Examples of event data that Amazon SES publishes to Amazon SNS - Amazon Simple Email Service

Examples of event data that Amazon SES publishes to Amazon SNS

This section provides examples of the types of email sending event records that Amazon SES publishes to Amazon SNS.


In the following examples where a tag field is utilized, it is using event publishing through a configuration set for which SES supports the publishing of tags for all event types. If using feedback notifications directly on the identity, SES does not publish tags. Read about adding tags when creating a configuration set or modifying a configuration set.

Bounce record

The following is an example of a Bounce event record that Amazon SES publishes to Amazon SNS.

{ "eventType":"Bounce", "bounce":{ "bounceType":"Permanent", "bounceSubType":"General", "bouncedRecipients":[ { "emailAddress":"recipient@example.com", "action":"failed", "status":"5.1.1", "diagnosticCode":"smtp; 550 5.1.1 user unknown" } ], "timestamp":"2017-08-05T00:41:02.669Z", "feedbackId":"01000157c44f053b-61b59c11-9236-11e6-8f96-7be8aexample-000000", "reportingMTA":"dsn; mta.example.com" }, "mail":{ "timestamp":"2017-08-05T00:40:02.012Z", "source":"Sender Name <sender@example.com>", "sourceArn":"arn:aws:ses:us-east-1:123456789012:identity/sender@example.com", "sendingAccountId":"123456789012", "messageId":"EXAMPLE7c191be45-e9aedb9a-02f9-4d12-a87d-dd0099a07f8a-000000", "destination":[ "recipient@example.com" ], "headersTruncated":false, "headers":[ { "name":"From", "value":"Sender Name <sender@example.com>" }, { "name":"To", "value":"recipient@example.com" }, { "name":"Subject", "value":"Message sent from Amazon SES" }, { "name":"MIME-Version", "value":"1.0" }, { "name":"Content-Type", "value":"multipart/alternative; boundary=\"----=_Part_7307378_1629847660.1516840721503\"" } ], "commonHeaders":{ "from":[ "Sender Name <sender@example.com>" ], "to":[ "recipient@example.com" ], "messageId":"EXAMPLE7c191be45-e9aedb9a-02f9-4d12-a87d-dd0099a07f8a-000000", "subject":"Message sent from Amazon SES" }, "tags":{ "ses:configuration-set":[ "ConfigSet" ], "ses:source-ip":[ "" ], "ses:from-domain":[ "example.com" ], "ses:caller-identity":[ "ses_user" ] } } }

Complaint record

The following is an example of a Complaint event record that Amazon SES publishes to Amazon SNS.

{ "eventType":"Complaint", "complaint": { "complainedRecipients":[ { "emailAddress":"recipient@example.com" } ], "timestamp":"2017-08-05T00:41:02.669Z", "feedbackId":"01000157c44f053b-61b59c11-9236-11e6-8f96-7be8aexample-000000", "userAgent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/60.0.3112.90 Safari/537.36", "complaintFeedbackType":"abuse", "arrivalDate":"2017-08-05T00:41:02.669Z" }, "mail":{ "timestamp":"2017-08-05T00:40:01.123Z", "source":"Sender Name <sender@example.com>", "sourceArn":"arn:aws:ses:us-east-1:123456789012:identity/sender@example.com", "sendingAccountId":"123456789012", "messageId":"EXAMPLE7c191be45-e9aedb9a-02f9-4d12-a87d-dd0099a07f8a-000000", "destination":[ "recipient@example.com" ], "headersTruncated":false, "headers":[ { "name":"From", "value":"Sender Name <sender@example.com>" }, { "name":"To", "value":"recipient@example.com" }, { "name":"Subject", "value":"Message sent from Amazon SES" }, { "name":"MIME-Version","value":"1.0" }, { "name":"Content-Type", "value":"multipart/alternative; boundary=\"----=_Part_7298998_679725522.1516840859643\"" } ], "commonHeaders":{ "from":[ "Sender Name <sender@example.com>" ], "to":[ "recipient@example.com" ], "messageId":"EXAMPLE7c191be45-e9aedb9a-02f9-4d12-a87d-dd0099a07f8a-000000", "subject":"Message sent from Amazon SES" }, "tags":{ "ses:configuration-set":[ "ConfigSet" ], "ses:source-ip":[ "" ], "ses:from-domain":[ "example.com" ], "ses:caller-identity":[ "ses_user" ] } } }

Delivery record

The following is an example of a Delivery event record that Amazon SES publishes to Amazon SNS.

