Deploy models for real-time inference
Custom IAM policies that allow Amazon SageMaker Studio or Amazon SageMaker Studio Classic to create Amazon SageMaker resources must also grant permissions to add tags to those resources. The permission to add tags to resources is required because Studio and Studio Classic automatically tag any resources they create. If an IAM policy allows Studio and Studio Classic to create resources but does not allow tagging, "AccessDenied" errors can occur when trying to create resources. For more information, see Provide permissions for tagging SageMaker AI resources.
AWS managed policies for Amazon SageMaker AI that give permissions to create SageMaker resources already include permissions to add tags while creating those resources.
There are several options to deploy a model using SageMaker AI hosting services. You can interactively deploy a model with SageMaker Studio. Or, you can programmatically deploy a model using an AWS SDK, such as the SageMaker Python SDK or the SDK for Python (Boto3). You can also deploy by using the AWS CLI.
Before you begin
Before you deploy a SageMaker AI model, locate and make note of the following:
The AWS Region where your Amazon S3 bucket is located
The Amazon S3 URI path where the model artifacts are stored
The IAM role for SageMaker AI
The Docker Amazon ECR URI registry path for the custom image that contains the inference code, or the framework and version of a built-in Docker image that is supported and by AWS
For a list of AWS services available in each AWS Region, see Region Maps and Edge Networks
The Amazon S3 bucket where the model artifacts are stored must be in the same AWS Region as the model that you are creating.
Shared resource utilization with multiple models
You can deploy one or more models to an endpoint with Amazon SageMaker AI. When multiple models share an endpoint, they jointly utilize the resources that are hosted there, such as the ML compute instances, CPUs, and accelerators. The most flexible way to deploy multiple models to an endpoint is to define each model as an inference component.
Inference components
An inference component is a SageMaker AI hosting object that you can use to deploy a model to an endpoint. In the inference component settings, you specify the model, the endpoint, and how the model utilizes the resources that the endpoint hosts. To specify the model, you can specify a SageMaker AI Model object, or you can directly specify the model artifacts and image.
In the settings, you can optimize resource utilization by tailoring how the required CPU cores, accelerators, and memory are allocated to the model. You can deploy multiple inference components to an endpoint, where each inference component contains one model and the resource utilization needs for that model.
After you deploy an inference component, you can directly invoke the associated model when you use the InvokeEndpoint action in the SageMaker API.
Inference components provide the following benefits:
- Flexibility
The inference component decouples the details of hosting the model from the endpoint itself. This provides more flexibility and control over how models are hosted and served with an endpoint. You can host multiple models on the same infrastructure, and you can add or remove models from an endpoint as needed. You can update each model independently.
- Scalability
You can specify how many copies of each model to host, and you can set a minimum number of copies to ensure that the model loads in the quantity that you require to serve requests. You can scale any inference component copy down to zero, which makes room for another copy to scale up.
SageMaker AI packages your models as inference components when you deploy them by using:
SageMaker Studio Classic.
The SageMaker Python SDK to deploy a Model object (where you set the endpoint type to
). -
The AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to define
objects that you deploy to an endpoint.
Deploy models with SageMaker Studio
Complete the following steps to create and deploy your model interactively through
SageMaker Studio. For more information about Studio, see the Studio
documentation. For more walkthroughs of various deployment scenarios, see the blog Package and deploy classical ML models and LLMs easily with Amazon SageMaker AI – Part 2
Prepare your artifacts and permissions
Complete this section before creating a model in SageMaker Studio.
You have two options for bringing your artifacts and creating a model in Studio:
You can bring a pre-packaged
archive, which should include your model artifacts, any custom inference code, and any dependencies listed in arequirements.txt
file. -
SageMaker AI can package your artifacts for you. You only have to bring your raw model artifacts and any dependencies in a
file, and SageMaker AI can provide default inference code for you (or you can override the default code with your own custom inference code). SageMaker AI supports this option for the following frameworks: PyTorch, XGBoost.
