Retrieves the details of a maintenance window task.
For maintenance window tasks without a specified target, you can't supply values for
and --max-concurrency
. Instead, the system inserts a
placeholder value of 1
, which may be reported in the response to this command.
These values don't affect the running of your task and can be ignored.
To retrieve a list of tasks in a maintenance window, instead use the DescribeMaintenanceWindowTasks command.
Request Syntax
"WindowId": "string
"WindowTaskId": "string
Request Parameters
For information about the parameters that are common to all actions, see Common Parameters.
The request accepts the following data in JSON format.
- WindowId
The maintenance window ID that includes the task to retrieve.
Type: String
Length Constraints: Fixed length of 20.
Required: Yes
- WindowTaskId
The maintenance window task ID to retrieve.
Type: String
Length Constraints: Fixed length of 36.
Required: Yes
Response Syntax
"AlarmConfiguration": {
"Alarms": [
"Name": "string"
"IgnorePollAlarmFailure": boolean
"CutoffBehavior": "string",
"Description": "string",
"LoggingInfo": {
"S3BucketName": "string",
"S3KeyPrefix": "string",
"S3Region": "string"
"MaxConcurrency": "string",
"MaxErrors": "string",
"Name": "string",
"Priority": number,
"ServiceRoleArn": "string",
"Targets": [
"Key": "string",
"Values": [ "string" ]
"TaskArn": "string",
"TaskInvocationParameters": {
"Automation": {
"DocumentVersion": "string",
"Parameters": {
"string" : [ "string" ]
"Lambda": {
"ClientContext": "string",
"Payload": blob,
"Qualifier": "string"
"RunCommand": {
"CloudWatchOutputConfig": {
"CloudWatchLogGroupName": "string",
"CloudWatchOutputEnabled": boolean
"Comment": "string",
"DocumentHash": "string",
"DocumentHashType": "string",
"DocumentVersion": "string",
"NotificationConfig": {
"NotificationArn": "string",
"NotificationEvents": [ "string" ],
"NotificationType": "string"
"OutputS3BucketName": "string",
"OutputS3KeyPrefix": "string",
"Parameters": {
"string" : [ "string" ]
"ServiceRoleArn": "string",
"TimeoutSeconds": number
"StepFunctions": {
"Input": "string",
"Name": "string"
"TaskParameters": {
"string" : {
"Values": [ "string" ]
"TaskType": "string",
"WindowId": "string",
"WindowTaskId": "string"
Response Elements
If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.
The following data is returned in JSON format by the service.
- AlarmConfiguration
The details for the CloudWatch alarm you applied to your maintenance window task.
Type: AlarmConfiguration object
- CutoffBehavior
The action to take on tasks when the maintenance window cutoff time is reached.
means that tasks continue to run. For Automation, AWS Lambda, AWS Step Functions tasks,CANCEL_TASK
means that currently running task invocations continue, but no new task invocations are started. For Run Command tasks,CANCEL_TASK
means the system attempts to stop the task by sending aCancelCommand
operation.Type: String
Valid Values:
- Description
The retrieved task description.
Type: String
Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 128.
- LoggingInfo
The location in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) where the task results are logged.
has been deprecated. To specify an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket to contain logs, instead use theOutputS3BucketName
options in theTaskInvocationParameters
structure. For information about how AWS Systems Manager handles these options for the supported maintenance window task types, see MaintenanceWindowTaskInvocationParameters.Type: LoggingInfo object
- MaxConcurrency
The maximum number of targets allowed to run this task in parallel.
For maintenance window tasks without a target specified, you can't supply a value for this option. Instead, the system inserts a placeholder value of
, which may be reported in the response to this command. This value doesn't affect the running of your task and can be ignored.Type: String
Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 7.
- MaxErrors
The maximum number of errors allowed before the task stops being scheduled.
For maintenance window tasks without a target specified, you can't supply a value for this option. Instead, the system inserts a placeholder value of
, which may be reported in the response to this command. This value doesn't affect the running of your task and can be ignored.Type: String
Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 7.