{ "eventType": "Delivery", "mail": { "timestamp": "2016-10-19T23:20:52.240Z", "source": "sender@example.com", "sourceArn": "arn:aws:ses:us-east-1:123456789012:identity/sender@example.com", "sendingAccountId": "123456789012", "messageId": "EXAMPLE7c191be45-e9aedb9a-02f9-4d12-a87d-dd0099a07f8a-000000", "destination": [ "recipient@example.com" ], "headersTruncated": false, "headers": [ { "name": "From", "value": "sender@example.com" }, { "name": "To", "value": "recipient@example.com" }, { "name": "Subject", "value": "Message sent from Amazon SES" }, { "name": "MIME-Version", "value": "1.0" }, { "name": "Content-Type", "value": "text/html; charset=UTF-8" }, { "name": "Content-Transfer-Encoding", "value": "7bit" } ], "commonHeaders": { "from": [ "sender@example.com" ], "to": [ "recipient@example.com" ], "messageId": "EXAMPLE7c191be45-e9aedb9a-02f9-4d12-a87d-dd0099a07f8a-000000", "subject": "Message sent from Amazon SES" }, "tags": { "ses:configuration-set": [ "ConfigSet" ], "ses:source-ip": [ "" ], "ses:from-domain": [ "example.com" ], "ses:caller-identity": [ "ses_user" ], "ses:outgoing-ip": [ "" ], "myCustomTag1": [ "myCustomTagValue1" ], "myCustomTag2": [ "myCustomTagValue2" ] } }, "delivery": { "timestamp": "2016-10-19T23:21:04.133Z", "processingTimeMillis": 11893, "recipients": [ "recipient@example.com" ], "smtpResponse": "250 2.6.0 Message received", "reportingMTA": "mta.example.com" } }

Send record

The following is an example of a Send event record that Amazon SES publishes to Amazon SNS. Some fields are not always present. For example, with a templated email, the subject is rendered later and included in subsequent events.

{ "eventType": "Send", "mail": { "timestamp": "2016-10-14T05:02:16.645Z", "source": "sender@example.com", "sourceArn": "arn:aws:ses:us-east-1:123456789012:identity/sender@example.com", "sendingAccountId": "123456789012", "messageId": "EXAMPLE7c191be45-e9aedb9a-02f9-4d12-a87d-dd0099a07f8a-000000", "destination": [ "recipient@example.com" ], "headersTruncated": false, "headers": [ { "name": "From", "value": "sender@example.com" }, { "name": "To", "value": "recipient@example.com" }, { "name": "Subject", "value": "Message sent from Amazon SES" }, { "name": "MIME-Version", "value": "1.0" }, { "name": "Content-Type", "value": "multipart/mixed; boundary=\"----=_Part_0_716996660.1476421336341\"" }, { "name": "X-SES-MESSAGE-TAGS", "value": "myCustomTag1=myCustomTagValue1, myCustomTag2=myCustomTagValue2" } ], "commonHeaders": { "from": [ "sender@example.com" ], "to": [ "recipient@example.com" ], "messageId": "EXAMPLE7c191be45-e9aedb9a-02f9-4d12-a87d-dd0099a07f8a-000000", "subject": "Message sent from Amazon SES" }, "tags": { "ses:configuration-set": [ "ConfigSet" ], "ses:source-ip": [ "" ], "ses:from-domain": [ "example.com" ], "ses:caller-identity": [ "ses_user" ], "myCustomTag1": [ "myCustomTagValue1" ], "myCustomTag2": [ "myCustomTagValue2" ] } }, "send": {} }

Reject record

The following is an example of a Reject event record that Amazon SES publishes to Amazon SNS.

