This tutorial helps you start using the Map
state in Distributed mode.
A Map
state set to Distributed is known as a Distributed Map state. You use the Distributed Map state in your workflows to iterate over large-scale Amazon S3
data sources. The Map
state runs each iteration as a child workflow execution,
which enables high concurrency. For more information about Distributed mode, see Map state in Distributed
In this tutorial, you use the Distributed Map state to iterate over a CSV file in an Amazon S3 bucket. You
then return its contents, along with the ARN of a child workflow execution, in another Amazon S3
bucket. You start by creating a workflow prototype in the Workflow Studio. Next, you set the Map state's processing mode to
Distributed, specify the CSV file as the dataset, and provide its location to the
state. You also specify the workflow type for the child workflow
executions that the Distributed Map state starts as Express.
In addition to these settings, you also specify other configurations, such as the maximum
number of concurrent child workflow executions and the location to export the
result, for the example workflow used in this tutorial.
Upload a CSV file to an Amazon S3 bucket. You must define a header row within your CSV file. For information about size limits imposed on the CSV file and how to specify the header row, see CSV file in an Amazon S3 bucket.
Create another Amazon S3 bucket and a folder within that bucket to export the
state result to.
Make sure that your Amazon S3 buckets are in the same AWS account and AWS Region as your state machine.
Note that even though your state machine may be able to access files in buckets across different AWS accounts that are in the same AWS Region, Step Functions only supports state machines to list objects in S3 buckets that are in both the same AWS account and the same AWS Region as the state machine.
Step 1: Create the workflow prototype
In this step, you create the prototype for your workflow using Workflow Studio. Workflow Studio is a visual workflow designer available in the Step Functions console. You choose the required state and API action from the Flow and Actions tabs respectively. You'll use the drag and drop feature of Workflow Studio to create the workflow prototype.
Open the Step Functions console
and choose Create state machine. In the Choose a template dialog box, select Blank.
Choose Select to open Workflow Studio in Design mode.
From the Flow tab, drag a Map state and drop it to the empty state labelled Drag first state here.
In the Configuration tab, for State name, enter
Process data
.From the Actions tab, drag an AWS Lambda Invoke API action and drop it inside the Process data state.
Rename the AWS Lambda Invoke state to
Process CSV data
Step 2: Configure the required fields for Map state
In this step, you configure the following required fields of the Distributed Map state:
ItemReader – Specifies the dataset and its location from which the
state can read input.ItemProcessor – Specifies the following values:
– Set theMode
respectively. This sets theMap
state's processing mode and the workflow type for child workflow executions that the Distributed Map state starts.StartAt
– The first state in the Map workflow.States
– Defines the Map workflow, which is a set of steps to repeat in each child workflow execution.
ResultWriter – Specifies the Amazon S3 location where Step Functions writes the Distributed Map state results.
Make sure that the Amazon S3 bucket you use to export the results of a Map Run is under the same AWS account and AWS Region as your state machine. Otherwise, your state machine execution will fail with the
To configure the required fields:
Choose the Process data state and, in the Configuration tab, do the following:
For Processing mode, choose Distributed.
For Item source, choose Amazon S3, and then choose CSV file in S3 from the S3 item source dropdown list.
Do the following to specify the Amazon S3 location of your CSV file:
For S3 object, select Enter bucket and key from the dropdown list.
For Bucket, enter the name of the Amazon S3 bucket, which contains the CSV file. For example,
.For Key, enter the name of the Amazon S3 object in which you saved the CSV file. You must also specify the name of the CSV file in this field. For example,
For CSV files, you must also specify the location of the column header. To do this, choose Additional configuration, and then for CSV header location keep the default selection of First row if the first row of your CSV file is the header. Otherwise, choose Given to specify the header within the state machine definition. For more information, see
.For Child execution type, choose Express.
In Export location, to export the Map Run results to a specific Amazon S3 location, choose Export Map state's output to Amazon S3.
Do the following:
For S3 bucket, choose Enter bucket name and prefix from the dropdown list.
For Bucket, enter the name of the Amazon S3 bucket where you want to export the results to. For example,
.For Prefix, enter the folder name where you want to save the results to. For example,
Step 3: Configure additional options
In addition to the required settings for a Distributed Map state, you can also specify other
options. These can include the maximum number of concurrent child workflow executions
and the location to export the Map
state result to.
Choose the Process data state. Then, in Item source, choose Additional configuration.
Do the following:
Choose Modify items with ItemSelector to specify a custom JSON input for each child workflow execution.
Enter the following JSON input:
}For information about how to create a custom input, see
ItemSelector (Map)
In Runtime settings, for Concurrency limit, specify the number of concurrent child workflow executions that the Distributed Map state can start. For example, enter
Open a new window or tab on your browser and complete the configuration of the Lambda function you'll use in this workflow, as explained in Step 4: Configure the Lambda function.