- Name
The retrieved task name.
Type: String
Length Constraints: Minimum length of 3. Maximum length of 128.
- Priority
The priority of the task when it runs. The lower the number, the higher the priority. Tasks that have the same priority are scheduled in parallel.
Type: Integer
Valid Range: Minimum value of 0.
- ServiceRoleArn
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM service role for AWS Systems Manager to assume when running a maintenance window task. If you do not specify a service role ARN, Systems Manager uses a service-linked role in your account. If no appropriate service-linked role for Systems Manager exists in your account, it is created when you run
.However, for an improved security posture, we strongly recommend creating a custom policy and custom service role for running your maintenance window tasks. The policy can be crafted to provide only the permissions needed for your particular maintenance window tasks. For more information, see Setting up Maintenance Windows in the in the AWS Systems Manager User Guide.
Type: String
- Targets
The targets where the task should run.
Type: Array of Target objects
Array Members: Minimum number of 0 items. Maximum number of 5 items.
- TaskArn
The resource that the task used during execution. For
task types, the value ofTaskArn
is the SSM document name/ARN. ForLAMBDA
tasks, the value is the function name/ARN. ForSTEP_FUNCTIONS
tasks, the value is the state machine ARN.Type: String
Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 1600.
- TaskInvocationParameters
The parameters to pass to the task when it runs.
Type: MaintenanceWindowTaskInvocationParameters object
- TaskParameters
The parameters to pass to the task when it runs.
has been deprecated. To specify parameters to pass to a task when it runs, instead use theParameters
option in theTaskInvocationParameters
structure. For information about how Systems Manager handles these options for the supported maintenance window task types, see MaintenanceWindowTaskInvocationParameters.Type: String to MaintenanceWindowTaskParameterValueExpression object map
Key Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 255.
- TaskType
The type of task to run.
Type: String
Valid Values:
- WindowId
The retrieved maintenance window ID.
Type: String
Length Constraints: Fixed length of 20.
- WindowTaskId
The retrieved maintenance window task ID.
Type: String
Length Constraints: Fixed length of 36.
For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors.
- DoesNotExistException
Error returned when the ID specified for a resource, such as a maintenance window or patch baseline, doesn't exist.
For information about resource quotas in AWS Systems Manager, see Systems Manager service quotas in the Amazon Web Services General Reference.
HTTP Status Code: 400
- InternalServerError
An error occurred on the server side.
HTTP Status Code: 500
This example illustrates one usage of GetMaintenanceWindowTask.
Sample Request
Accept-Encoding: identity
X-Amz-Target: AmazonSSM.GetMaintenanceWindowTask
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.1
User-Agent: aws-cli/2.0.0 Python/3.7.5 Windows/10 botocore/2.0.0dev4
X-Amz-Date: 20240225T002532Z
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE/20240225/us-east-2/ssm/aws4_request,
SignedHeaders=content-type;host;x-amz-date;x-amz-target, Signature=39c3b3042cd2aEXAMPLE
Content-Length: 92
"WindowId": "mw-0c50858d01EXAMPLE",
"WindowTaskId": "50772993-c6b5-4a2a-8d04-7bfd7EXAMPLE"
Sample Response
"WindowId": "mw-0c50858d01EXAMPLE",
"WindowTaskId": "50772993-c6b5-4a2a-8d04-7bfd7EXAMPLE",
"Name": "MyRunCommandTask",
"Targets": [
"Key": "WindowTargetIds",
"Values": [
"TaskArn": "AWS-ApplyPatchBaseline",
"ServiceRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/aws-service-role/",
"TaskType": "RUN_COMMAND",
"TaskParameters": {},
"Priority": 1,
"TaskInvocationParameters": {
"RunCommand": {
"Comment": "",
"Parameters": {
"Operation": [
"SnapshotId": [
"TimeoutSeconds": 600
"MaxConcurrency": "1",
"MaxErrors": "1"
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: