Dedicated IP addresses (managed) for Amazon SES
Dedicated IP addresses (managed) is an Amazon SES feature that automatically sets up and manages dedicated IP addresses on your behalf to provide a quick and easy way to start using dedicated IP addresses that are managed by SES. This helps to ensure that your dedicated IP addresses are used efficiently and optimally for how you send email.
To enable dedicated IPs (managed) in your account, you just create a managed IP pool and SES does all the rest. SES will determine how many dedicated IPs you require based on your sending patterns, create them for you, and then manage how they scale based on your sending requirements.
Once enabled, you can utilize dedicated IPs (managed) in your email sending by associating the managed IP pool with a configuration set, and then specifying that configuration set when sending email. The configuration set can also be applied to a sending identity by using a default configuration set.
Benefits and features of dedicated IPs (managed)
The dedicated IP addresses that you create with dedicated IPs (managed) automate management tasks to help ensure that your dedicated IP addresses are used in a way that's optimal for how you send email:
Easy onboarding – To get started with dedicated IPs (managed), you create a managed IP pool directly from the SES console. Dedicated IP addresses are automatically allocated to the pool. You can start sending with the managed IP pool without having to open a request case through the AWS Support Center.
Auto-scaling per ISP – You don't have to manually monitor or scale your dedicated IP pools because the managed IP pool scales out automatically based on usage. It also takes into consideration ISP-specific policies. For example, if SES detects that an ISP supports a low daily send quota, the pool scales out to better distribute traffic to that ISP across more IP addresses.
Intelligent warmup – Dedicated IPs (managed) start to send mail to ISPs based on their capacity. That is, how much they are currently warmed up. They automatically keep track of the level of warmup for each ISP individually. Additionally, the dedicated IPs (managed) feature provides information about your reputation at an effective daily rate with top ISPs in the form of Amazon CloudWatch metrics and built-in dashboards.
Warmup per ISP – SES tracks the reputation for each IP in the managed IP pool for each ISP individually. For example, if you've been sending all your traffic to Gmail, the IP addresses are considered warmed up only for Gmail and cold for other ISPs. If you change your traffic pattern by ramping up email sent to Hotmail, SES ramps up traffic slowly for Hotmail, as the IP addresses are not warmed up yet.
Adaptive warmup & Shared pool transitioning – The warmup adjustment is adaptive and takes into account actual sending patterns. When sending volume to an ISP drops, the warmup percentage also drops for that ISP. In the early phase of warmup, any sending that's excessive based on the current level of warmup is sent through the IP addresses that are shared with other Amazon SES users—the SES shared pool. In later stages of warmup, any sending that's excessive is proactively slowed down and retried later.
While dedicated IPs (managed) automatically warms up your dedicated IP addresses, part of that automatic process is working interactively with the SES shared IP pool.
If your sending rate is too aggressive for your new dedicated IPs while they're being warmed up, SES will automatically spill part of your sending over into the SES shared IP pool to protect the reputation of your new dedicated IPs.
Even after your new dedicated IPs are fully warmed up, it isn't guaranteed that all of your sending will go through them 100% of the time. For example, if your sending rate suddenly rises and dedicated IPs (managed) determines it must allocate an additional dedicated IP address, it will initiate the warmup process which includes using the shared pool. Likewise, if your sending rate suddenly drops very low, all of your sending could switch over to the SES shared IP pool, see Why proper IP warmup is important.
Automatic request & relinquish of dedicated IP addresses – You don't need to request or relinquish managed dedicated IP addresses through the AWS Support Center, as is required when using dedicated IPs (standard). When onboarding with dedicated IPs (managed) directly from the SES console, CLI, or API, you are automatically allocated dedicated IP addresses and charged a fee based on the volume of messages that you send. When you delete an IP pool that's created by dedicated IPs (managed) or opt out of dedicated IPs (managed), your allocated IP addresses are automatically relinquished and charges cease immediately.
Getting your first dedicated IP address – The dedicated IPs (managed) feature will automatically allocate your first dedicated IP address once your sending volume reaches hundreds of emails over a period of a few days. This ensures that the IP you send from can build a sending reputation and improve deliverability. (If you don’t expect your sending volume to be at this level, you should be using shared IP addresses. See the comparison table in Dedicated IP addresses for Amazon SES to review the type of IP addresses that are best for how you send email.)