{ "eventType": "Reject", "mail": { "timestamp": "2016-10-14T17:38:15.211Z", "source": "sender@example.com", "sourceArn": "arn:aws:ses:us-east-1:123456789012:identity/sender@example.com", "sendingAccountId": "123456789012", "messageId": "EXAMPLE7c191be45-e9aedb9a-02f9-4d12-a87d-dd0099a07f8a-000000", "destination": [ "sender@example.com" ], "headersTruncated": false, "headers": [ { "name": "From", "value": "sender@example.com" }, { "name": "To", "value": "recipient@example.com" }, { "name": "Subject", "value": "Message sent from Amazon SES" }, { "name": "MIME-Version", "value": "1.0" }, { "name": "Content-Type", "value": "multipart/mixed; boundary=\"qMm9M+Fa2AknHoGS\"" }, { "name": "X-SES-MESSAGE-TAGS", "value": "myCustomTag1=myCustomTagValue1, myCustomTag2=myCustomTagValue2" } ], "commonHeaders": { "from": [ "sender@example.com" ], "to": [ "recipient@example.com" ], "messageId": "EXAMPLE7c191be45-e9aedb9a-02f9-4d12-a87d-dd0099a07f8a-000000", "subject": "Message sent from Amazon SES" }, "tags": { "ses:configuration-set": [ "ConfigSet" ], "ses:source-ip": [ "" ], "ses:from-domain": [ "example.com" ], "ses:caller-identity": [ "ses_user" ], "myCustomTag1": [ "myCustomTagValue1" ], "myCustomTag2": [ "myCustomTagValue2" ] } }, "reject": { "reason": "Bad content" } }

Open record

The following is an example of an Open event record that Amazon SES publishes to Amazon SNS.

{ "eventType": "Open", "mail": { "commonHeaders": { "from": [ "sender@example.com" ], "messageId": "EXAMPLE7c191be45-e9aedb9a-02f9-4d12-a87d-dd0099a07f8a-000000", "subject": "Message sent from Amazon SES", "to": [ "recipient@example.com" ] }, "destination": [ "recipient@example.com" ], "headers": [ { "name": "X-SES-CONFIGURATION-SET", "value": "ConfigSet" }, { "name":"X-SES-MESSAGE-TAGS", "value":"myCustomTag1=myCustomValue1, myCustomTag2=myCustomValue2" }, { "name": "From", "value": "sender@example.com" }, { "name": "To", "value": "recipient@example.com" }, { "name": "Subject", "value": "Message sent from Amazon SES" }, { "name": "MIME-Version", "value": "1.0" }, { "name": "Content-Type", "value": "multipart/alternative; boundary=\"XBoundary\"" } ], "headersTruncated": false, "messageId": "EXAMPLE7c191be45-e9aedb9a-02f9-4d12-a87d-dd0099a07f8a-000000", "sendingAccountId": "123456789012", "source": "sender@example.com", "tags": { "myCustomTag1":[ "myCustomValue1" ], "myCustomTag2":[ "myCustomValue2" ], "ses:caller-identity": [ "IAM_user_or_role_name" ], "ses:configuration-set": [ "ConfigSet" ], "ses:from-domain": [ "example.com" ], "ses:source-ip": [ "" ] }, "timestamp": "2017-08-09T21:59:49.927Z" }, "open": { "ipAddress": "", "timestamp": "2017-08-09T22:00:19.652Z", "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 10_3_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/603.3.8 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/14G60" } }

Click record

The following is an example of a Click event record that Amazon SES publishes to Amazon SNS.

{ "eventType": "Click", "click": { "ipAddress": "", "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/ses/latest/DeveloperGuide/send-email-smtp.html", "linkTags": { "samplekey0": [ "samplevalue0" ], "samplekey1": [ "samplevalue1" ] }, "timestamp": "2017-08-09T23:51:25.570Z", "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/60.0.3112.90 Safari/537.36" }, "mail": { "commonHeaders": { "from": [ "sender@example.com" ], "messageId": "EXAMPLE7c191be45-e9aedb9a-02f9-4d12-a87d-dd0099a07f8a-000000", "subject": "Message sent from Amazon SES", "to": [ "recipient@example.com" ] }, "destination": [ "recipient@example.com" ], "headers": [ { "name": "X-SES-CONFIGURATION-SET", "value": "ConfigSet" }, { "name":"X-SES-MESSAGE-TAGS", "value":"myCustomTag1=myCustomValue1, myCustomTag2=myCustomValue2" }, { "name": "From", "value": "sender@example.com" }, { "name": "To", "value": "recipient@example.com" }, { "name": "Subject", "value": "Message sent from Amazon SES" }, { "name": "MIME-Version", "value": "1.0" }, { "name": "Content-Type", "value": "multipart/alternative; boundary=\"XBoundary\"" }, { "name": "Message-ID", "value": "EXAMPLE7c191be45-e9aedb9a-02f9-4d12-a87d-dd0099a07f8a-000000" } ], "headersTruncated": false, "messageId": "EXAMPLE7c191be45-e9aedb9a-02f9-4d12-a87d-dd0099a07f8a-000000", "sendingAccountId": "123456789012", "source": "sender@example.com", "tags": { "myCustomTag1":[ "myCustomValue1" ], "myCustomTag2":[ "myCustomValue2" ], "ses:caller-identity": [ "ses_user" ], "ses:configuration-set": [ "ConfigSet" ], "ses:from-domain": [ "example.com" ], "ses:source-ip": [ "" ] }, "timestamp": "2017-08-09T23:50:05.795Z" } }

Rendering Failure record

The following is an example of a Rendering Failure event record that Amazon SES publishes to Amazon SNS.

