Creating an identity authorization policy in Amazon SES - Amazon Simple Email Service

Creating an identity authorization policy in Amazon SES

An identity authorization policy is comprised of statements specifying what API actions are allowed or denied for an identity and under what conditions.

To authorize an Amazon SES domain or email address identity that you own, you create an authorization policy, and then attach that policy to the identity. An identity can have zero, one, or many policies. However, a single policy can only be associated with a single identity.

For a list of API actions that can be used in an identity authorization policy, see the Action row in the Statements specific to the policy table.

You can create an identity authorization policy in the following ways:

  • By using the policy generator – You can create a simple policy by using the policy generator in the SES console. In addition to allowing or denying permissions on SES API actions, you can constrain the actions with conditions. You can also use the policy generator to quickly create the basic structure of a policy and then customize it later by editing the policy.

  • By creating a custom policy – If you want to include more advanced conditions or use an AWS service as the principal, you can create a custom policy and attach it to the identity by using the SES console or the SES API.