Validating AWS Systems Manager Incident Manager integration - AWS Service Management Connector

Validating AWS Systems Manager Incident Manager integration

This section describes how to validate AWS Systems Manager Incident Manager integration in Jira.

To view Incident Manager incidents
  1. Log in to your Jira Agent view as a Jira agent.

  2. In the Jira Service Management Jira Agent view, choose the Jira Project associated to AWS Systems Manager Incident Manager.

  3. Use Jira filters to show only Issues with the Issue Type AWS Incident.

The resulting list displays all synced Incidents.

To view Incident Manager incident details
  1. Log in to your Jira Agent view as a Jira agent.

  2. In the Jira Service Management Jira Agent view, choose the Jira Project associated to AWS Systems Manager Incident Manager.

  3. Use Jira filters to show only Issues with the Issue Type AWS Incident.

  4. Choose Issue ID (key) to open the AWS Incident.

  5. Review the details of the AWS Incident from the issue.

  6. (Optional) Choose the AWS Incident URL to open the incident in the Incident Manager console.

If AWS Systems Manager integration is enabled, an OpsItem is linked to the AWS Incident.

To resolve an Incident Manager Incident
  1. Log in to your Jira Agent view as a Jira agent.

  2. In the Jira Service Management Jira Agent view, choose the Jira Project associated to AWS Systems Manager Incident Manager.

  3. Use Jira filters to show only Issues with the Issue Type AWS Incident.

  4. Choose Issue ID (key)to open the AWS Incident.

  5. Choose Resolve.

Fields mapped from Incident Manager Incidents to Jira Issue records

The following table displays the mapping between Incident Manager Incidents and Jira Issues.

AWS Systems Manager Incident status Jira AWS Issue Status

Jira Service Management Connector maps Priority - Impact of an AWS Incident to the priority of the corresponding Jira Issue.

AWS Systems Manager Incident Manager Incident impact Jira AWS Issue priority
Critical Blocker
High High
Medium Medium
Low Low
No impact Minor