Fundamentals - AWS SDK for Rust



In order to use the AWS SDK for Rust, you must have Rust and Cargo installed.

The following optional tools can be installed in your IDE to assist with code completion and troubleshooting.

Rust fundamentals

The following are some basics of the Rust programming language that would be helpful to know. All references for more information come from The Rust Programming Language.

  • Cargo.toml is the standard Rust project configuration file, it contains the dependencies and some metadata about the project. Rust source files have a .rs file extension. See Hello, Cargo!.

    • The Cargo.toml can be customized with profiles, see Customizing Builds with Release Profiles. These profiles are completely unrelated and independent from AWS's use of profiles within the shared AWS config file.

    • A common way to add library dependencies to your project and this file is to use cargo add. See cargo-add.

  • Rust has a basic function structure like the following. The let keyword declares a variable and might be paired with assignment (=). If you don't specify a type after let, then the compiler will infer one. See Variables and Mutability.

    fn main() { let w = "world"; println!("Hello {}!", w); }
  • To declare a variable x with an explicit type T, Rust uses syntax x: T. See Data Types.

  • struct X {} defines the new type X. Methods are implemented on the custom struct type X. Methods for type X are declared with implementation blocks prefixed with keyword impl. Inside the implementation block, self refers to the instance of the struct that the method was called on. See Keyword impl and Method Syntax.

  • If an exclamation point ("!") follows what appears to be a function definition or function call, then the code is defining or calling a macro. See Macros.

  • In Rust, unrecoverable errors are represented by the panic! macro. When a program encounters a panic! it will stop running, print a failure message, unwind, clean up the stack, and quit. See Unrecoverable Errors with panic!.

  • Rust doesn't support inheritance of functionality from base classes like other programming languages do; traits are how Rust provides the overloading of methods. Traits might be thought of as being conceptually similar to an interface. However, traits and true interfaces have differences and are often used differently in the design process. See Traits: Defining Shared Behavior.

    • Polymorphism refers to code that supports functionality for multiple data types without having to individually write each one. Rust supports polymorphism through enums, traits, and generics. See Inheritance as a Type System and as Code Sharing.

  • Rust is very explicit about memory. Smart pointers "are data structures that act like a pointer but also have additional metadata and capabilities". See Smart Pointers.

    • The type Cow is a clone-on-write smart pointer that helps transfer memory ownership to the caller when necessary. See Enum std::borrow::Cow.

    • The type Arc is a Atomically Reference Counted smart pointer that counts allocated instances. See Struct std::sync::Arc.

  • The SDK for Rust frequently uses the builder pattern for constructing complex types.

AWS SDK for Rust crate fundamentals

  • The primary core crate for the SDK for Rust functionality is aws-config. This is included in the majority of projects because it provides functionality to read configuration from the environment.

    $ cargo add aws-config
    • Don't confuse this with the AWS service that is called AWS Config. Since that is a service, it follows the standard convention of AWS service crates and is called aws-sdk-config.

  • The SDK for Rust library is separated into different library crates by each AWS service. These crates are available at

  • AWS service crates follow the naming convention of aws-sdk-[servicename], such as aws-sdk-s3 and aws-sdk-dynamodb.

Project configuration for working with AWS services

  • You will need to add a crate to your project for each AWS service that you want your application to use.

  • The recommended way to add a crate is using the command line in your project's directory by running cargo add [crateName], such as cargo add aws-sdk-s3.

    • This will add a line to your project's Cargo.toml under [dependencies].

    • By default, this will add the latest version of the crate to your project.

  • In your source file, use the use statement to bring items from their crates into scope. See Using External Packages on the Rust Programming Language website.

    • Crate names are often hyphenated, but the hyphens get converted to underscores when actually using the crate. For example, the aws-config crate is used in code use statement as: use aws_config.

  • Configuration is a complex topic. Configuration can occur directly in code, or be specified externally in environment variables or config files. For more information, see Configuration options.

    • When the SDK loads your configuration, invalid values are logged instead of halting execution because most settings have reasonable defaults. To learn how to turn on logging, see Enable logging of AWS SDK for Rust code.

    • Most environment variables and config file settings are loaded once when your program starts. Any updates to the values will not be seen until you restart your program.

Tokio runtime

  • Tokio is an asynchronous runtime for the SDK for Rust programming language, it executes the async tasks. See and

  • The SDK for Rust requires an async runtime. We recommend you add the following crate to your projects:

    $ cargo add tokio --features=full
  • The tokio::main attribute macro creates an async main entry point to your program. To use this macro, add it to the line before your main method, as shown in the following:

    #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {