IPAM pool and scope metrics - Amazon Virtual Private Cloud

IPAM pool and scope metrics

IPAM publishes data about your IPAM pools and scopes to Amazon CloudWatch. You can use these metrics to create alarms for IPAM pools to notify you if the address pools are nearing exhaustion or if resources fail to comply with allocation rules set on a pool. Creating alarms and setting up notifications with Amazon CloudWatch is outside the scope of this section. For more information, see Using Amazon CloudWatch alarms in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

The metrics and dimensions that IPAM sends to Amazon CloudWatch are listed below.

IPAM pool metrics

The AWS/IPAM namespace includes the following pool metrics for IPAM.

Metric name Description
CompliantResourceCidrs The number of managed resource CIDRs that comply with the allocation rules of the IPAM pool. For more information about allocation rules, see Create a top-level IPv4 pool.
NoncompliantResourceCidrs The number of managed resource CIDRs that do not comply with the allocation rules of the IPAM pool. For more information about allocation rules, see Create a top-level IPv4 pool.
PercentAllocated The percentage of a pool's IP space that has been allocated to other pools.
PercentAssigned The percentage of a pools IP space that has been allocated to resources, including manual allocations.
PercentAvailable The percentage of a pool's IP space that has not been allocated to other pools or resources.

IPAM scope metrics

The AWS/IPAM namespace includes the following scope metrics for IPAM.

Metric name Description
CompliantResourceCidrs The number of resource CIDRs that comply with the allocation rules for IPAM pools in the scope.
ManagedResourceCidrs The number of resource CIDRs for manageable resources (VPCs or public IPv4 pools) that are allocated from an IPAM pool in the scope.
NoncompliantResourceCidrs The number of resource CIDRs that do not comply with the allocation rules for the IPAM pools in the scope.
OverlappingResourceCidrs The number of resource CIDRs that overlap in the scope.
UnmanagedResourceCidrs The number of resource CIDRs in the scope that are currently associated with manageable resources but are not managed by IPAM.

IPAM public IP metrics

The AWS/IPAM namespace includes the following public IP metrics for IPAM.

Metric name Description
AmazonOwnedContigIPs The number of IP addresses within CIDRs that are provisioned to Amazon-provided contiguous public IPv4 pools owned by the IPAM.
AllocatedAmazonOwnedContigIPs The number of IP addresses that have been allocated from an Amazon-provided contiguous public IPv4 pool CIDR block.
UnallocatedAmazonOwnedContigIPs The number of IP addresses within the Amazon-provided contiguous public IPv4 pool CIDR block owned by the IPAM.
AssociatedAmazonOwnedContigIPs The number of Elastic IP addresses that have been allocated from an Amazon-provided contiguous public IPv4 pool CIDR block that are associated with an elastic network interface.
UnassociatedAmazonOwnedContigIPs The number of Elastic IP addresses that have been allocated from an Amazon-provided contiguous public IPv4 pool CIDR block that are not associated with an elastic network interface.

Metric dimensions

To filter the IPAM metrics, use the following dimensions.

Dimension Description
AddressFamily The IP address family for resource CIDRs (IPv4 or IPv6).
Locale The AWS Region where an IPAM pool is available for allocations.
PoolID The ID of a pool.
ScopeID The ID of a scope.

For information about monitoring VPCs with Amazon CloudWatch, see CloudWatch metrics for your VPCs in the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud User Guide.