Troubleshooting issues in Step Functions - AWS Step Functions

Troubleshooting issues in Step Functions

If you encounter difficulties when working with Step Functions, use the following troubleshooting resources.

The following topics provide troubleshooting advice for errors and issues that you might encounter related to Step Functions state machines, service integrations, activities, and workflows. If you find an issue that is not listed here, you can use the Feedback button on this page to report it.

For more troubleshooting advice and answers to common support questions, visit the AWS Knowledge Center.

General troubleshooting

I'm unable to create a state machine.

The IAM role associated with the state machine might not have sufficient permissions. Check the IAM role's permissions, including for AWS service integration tasks, X-Ray, and CloudWatch logging. Additional permissions are required for .sync task states.

I'm unable to use a JsonPath to reference the previous task’s output.

For a JsonPath, a JSON key must end with .$. This means a JsonPath can only be used in a key-value pair. If you want to use a JsonPath other places, such as an array, you can use intrinsic functions. For example, you could use something similar to the following:

Task A output:

{ "sample": "test" }

Task B:

{ "JsonPathSample.$": "$.sample" }

There was a delay in state transitions.

For standard workflows, there is a limit on the number of state transitions. When you exceed the state transition limit, Step Functions delays state transitions until the bucket for the quota is filled. State transition limit throttling can be monitored by reviewing the ExecutionThrottled metric in the Execution metrics section of the CloudWatch Metrics page.

When I start new Standard Workflow executions, they fail with the ExecutionLimitExceeded error.

Step Functions has a limit of 1,000,000 open executions for each AWS account in each AWS Region. If you exceed this limit, Step Functions throws an ExecutionLimitExceeded error. This limit does not apply to Express Workflows. You can use the OpenExecutionCount to track when you are approaching the OpenExecutionLimit and create alarms to proactively notify you in that event. OpenExecutionCount is an approximate number of open workflows. For more information, see Execution metrics.

A failure on one branch in a parallel state causes the whole execution to fail.

This is an expected behavior. To avoid encountering failures when using a parallel state, configure Step Functions to catch errors thrown from each branch.

Troubleshooting service integrations

My job is complete in the downstream service, but in Step Functions the task state remains "In progress" or its completion is delayed.

For .sync service integration patterns, Step Functions uses EventBridge rules, downstream APIs, or a combination of both to detect the downstream job status. For some services, Step Functions does not create EventBridge rules to monitor. For example, for the AWS Glue service integration, instead of using EventBridge rules, Step Functions makes a glue:GetJobRun call. Because of the frequency of API calls, there is a difference between the downstream task completion and the Step Functions task completion time. Step Functions requires IAM permissions to manage the EventBridge rules and to make calls to the downstream service. For more details about how insufficient permissions on your execution role can affect the completion of tasks, see Additional permissions for tasks using the Run a Job pattern.

I want to return a JSON output from a nested state machine execution.

There are two Step Functions synchronous service integrations for Step Functions: startExecution.sync and startExecution.sync:2. Both wait for the nested state machine to complete, but they return different Output formats. You can use startExecution.sync:2 to return a JSON output under Output.

I can't invoke a Lambda function from another account.

Accessing the Lambda function with cross-account support

If cross-account access of AWS resources is available in your Region, use the following method to invoke a Lambda function from another account.

To invoke a cross-account resource in your workflows, do the following:

  1. Create an IAM role in the target account that contains the resource. This role grants the source account, containing the state machine, permissions to access the target account's resources.

  2. In the Task state's definition, specify the target IAM role to be assumed by the state machine before invoking the cross-account resource.

  3. Modify the trust policy in the target IAM role to allow the source account to assume this role temporarily. The trust policy must include the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the state machine defined in the source account. Also, define the appropriate permissions in the target IAM role to call the AWS resource.

  4. Update the source account’s execution role to include the required permission for assuming the target IAM role.

For an example, see Accessing cross-account AWS resources in Step Functions in the tutorials.