{ "eventType":"Rendering Failure", "mail":{ "timestamp":"2018-01-22T18:43:06.197Z", "source":"sender@example.com", "sourceArn":"arn:aws:ses:us-east-1:123456789012:identity/sender@example.com", "sendingAccountId":"123456789012", "messageId":"EXAMPLE7c191be45-e9aedb9a-02f9-4d12-a87d-dd0099a07f8a-000000", "destination":[ "recipient@example.com" ], "headersTruncated":false, "tags":{ "ses:configuration-set":[ "ConfigSet" ] } }, "failure":{ "errorMessage":"Attribute 'attributeName' is not present in the rendering data.", "templateName":"MyTemplate" } }

DeliveryDelay record

The following is an example of a DeliveryDelay event record that Amazon SES publishes to Amazon SNS.

{ "eventType": "DeliveryDelay", "mail":{ "timestamp":"2020-06-16T00:15:40.641Z", "source":"sender@example.com", "sourceArn":"arn:aws:ses:us-east-1:123456789012:identity/sender@example.com", "sendingAccountId":"123456789012", "messageId":"EXAMPLE7c191be45-e9aedb9a-02f9-4d12-a87d-dd0099a07f8a-000000", "destination":[ "recipient@example.com" ], "headersTruncated":false, "tags":{ "ses:configuration-set":[ "ConfigSet" ] } }, "deliveryDelay": { "timestamp": "2020-06-16T00:25:40.095Z", "delayType": "TransientCommunicationFailure", "expirationTime": "2020-06-16T00:25:40.914Z", "delayedRecipients": [{ "emailAddress": "recipient@example.com", "status": "4.4.1", "diagnosticCode": "smtp; 421 4.4.1 Unable to connect to remote host" }] } }

Subscription record

The following is an example of a Subscription event record that Amazon SES publishes to Firehose.

{ "eventType": "Subscription", "mail": { "timestamp": "2022-01-12T01:00:14.340Z", "source": "sender@example.com", "sourceArn": "arn:aws:ses:us-east-1:123456789012:identity/sender@example.com", "sendingAccountId": "123456789012", "messageId": "EXAMPLEe4bccb684-777bc8de-afa7-4970-92b0-f515137b1497-000000", "destination": ["recipient@example.com"], "headersTruncated": false, "headers": [ { "name": "From", "value": "sender@example.com" }, { "name": "To", "value": "recipient@example.com" }, { "name": "Subject", "value": "Message sent from Amazon SES" }, { "name": "MIME-Version", "value": "1.0" }, { "name": "Content-Type", "value": "text/html; charset=UTF-8" }, { "name": "Content-Transfer-Encoding", "value": "7bit" } ], "commonHeaders": { "from": ["sender@example.com"], "to": ["recipient@example.com"], "messageId": "EXAMPLEe4bccb684-777bc8de-afa7-4970-92b0-f515137b1497-000000", "subject": "Message sent from Amazon SES" }, "tags": { "ses:operation": ["SendEmail"], "ses:configuration-set": ["ConfigSet"], "ses:source-ip": [""], "ses:from-domain": ["example.com"], "ses:caller-identity": ["ses_user"], "myCustomTag1": ["myCustomValue1"], "myCustomTag2": ["myCustomValue2"] } }, "subscription": { "contactList": "ContactListName", "timestamp": "2022-01-12T01:00:17.910Z", "source": "UnsubscribeHeader", "newTopicPreferences": { "unsubscribeAll": true, "topicSubscriptionStatus": [ { "topicName": "ExampleTopicName", "subscriptionStatus": "OptOut" } ] }, "oldTopicPreferences": { "unsubscribeAll": false, "topicSubscriptionStatus": [ { "topicName": "ExampleTopicName", "subscriptionStatus": "OptOut" } ] } } }