TranscriptResultStream - Amazon Transcribe


Contains detailed information about your streaming session.



A client error occurred when the stream was created. Check the parameters of the request and try your request again.

Type: Exception

HTTP Status Code: 400

Required: No


A new stream started with the same session ID. The current stream has been terminated.

Type: Exception

HTTP Status Code: 409

Required: No


A problem occurred while processing the audio. Amazon Transcribe terminated processing.

Type: Exception

HTTP Status Code: 500

Required: No


Your client has exceeded one of the Amazon Transcribe limits. This is typically the audio length limit. Break your audio stream into smaller chunks and try your request again.

Type: Exception

HTTP Status Code: 429

Required: No


The service is currently unavailable. Try your request later.

Type: Exception

HTTP Status Code: 503

Required: No


Contains Transcript, which contains Results. The Result object contains a set of transcription results from one or more audio segments, along with additional information per your request parameters.

Type: TranscriptEvent object

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: