model.

  1. To run a speculative decoding job, use the optimize() method, and set the speculative_decoding_config argument. The following example sets the ModelProvider key to SAGEMAKER to use the draft model that SageMaker AI provides.

    optimized_model = model_builder.optimize( instance_type="instance-type", accept_eula=True, speculative_decoding_config={ "ModelProvider": "SAGEMAKER", }, )

    In this example, replace instance-type with an ML instance, such as ml.p4d.24xlarge.

    The optimize() method returns a Model object, which you can use to deploy your model to an endpoint.

  2. When the job completes, deploy the model. The following example uses the deploy() method:

    predictor = optimized_model.deploy(accept_eula=True)

    The deploy() method returns a predictor object, which you can use to send inference requests to the endpoint that hosts the model.

To optimize with speculative decoding using a custom draft model

Before you can provide your custom draft model to SageMaker AI, you must first upload the model artifacts to Amazon S3.

The following examples demonstrate one possible way to provide a custom draft model. The examples download the draft model from the Hugging Face Hub, upload it to Amazon S3, and provide the S3 URI to the speculative_decoding_config argument.

  1. If you want to download a model from the Hugging Face Hub, add the huggingface_hub library to your project, and download a model with the snapshot_download() method. The following example downloads a model to a local directory:

    import huggingface_hub huggingface_hub.snapshot_download( repo_id="model-id", revision="main", local_dir=download-dir, token=hf-access-token, )

    In this example, replace model-id with the ID of a model the Hugging Face Hub, such as meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3-8B. Replace download-dir with a local directory. Replace hf-access-token with your user access token. To learn how to get your access token, see User access tokens in the Hugging Face documentation.

    For more information about the huggingface_hub library, see Hub client library in the Hugging Face documentation.

  2. To make your downloaded model available to SageMaker AI, upload it to Amazon S3. The following example uploads the model with the sagemaker_session object:

    custom_draft_model_uri = sagemaker_session.upload_data( path=hf_local_download_dir.as_posix(), bucket=sagemaker_session.default_bucket(), key_prefix="prefix", )

    In this example, replace prefix with a qualifier that helps you distinguish the draft model in S3, such as spec-dec-custom-draft-model.

    The upload_data() method returns the S3 URI for the model artifacts.

  3. To run a speculative decoding job, use the optimize() method, and set the speculative_decoding_config argument. The following example sets the ModelSource key to the S3 URI of the custom draft model:

    optimized_model = model_builder.optimize( instance_type="instance-type", accept_eula=True, speculative_decoding_config={ "ModelSource": custom_draft_model_uri + "/", }, )

    In this example, replace instance-type with an ML instance, such as ml.p4d.24xlarge.

    The optimize() method returns a Model object, which you can use to deploy your model to an endpoint.

  4. When the job completes, deploy the model. The following example uses the deploy() method:

    predictor = optimized_model.deploy(accept_eula=True)

    The deploy() method returns a predictor object, which you can use to send inference requests to the endpoint that hosts the model.

To optimize with compilation
  1. To run a compilation job, use the optimize() method, and set the compilation_config argument. The following example uses the OverrideEnvironment key to set the necessary environment variables in the optimization container:

    optimized_model = model_builder.optimize( instance_type="instance-type", accept_eula=True, compilation_config={ "OverrideEnvironment": { "OPTION_TENSOR_PARALLEL_DEGREE": "24", "OPTION_N_POSITIONS": "8192", "OPTION_DTYPE": "fp16", "OPTION_ROLLING_BATCH": "auto", "OPTION_MAX_ROLLING_BATCH_SIZE": "4", "OPTION_NEURON_OPTIMIZE_LEVEL": "2", } }, output_path="s3://output-path", )

    In this example, set instance-type to an ML instance type with accelerated hardware. For example, for accelerated inference with AWS Inferentia, you could set the type to an Inf2 instance, such as ml.inf2.48xlarge. Replace s3://output-path with the path to the S3 location where you store the optimized model that the job creates.

  2. When the job completes, deploy the model. The following example uses the deploy() method:

    predictor = optimized_model.deploy(accept_eula=True)

    The deploy() method returns a predictor object, which you can use to send inference requests to the endpoint that hosts the model.

To test your model with an inference request
  • To send a test inference request to your deployed model, use the predict() method of a predictor object. The following example passes the sample_input variable that was also passed to the SchemaBuilder class in the examples to define your model:


    The sample input has the prompt, "What is the largest planet in the solar system?". The predict() method returns the response that the model generated, as shown by the following example:

    {'generated_text': ' Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. It is the fifth planet from the sun. It is a gas giant with . . .'}

Limitations of the SageMaker AI draft model

For any model that you optimize with the SageMaker AI draft model, be aware of the requirements, restrictions, and supported environment variables.


You must do the following:

  • Use a model that's provided by SageMaker AI JumpStart.

  • Enable network isolation for the model deployment.

  • If you deploy the model to a Large Model Inference (LMI) container, use a DJLServing container at version 0.28.0 or above.

    For the available containers, see Large Model Inference Containers in the Deep Learning Containers GitHub repository.

  • If you fine tune the JumpStart model, use the safetensors format for the model weights.

    For more information about this format, see Safetensors in the Hugging Face documentation.


You can't do the following:

  • Use the model in local test environments that you create with local mode.

    For more information about local mode, see Local Mode in the SageMaker AI Python SDK documentation.

  • Access the model container through the AWS Systems Manager Agent (SSM Agent). The SSM Agent provides shell-level access to your model container so that you can debug processes and log commands with Amazon CloudWatch.

    For more information about this feature, see Access containers through SSM.

  • Configure the model container for a core dump that occurs if the process crashes.

    For more information about core dumps from model containers, see ProductionVariantCoreDumpConfig.

  • Deploy the model to multi-model endpoints, multi-container endpoints, or endpoints that host inference components.

    For more information about these endpoint types, see Multi-model endpoints, Multi-container endpoints, and Inference components.

  • Create a model package for the model. You use model packages to create deployable models that you publish on AWS Marketplace.

    For more information about this feature, see Create a Model Package Resource.

  • Use your own inference code in the model container.

  • Use a requirements.txt file in the model container. This type of file lists package dependencies.

  • Enable the Hugging Face parameter trust_remote_code.

Supported environment variables

You can configure the container only with the following environment variables:

  • Common environment variables for large model inference (LMI) containers.

    For more information about these variables, see Environment Variable Configurations in the LMI container documentation.

  • Common environment variables for packages that the Hugging Face Hub provides in its Git repositories.

    For the repositories, see Hugging Face on GitHub.

  • Common PyTorch & CUDA environment variables.

    For more information about these variables, see Torch Environment Variables in the PyTorch documentation.