Why proper IP warmup is important
To ensure that your email will be delivered through your dedicated IP address, it must have a good reputation with the receiving ISP. ISPs will only accept a small volume of email from an IP that they don’t recognize. When you’re first allocated an IP, it’s new and won’t be recognized by the receiving ISP because it doesn’t have a reputation associated with it. In order for an IP’s reputation to be established, it must gradually build trust with receiving ISP—this gradual trust building process is referred to as warming-up. Immediately after dedicated IPs (managed) allocates an IP, it starts the Intelligent warmup process.
With the Warmup per ISP and Adaptive warmup features of dedicated IPs (managed), business continuity is maintained throughout the warmup cycle by ensuring that your email will be delivered. Once the warmup phase is complete, any excess capacity is queued and sent only through the dedicated IP pool. However, if you have one dedicated IP address and your sending falls below the minimum volume required to maintain IP reputation, dedicated IPs (managed) may remove your dedicated IP and your sending will be routed through the SES shared IP pool.
If you send small volumes of email (less than a few hundred per day over a few days), it would be more beneficial to send through the SES shared IP pool. See if dedicated IPs (managed) is right for how you send mail by reviewing the comparison table in Dedicated IP addresses for Amazon SES.
Understanding the shared responsibility between you and SES when using dedicated IPs (managed)
While dedicated IP addresses (managed) offers numerous automated features for dedicated IP management, scaling, and warmup, the extent of this automation and SES' responsibilities needs to be understood. It would be incorrect to assume that "managed" means SES completely handles all aspects of IP reputation and listing issues. To clarify these misconceptions, we need to emphasize that while the service automates technical aspects like scaling and warmup, you remain responsible for maintaining your sending reputation and managing any reputation related issues such as getting listed in a Reputation Block List (RBL).
The following FAQs clarify the shared responsibility model between you and SES and address common misconceptions about the service's scope. These FAQS highlight that while the "managed" aspect refers to technical infrastructure management, you must still actively monitor and maintain your sending reputation, keep bounce rates low, and handle most RBL delisting requests yourself:
Creating a managed IP pool to enable dedicated IPs (managed)
To enable dedicated IPs (managed), you first create a managed IP pool. After you create a managed pool, the feature determines how many dedicated IPs you require based on your sending patterns and will dynamically scale them to your requirements.
To use your managed pool to send email, you must associate the managed pool with a configuration set, and then specify that configuration set when sending email. The configuration set can also be applied to a sending identity by using a default configuration set.
There are two ways you can create a managed IP pool:
Create a new pool.
Convert an existing pool from standard to managed.
In the following procedures, instructions are provided for either method.
To create or convert to a managed IP pool using the SES console
Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon SES console at
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In the left navigation pane, choose Dedicated IPs.
Depending on whether you want to create a new managed IP pool or convert a standard dedicated IP pool to a managed one, follow the respective instructions:
Event publishing can be used to track the managed pool's sending performance. For more information, see Monitor email sending using Amazon SES event publishing.
Viewing managed IP pool sending and capacity in the Amazon SES console
For the managed IP pools you've created, the SES console provides an easy way for you to observe how they're being used for your email sending through the use of cards and time series graphs that show sending metrics and ISP utilization and capacity.
To view managed IP pool sending and capacity using the SES console
Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon SES console at
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In the left navigation pane, choose Dedicated IPs.
Select the Managed IP pools tab on the Dedicated IPs page.
Depending on whether you want to view sending and capacity metrics in the Amazon SES console or the Amazon CloudWatch console, follow the respective instructions:
Deleting a managed IP pool and opting out of dedicated IPs (managed)
When you delete a managed IP pool, all of its allocated IP addresses are automatically relinquished. If you only have one managed IP pool and you delete it, or you delete your last remaining managed IP pool, you'll be opting out of the dedicated IPs (managed) feature and charges will cease immediately.
To delete a managed IP pool using the SES console
Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon SES console at
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In the left navigation pane, choose Dedicated IPs.
Select the Managed IP pools tab on the Dedicated IPs page.
In the All Dedicated IP (managed) pools table, select the radio button next to the IP pool name of the managed pool you want to remove and choose Delete.
In the pop-up modal, you'll have the opportunity to confirm your choice by selecting Delete, or Cancel to keep your managed pool.
If you only have one managed pool or you're removing your last managed pool, the pop-up modal will remind you that by deleting your remaining managed pool, you'll be opting out of the dedicated IPs (managed) feature and will no longer be charged for it. You will be required to enter
in the confirmation field before you can choose Delete.