In addition to bringing your model, your AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role, and a Docker container (or desired framework and version for which SageMaker AI has a pre-built container), you must also grant permissions to create and deploy models through SageMaker AI Studio.
You should have the AmazonSageMakerFullAccess policy attached to your IAM role so that
you can access SageMaker AI and other relevant services. To see the prices of the instance
types in Studio, you also must attach the AWSPriceListServiceFullAccess policy (or if you don’t want to attach
the whole policy, more specifically, the pricing:GetProducts
If you choose to upload your model artifacts when creating a model (or upload a
sample payload file for inference recommendations), then you must create an Amazon S3
bucket. The bucket name must be prefixed by the word SageMaker AI
. Alternate
capitalizations of SageMaker AI are also acceptable: Sagemaker
We recommend that you use the bucket naming convention
This bucket is used to store the artifacts that you upload.Region
After creating the bucket, attach the following CORS (cross-origin resource sharing) policy to the bucket:
[ { "AllowedHeaders": ["*"], "ExposeHeaders": ["Etag"], "AllowedMethods": ["PUT", "POST"], "AllowedOrigins": ['https://*'], } ]
You can attach a CORS policy to an Amazon S3 bucket by using any of the following methods:
Through the Edit cross-origin resource sharing (CORS)
page in the Amazon S3 console -
Using the Amazon S3 API PutBucketCors
Using the put-bucket-cors AWS CLI command:
aws s3api put-bucket-cors --bucket="..." --cors-configuration="..."
Create a deployable model
In this step, you create a deployable version of your model in SageMaker AI by providing your artifacts along with additional specifications, such as your desired container and framework, any custom inference code, and network settings.
Create a deployable model in SageMaker Studio by doing the following:
Open the SageMaker Studio application.
In the left navigation pane, choose Models.
Choose the Deployable models tab.
On the Deployable models page, choose Create.
On the Create deployable model page, for the Model name field, enter a name for the model.
There are several more sections for you to fill out on the Create deployable model page.
The Container definition section looks like the following screenshot:

For the Container definition section, do the following:
For Container type, select Pre-built container if you'd like to use a SageMaker AI managed container, or select Bring your own container if you have your own container.
If you selected Pre-built container, select the Container framework, Framework version, and Hardware type that you'd like to use.
If you selected Bring your own container, enter an Amazon ECR path for ECR path to container image.
Then, fill out the Artifacts section, which looks like the following screenshot:

For the Artifacts section, do the following:
If you're using one of the frameworks that SageMaker AI supports for packaging model artifacts (PyTorch or XGBoost), then for Artifacts, you can choose the Upload artifacts option. With this option, you can simply specify your raw model artifacts, any custom inference code you have, and your requirements.txt file, and SageMaker AI handles packaging the archive for you. Do the following:
For Artifacts, select Upload artifacts to continue providing your files. Otherwise, if you already have a
archive that contains your model files, inference code, andrequirements.txt
file, then select Input S3 URI to pre-packaged artifacts. -
If you chose to upload your artifacts, then for S3 bucket, enter the Amazon S3 path to a bucket where you'd like SageMaker AI to store your artifacts after packaging them for you. Then, complete the following steps.
For Upload model artifacts, upload your model files.
For Inference code, select Use default inference code if you'd like to use default code that SageMaker AI provides for serving inference. Otherwise, select Upload customized inference code to use your own inference code.
For Upload requirements.txt, upload a text file that lists any dependencies that you want to install at runtime.
If you're not using a framework that SageMaker AI supports for packaging model artifacts, then Studio shows you the Pre-packaged artifacts option, and you must provide all of your artifacts already packaged as a
archive. Do the following:-
For Pre-packaged artifacts, select Input S3 URI for pre-packaged model artifacts if you have your
archive already uploaded to Amazon S3. Select Upload pre-packaged model artifacts if you want to directly upload your archive to SageMaker AI. -
If you selected Input S3 URI for pre-packaged model artifacts, enter the Amazon S3 path to your archive for S3 URI. Otherwise, select and upload the archive from your local machine.
The next section is Security, which looks like the following screenshot:

For the Security section, do the following:
For IAM role, enter the ARN for an IAM role.
(Optional) For Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), you can select an Amazon VPC for storing your model configuration and artifacts.
(Optional) Turn on the Network isolation toggle if you want to restrict your container's internet access.
Finally, you can optionally fill out the Advanced options section, which looks like the following screenshot:

(Optional) For the Advanced options section, do the following:
Turn on the Customized instance recommendations toggle if you want to run an Amazon SageMaker Inference Recommender job on your model after its creation. Inference Recommender is a feature that provides you with recommended instance types for optimizing inference performance and cost. You can view these instance recommendations when preparing to deploy your model.
For Add environment variables, enter an environment variables for your container as key-value pairs.
For Tags, enter any tags as key-value pairs.
After finishing your model and container configuration, choose Create deployable model.
You should now have a model in SageMaker Studio that is ready for deployment.
Deploy your model
Finally, you deploy the model you configured in the previous step to an HTTPS endpoint. You can deploy either a single model or multiple models to the endpoint.
Model and endpoint compatibility
Before you can deploy a model to an endpoint, the model and endpoint must be compatible by having the same values for the following settings:
The IAM role
The Amazon VPC, including its subnets and security groups
The network isolation (enabled or disabled)
Studio prevents you from deploying models to incompatible endpoints in the following ways:
If you attempt to deploy a model to a new endpoint, SageMaker AI configures the endpoint with initial settings that are compatible. If you break the compatibility by changing these settings, Studio shows an alert and prevents your deployment.
If you attempt to deploy to an existing endpoint, and that endpoint is incompatible, Studio shows an alert and prevents your deployment.
If you attempt to add multiple models to a deployment, Studio prevents you from deploying models that are incompatible with each other.
When Studio shows the alert about model and endpoint incompatibility, you can choose View details in the alert to see which settings are incompatible.
One way to deploy a model is by doing the following in Studio:
Open the SageMaker Studio application.
In the left navigation pane, choose Models.
On the Models page, select one or more models from the list of SageMaker AI models.
Choose Deploy.
For Endpoint name, open the dropdown menu. You can either select an existing endpoint or you can create a new endpoint to which you deploy the model.
For Instance type, select the instance type that you want to use for the endpoint. If you previously ran an Inference Recommender job for the model, your recommended instance types appear in the list under the title Recommended. Otherwise, you'll see a few Prospective instances that might be suitable for your model.
Instance type compatibility for JumpStart
If you're deploying a JumpStart model, Studio only shows instance types that the model supports.
For Initial instance count, enter the initial number of instances that you'd like to provision for your endpoint.
For Maximum instance count, specify the maximum number of instances that the endpoint can provision when it scales up to accommodate an increase in traffic.
If the model you're deploying is one of the most used JumpStart LLMs from the model hub, then the Alternate configurations option appears after the instance type and instance count fields.
For the most popular JumpStart LLMs, AWS has pre-benchmarked instance types to optimize for either cost or performance. This data can help you decide which instance type to use for deploying your LLM. Choose Alternate configurations to open a dialog box that contains the pre-benchmarked data. The panel looks like the following screenshot:
In the Alternate configurations box, do the following:
Select an instance type. You can choose Cost per hour or Best performance to see instance types that optimize either cost or performance for the specified model. You can also choose Other supported instances to see a list of other instance types that are compatible with the JumpStart model. Note that selecting an instance type here overwrites any previous instance selection specified in Step 6.
(Optional) Turn on the Customize the selected configuration toggle to specify Max total tokens (the maximum number of tokens that you want to allow, which is the sum of your input tokens and the model's generated output), Max input token length (the maximum number of tokens you want to allow for the input of each request), and Max concurrent requests (the maximum number of requests that the model can process at a time).
Choose Select to confirm your instance type and configuration settings.
The Model field should already be populated with the name of the model or models that you're deploying. You can choose Add model to add more models to the deployment. For each model that you add, fill out the following fields:
For Number of CPU cores, enter the CPU cores that you'd like to dedicate for the model's usage.
For Min number of copies, enter the minimum number of model copies that you want to have hosted on the endpoint at any given time.
For Min CPU memory (MB), enter the minimum amount of memory (in MB) that the model requires.
For Max CPU memory (MB), enter the maximum amount of memory (in MB) that you'd like to allow the model to use.
(Optional) For the Advanced options, do the following:
For IAM role, use either the default SageMaker AI IAM execution role, or specify your own role that has the permissions you need. Note that this IAM role must be the same as the role that you specified when creating the deployable model.
For Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), you can specify a VPC in which you want to host your endpoint.
For Encryption KMS key, select an AWS KMS key to encrypt data on the storage volume attached to the ML compute instance that hosts the endpoint.
Turn on the Enable network isolation toggle to restrict your container's internet access.
For Timeout configuration, enter values for the Model data download timeout (seconds) and Container startup health check timeout (seconds) fields. These values determine the maximum amount of time that SageMaker AI allows for downloading the model to the container and starting up the container, respectively.
For Tags, enter any tags as key-value pairs.
SageMaker AI configures the IAM role, VPC, and network isolation settings with initial values that are compatible with the model that you're deploying. If you break the compatibility by changing these settings, Studio shows an alert and prevents your deployment.
After configuring your options, the page should look like the following screenshot.

After configuring your deployment, choose Deploy to create the endpoint and deploy your model.
Deploy models with the Python SDKs
Using the SageMaker Python SDK, you can build your model in two ways. The first is to
create a model object from the Model
or ModelBuilder
class. If
you use the Model
class to create your Model
object, you need
to specify the model package or inference code (depending on your model server), scripts
to handle serialization and deserialization of data between the client and server, and
any dependencies to be uploaded to Amazon S3 for consumption. The second way to build your
model is to use ModelBuilder
for which you provide model artifacts or
inference code. ModelBuilder
automatically captures your dependencies,
infers the needed serialization and deserialization functions, and packages your
dependencies to create your Model
object. For more information about
, see Create a model in Amazon SageMaker AI with
The following section describes both methods to create your model and deploy your model object.
Set up
The following examples prepare for the model deployment process. They import the necessary libraries and define the S3 URL that locates the model artifacts.
Example model artifact URL
The following code builds an example Amazon S3 URL. The URL locates the model artifacts for a pre-trained model in an Amazon S3 bucket.
# Create a variable w/ the model S3 URL # The name of your S3 bucket: s3_bucket = "amzn-s3-demo-bucket" # The directory within your S3 bucket your model is stored in: bucket_prefix = "
" # The file name of your model artifact: model_filename = "my-model-artifact.tar.gz
" # Relative S3 path: model_s3_key = f"{bucket_prefix}/"+model_filename # Combine bucket name, model file name, and relate S3 path to create S3 model URL: model_url = f"s3://{s3_bucket}/{model_s3_key}"
The full Amazon S3 URL is stored in the variable model_url
, which is
used in the examples that follow.
There are multiple ways that you can deploy models with the SageMaker Python SDK or the SDK for Python (Boto3). The following sections summarize the steps that you complete for several possible approaches. These steps are demonstrated by the examples that follow.
The following examples configure the resources that you require to deploy a model to an endpoint.
The following examples deploy a model to an endpoint.
Deploy models with the AWS CLI
You can deploy a model to an endpoint by using the AWS CLI.
When you deploy a model with the AWS CLI, you can deploy it with or without using an inference component. The following sections summarize the commands that you run for both approaches. These commands are demonstrated by the examples that follow.
The following examples configure the resources that you require to deploy a model to an endpoint.
The following examples deploy a model to an endpoint.