EventBridge Scheduler usage metrics - EventBridge Scheduler

EventBridge Scheduler usage metrics

CloudWatch collects metrics that track the usage of some AWS resources. These metrics correspond to AWS service quotas. Tracking these metrics can help you proactively manage your quotas. Use the following metrics to determine when you have exceeded your EventBridge Scheduler quotas. For more information about service quotas, see Quotas for Amazon EventBridge Scheduler.

These metrics are contained in the AWS/Usage namespace, rather than AWS/Scheduler, and are collected every minute.

Currently, the only metric name in this namespace that CloudWatch publishes is CallCount. This metric is published with the dimensions Resource, Service, and Type. The Resource dimension specifies the name of the API operation being tracked.

For example, the CallCount metric with the following dimensions indicates the number of times the EventBridge Scheduler CreateSchedule API operation has been called in your account:

  • "Service": "Scheduler"

  • "Type": "API"

  • "Resource": "CreateSchedule"

The CallCount metric does not have a specified unit. The most useful statistic for the metric is SUM, which represents the total operation count for the 1-minute period.


Metric Description


The number of specified operations performed in your account.


Dimension Description


The name of the AWS service containing the resource.

For EventBridge Scheduler usage metrics, the value for this dimension is Scheduler.


The class of resource being tracked.

EventBridge Scheduler API usage metrics use this dimension with a value of None.


The type of resource being tracked.

Currently, when the Service dimension is Scheduler, the only valid value for Type is API.


The name of the API operation. Valid values include the following:

  • CreateSchedule

  • CreateScheduleGroup

  • DeleteSchedule

  • DeleteScheduleGroup

  • GetSchedule

  • GetScheduleGroup

  • ListScheduleGroups

  • ListSchedules

  • ListTagsForResource

  • TagResource

  • UntagResource

  • UpdateSchedule