You can configure your state machine to assume an IAM role for accessing resources from multiple AWS accounts. However, a state machine can assume only one IAM role at a given time.

For an example of a Task state definition that specifies a cross-account resource, see Task state's Credentials field examples.

Accessing the Lambda function without cross-account support

If cross-account access of AWS resources is unavailable in your Region, use the following method to invoke a Lambda function from another account.

In the Task state’s Resource field, use arn:aws:states:::lambda:invoke and pass the FunctionArn in parameters. The IAM role that is associated with the state machine must have the right permissions to invoke cross-account Lambda functions: lambda:invokeFunction.

{ "StartAt":"CallLambda", "States":{ "CallLambda":{ "Type":"Task", "Resource":"arn:aws:states:::lambda:invoke", "Parameters":{ "FunctionName":"arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:123456789012:function:my-function" }, "End":true } } }

I'm unable to see task tokens passed from .waitForTaskToken states.

In the Task state’s Parameters field, you must pass a task token. For example, you could use something similar to the following code.

{ "StartAt":"taskToken", "States":{ "taskToken":{ "Type":"Task", "Resource":"arn:aws:states:::lambda:invoke.waitForTaskToken", "Parameters":{ "FunctionName":"get-model-review-decision", "Payload":{ "token.$":"$$.Task.Token" }, }, "End":true } } }

You can try to use .waitForTaskToken with any API action. However, some APIs don't have any suitable parameters.

Troubleshooting activities

My state machine execution is stuck at an activity state.

An activity task state doesn't start until you poll a task token by using the GetActivityTask API action. As a best practice, add a task level timeout in order to avoid a stuck execution. For more information, see Using timeouts to avoid stuck Step Functions workflow executions.

If your state machine is stuck in the ActivityScheduled event, it indicates that your activity worker fleet has issues or is under-scaled. You should monitor the ActivityScheduleTime CloudWatch metric and set an alarm when that time increases. However, to time out any stuck state machine executions in which the Activity state doesn't transition to the ActivityStarted state, define a timeout at state machine-level. To do this, specify a TimeoutSeconds field at the beginning of the state machine definition, outside of the States field.

My activity worker times out while waiting for a task token.

Workers use the GetActivityTask API action to retrieve a task with the specified activity ARN that is scheduled for execution by a running state machine. GetActivityTask starts a long poll, so the service holds the HTTP connection open and responds as soon as a task becomes available. The maximum time the service hold the request before responding is 60 seconds. If no task is available within 60 seconds, the poll returns a taskToken with a null string. To avoid this timeout, configure a client side socket with a timeout of at least 65 seconds in the AWS SDK or in the client you are using to make the API call.

Troubleshooting express workflows

My application times out before receiving a response from a StartSyncExecution API call.

Configure a client side socket timeout in the AWS SDK or client you use to make the API call. To receive a response, the timeout must have a value higher than the duration of the Express Workflow executions.

I'm unable to see the execution history in order to troubleshoot Express Workflow failures.

Express Workflows don't record execution history in AWS Step Functions. Instead, you must turn on CloudWatch logging. Once logging is turned on, you can use CloudWatch Logs Insights queries to review your Express Workflow executions. You can also view execution history for Express Workflow executions on the Step Functions console if you choose the Enable button in the Executions tab. For more information, see Viewing execution details in the Step Functions console.

To list executions based on duration:

fields ispresent(execution_arn) as exec_arn | filter exec_arn | filter type in ["ExecutionStarted", "ExecutionSucceeded", "ExecutionFailed", "ExecutionAborted", "ExecutionTimedOut"] | stats latest(type) as status, tomillis(earliest(event_timestamp)) as UTC_starttime, tomillis(latest(event_timestamp)) as UTC_endtime, latest(event_timestamp) - earliest(event_timestamp) as duration_in_ms by execution_arn | sort duration desc

To list failed and cancelled executions:

fields ispresent(execution_arn) as isRes | filter type in ["ExecutionFailed", "ExecutionAborted", "ExecutionTimedOut"]