Viewing aggregated counts of change requests (command line)
You can view aggregated counts of change requests in Change Manager, a tool in AWS Systems Manager, by using the GetOpsSummary API operation. This API operation can return counts for a single AWS account in a single AWS Region or for multiple accounts and multiple Regions.
If you want to view aggregated counts of change requests for multiple AWS accounts and multiple AWS Regions, you must set up and configure a resource data sync. For more information, see Creating a resource data sync for Inventory.
The following procedure describes how to use the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) (on Linux, macOS, or Windows) to view aggregated counts of change requests.
To view aggregated counts of change requests
Install and configure the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), if you haven't already.
For information, see Installing or updating the latest version of the AWS CLI.
Run one of the following commands.
Single account and Region
This command returns a count of all change requests for the AWS account and AWS Region for which your AWS CLI session is configured.
The call returns information like the following.
{ "Entities": [ { "Data": { "AWS:OpsItem": { "Content": [ { "Count": "38", "Status": "Open" } ] } } } ] }
Multiple accounts and/or Regions
This command returns a count of all change requests for the AWS accounts and AWS Regions specified in the resource data sync.
The call returns information like the following.
{ "Entities": [ { "Data": { "AWS:OpsItem": { "Content": [ { "Count": "43", "Status": "Open" }, { "Count": "2", "Status": "Resolved" } ] } } } ] }
Multiple accounts and a specific Region
This command returns a count of all change requests for the AWS accounts specified in the resource data sync. However, it only returns data from the Region specified in the command.
Multiple accounts and Regions with output grouped by Region
This command returns a count of all change requests for the AWS accounts and AWS Regions specified in the resource data sync. The output displays count information per Region.
The call returns information like the following.
{ "Entities": [ { "Data": { "AWS:OpsItem": { "Content": [ { "Count": "38", "SourceRegion": "us-east-1", "Status": "Open" }, { "Count": "4", "SourceRegion": "us-east-2", "Status": "Open" }, { "Count": "1", "SourceRegion": "us-west-1", "Status": "Open" }, { "Count": "2", "SourceRegion": "us-east-2", "Status": "Resolved" } ] } } } ] }
Multiple accounts and Regions with output grouped by accounts and Regions
This command returns a count of all change requests for the AWS accounts and AWS Regions specified in the resource data sync. The output groups the count information by accounts and Regions.
The call returns information like the following.
{ "Entities": [ { "Data": { "AWS:OpsItem": { "Content": [ { "Count": "38", "SourceAccountId": "123456789012", "SourceRegion": "us-east-1", "Status": "Open" }, { "Count": "4", "SourceAccountId": "111122223333", "SourceRegion": "us-east-2", "Status": "Open" }, { "Count": "1", "SourceAccountId": "111122223333", "SourceRegion": "us-west-1", "Status": "Open" }, { "Count": "2", "SourceAccountId": "444455556666", "SourceRegion": "us-east-2", "Status": "Resolved" }, { "Count": "1", "SourceAccountId": "222222222222", "SourceRegion": "us-east-1", "Status": "Open" } ] } } } ] }