Request a sender ID in AWS End User Messaging SMS
Before you request a sender ID verify that they are available, see Supported countries and regions for SMS messaging with AWS End User Messaging SMS.
For the rules of which sender ID is displayed when you send SMS messages to countries where Sender IDs are supported, compared to those where Sender IDs aren't supported, see Sender ID display name rules.
Some countries require you to register your sender ID or open a support case to request the sender ID.
India sender ID registration – Register a sender ID for use in India. For more information on completing the registration for see India sender ID registration process in AWS End User Messaging SMS.
Singapore sender ID registration – Register a sender ID in Singapore. For more information on completing the registration for see Singapore sender ID registration form.
Request a Sender ID from AWS Support Senders are required to use a pre-registered alphabetic sender ID. To request a Sender ID from AWS Support, How to request a sender ID through AWS Support. Some countries require senders to meet specific requirements or abide by certain restrictions in order to obtain approval. In these cases, AWS Support might contact you for additional information after you submit your sender ID request. For a list of countries that require a support ticket to request a sender ID, see the Supports Sender IDs column in Supported countries and regions for SMS messaging with AWS End User Messaging SMS.
To request a sender ID using the AWS End User Messaging SMS console, follow these steps:
Request a sender ID
Open the AWS End User Messaging SMS console at
. -
In the navigation pane, under Configurations, choose Sender ID and then Request originator.
On the Select country page you must choose the country from the dropdown that messages will be sent to.
Choose Next to continue defining the use case and for a suggested phone number or sender ID type.
On the Messaging use case section, enter the following:
Under Number capabilities, choose either SMS, Voice or both depending on your requirements.
Text messages (SMS) – Choose if you need SMS capabilities.
Text to audio messages (Voice) – Choose if you need SMS capabilities.
Under Estimated monthly SMS message volume per month – optional, choose the estimated number of SMS messages you will send each month.
For Company headquarters - optional, choose either of the following:
Local – Choose this if your companies headquarters is in the same country as your customers who will revive SMS messages. For example, you would choose this option if your headquarters is in the United States and your users who will receive messages are also in the United States.
International – Choose this if your companies headquarters is not in the same country as your customers who will revive SMS messages.
For Two-way messaging, choose Yes if you require two-way messaging.
Choose Next.
Under Originator type, choose Sender ID.
If sender ID isn't available then choose Previous to go back and modify your use case. Also check the Supported countries and regions for SMS messaging with AWS End User Messaging SMS to sender IDs are supported in the destination country.
In the Sender ID field enter a sender ID. The sender ID must be 1-11 alphanumeric characters including letters (A-Z), numbers (0-9), or hyphens (-). The sender ID must begin with a letter.
Use Resource policy to share your resources within your organization. To share the sender ID at a later time, see Sharing a phone number, pool, opt-out list, or sender ID. For more information on Resource policy, see Working with shared resources in AWS End User Messaging SMS.
Choose Pinpoint campaign orchestration(Amazon Pinpoint) to share the pool with Amazon Pinpoint
Choose Simple notification Service (Amazon SNS) to share the pool with Amazon SNS
Choose Next.
On Review and request you can verify and edit your request before submitting it. Choose Request.
A Registration Required window might appear depending on the type of number you requested. For more information about registrations requirements see Origination identity registration in AWS End User Messaging SMS.
For Registration form name enter a name.
Choose Complete registration to finish registering the sender ID or Register later.
You are still billed the recurring monthly lease fee regardless of registration status.