Workshops and tutorials for learning Step Functions - AWS Step Functions

Workshops and tutorials for learning Step Functions

Learn from this guide, workshops, and practical tutorials how to integrate and orchestrate services with Step Functions.

Visual examples of six common workflow use cases, noted in the following workshops and tutorials.

Workshops for learning Step Functions

Workshop: The Step Functions Workshop

In this workshop, you will learn to use the primary features of Step Functions while building workflows. A series of interactive modules start by introducing you to basic workflows, task states, and error handling. You can continue to learn choice states for branch logic, map states for processing arrays, and parallel states for running multiple branches in parallel.

Workshop: Large-scale Data Processing with Step Functions

Learn how serverless technologies such as Step Functions and Lambda can simplify management and scaling, offload undifferentiated tasks, and address the challenges of large-scale distributed data processing. Along the way, you will work with distributed map for high concurrency processing. The workshop also presents best practices for optimizing your workflows, and practical use cases for claims processing, vulnerability scanning, and Monte Carlo simulation.

Tutorials for learning Step Functions

For an introduction to Step Functions, see Getting started tutorial.

For specific scenarios, see the following tutorials:

Learn with starter templates

To deploy and learn from ready-to-run state machines for a variety of use cases, see Starter templates.