Step 4: Configure the Lambda function
Ensure that your Lambda function is under the same AWS Region as your state machine.
Open the Lambda console
and choose Create function. -
On the Create function page, choose Author from scratch.
In the Basic information section, configure your Lambda function:
For Function name, enter
. -
For Runtime, choose Node.js.
Keep all of the default selections and choose Create function.
After you create your Lambda function, copy the function's Amazon Resource Name (ARN) displayed in the upper-right corner of the page. You'll need to provide this in your workflow prototype. The following is an example ARN:
Copy the following code for the Lambda function and paste it into the Code source section of the distributedMapLambda page.
exports.handler = async function(event, context) { console.log("Received Input:\n", event); return { 'statusCode' : 200, 'inputReceived' : event //returns the input that it received } };
Choose Deploy. Once your function deploys, choose Test to see the output of your Lambda function.
Step 5: Update the workflow prototype
In the Step Functions console, you'll update your workflow to add the Lambda function's ARN.
Return to the tab or window where you created the workflow prototype.
Choose the Process CSV data step, and in the Configuration tab, do the following:
For Integration type, choose Optimized.
For Function name, start to enter the name of your Lambda function. Choose the function from the dropdown list that appears, or choose Enter function name and provide the Lambda function ARN.
Step 6: Review the auto-generated Amazon States Language definition and save the workflow
As you drag and drop states from the Action and Flow tabs onto the canvas, Workflow Studio automatically composes the Amazon States Language definition of your workflow in real-time. You can edit this definition as required.
(Optional) Choose Definition on the Inspector panel panel and view the state machine definition.
You can also view the ASL definition in the Code editor of Workflow Studio. In the code editor, you can also edit the ASL definition of your workflow.
The following example code shows the automatically generated Amazon States Language definition for your workflow.
{ "Comment": "Using Map state in Distributed mode", "StartAt": "Process data", "States": { "Process data": { "Type": "Map", "MaxConcurrency": 100, "ItemReader": { "ReaderConfig": { "InputType": "CSV", "CSVHeaderLocation": "FIRST_ROW" }, "Resource": "arn:aws:states:::s3:getObject", "Parameters": { "Bucket": "amzn-s3-demo-source-bucket", "Key": "csvDataset/ratings.csv" } }, "ItemProcessor": { "ProcessorConfig": { "Mode": "DISTRIBUTED", "ExecutionType": "EXPRESS" }, "StartAt": "Process CSV data", "States": { "Process CSV data": { "Type": "Task", "Resource": "arn:aws:states:::lambda:invoke", "OutputPath": "$.Payload", "Parameters": { "Payload.$": "$", "FunctionName": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-2:123456789012:function:distributedMapLambda" }, "End": true } } }, "Label": "Processdata", "End": true, "ResultWriter": { "Resource": "arn:aws:states:::s3:putObject", "Parameters": { "Bucket": "mapOutputs", "Prefix": "resultData" } }, "ItemSelector": { "index.$": "$$.Map.Item.Index", "value.$": "$$.Map.Item.Value" } } } }
Specify a name for your state machine. To do this, choose the edit icon next to the default state machine name of MyStateMachine. Then, in State machine configuration, specify a name in the State machine name box.
For this tutorial, enter the name
. -
(Optional) In State machine configuration, specify other workflow settings, such as state machine type and its execution role.
For this tutorial, keep all the default selections in State machine configuration.
In the Confirm role creation dialog box, choose Confirm to continue.
You can also choose View role settings to go back to State machine configuration.
If you delete the IAM role that Step Functions creates, Step Functions can't recreate it later. Similarly, if you modify the role (for example, by removing Step Functions from the principals in the IAM policy), Step Functions can't restore its original settings later.
Step 7: Run the state machine
An execution is an instance of your state machine where you run your workflow to perform tasks.
On the DistributedMapDemo page, choose Start execution.
In the Start execution dialog box, do the following:
(Optional) Enter a custom execution name to override the generated default.
Non-ASCII names and logging
Step Functions accepts names for state machines, executions, activities, and labels that contain non-ASCII characters. Because such characters will not work with Amazon CloudWatch, we recommend using only ASCII characters so you can track metrics in CloudWatch.
(Optional) In the Input box, enter input values in JSON format to run your workflow.
Choose Start execution.
The Step Functions console directs you to a page that's titled with your execution ID. This page is known as the Execution Details page. On this page, you can review the execution results as the execution progresses or after it's complete.
To review the execution results, choose individual states on the Graph view, and then choose the individual tabs on the Step details pane to view each state's details including input, output, and definition respectively. For details about the execution information you can view on the Execution Details page, see Execution details overview.
For example, choose the
state, and then choose Map Run to open the Map Run Details page. On this page, you can view all the execution details of the Distributed Map state and the child workflow executions that it started. For information about this page, see Viewing Map Runs. -