Access service networks through AWS PrivateLink
You can privately connect to a service network from your VPC using a service network VPC endpoint (service-network endpoint). A service-network endpoint lets you privately and securely access the resources and services that are associated to the service network. In this way, you can privately access multiple resources and services through a single VPC endpoint.
A service network is a logical collection of resource configurations and VPC Lattice services. Using a service-network endpoint, you can connect a service network to your VPC, and access those resources and services privately from your VPC or from on-premises. A service-network endpoint lets you connect to one service network. To connect to multiple service networks from your VPC, you can create multiple service-network endpoints, each pointing to a different service network.
Service networks are integrated with AWS Resource Access Manager (AWS RAM). You can share your service network with another account through AWS RAM. When you share a service network with another AWS account, that account can create a service-network endpoint to connect to the service network. You can share a service network using a resource share in AWS RAM.
Use the AWS RAM console, to view the resource shares to which you have been added, the shared service networks that you can access, and the AWS accounts that have shared the resources with you. For more information, see Resources shared with you in the AWS RAM User Guide.
You are billed hourly for the resource configurations that are associated with your service
network. You are also billed per GB of data processed when you access resources through the
service network VPC endpoint. You are not billed hourly for the service-network VPC endpoint
itself. For more information, see Amazon VPC Lattice pricing
You can either create your own service network, or a service network can be shared with you from another account. Either way, you can create a service-network endpoint to connect to it from your VPC. For more information on how to create service network and associate resource configurations to it, see the Amazon VPC Lattice User Guide.
The following diagram shows how a service-network endpoint in your VPC accesses a service network.
Network connections can only be initiated from the VPC that has the service-network endpoint to the resources and services in the service network. The VPC with the resources and services can't initiate network connections into the endpoint VPC.
DNS hostnames
With AWS PrivateLink, you send traffic to service networks using private endpoints. When you create a service-network VPC endpoint, we create Regional DNS names (called default DNS name) for each resource and service that you can use to communicate with the resource and service from your VPC and from on premises.
The default DNS name for a resource in the service network has the following syntax:
The default DNS name for a Lattice service in the service-network has the following syntax:
When your service network has resource configurations that use ARNs, you can enable private DNS. With private DNS, you can continue to make requests to the resource using the DNS name provisioned for the resource by the AWS service, while leveraging private connectivity through the service-network VPC endpoint. For more information, see DNS resolution.
DNS resolution
When you create a service network endpoint, we create DNS names for each resource configuration and Lattice service that is associated to the service network. These DNS records are public. Therefore, these DNS names are publicly resolvable. However, DNS requests from outside the VPC still return the private IP addresses of the service network endpoint’s network interfaces. You can use these DNS names to access the resource and services from on premises, as long as you have access to the VPC that the service network endpoint is in, through VPN or Direct Connect.
Private DNS
If you enable private DNS for your service-network VPC endpoint, and your VPC has both DNS hostnames and DNS resolution enabled, we create hidden, AWS-managed private hosted zones for the resource configurations that have custom DNS names. The hosted zone contains a record set for the default DNS name for the resource that resolves it to the private IP addresses of the service-network endpoint's network interfaces in your VPC.
Amazon provides a DNS server for your VPC, called the Route 53 Resolver. The Route 53 Resolver automatically
resolves local VPC domain names and record in private hosted zones. However, you can't use the
Route 53 Resolver from outside your VPC. If you'd like to access your VPC endpoint from your on-premises
network, you can use the default DNS names or you can use Route 53 Resolver endpoints and Resolver
rules. For more information, see Integrating AWS Transit Gateway with AWS PrivateLink and Amazon Route 53 Resolver
Subnets and Availability Zones
You can configure your VPC endpoint with one subnet per Availability Zone. We create an endpoint network interface for the VPC endpoint in your subnet. We assign IP addresses to each endpoint network interface from its subnet, based on the IP address type of the VPC endpoint. In a production environment, for high availability and resiliency, we recommend configuring at least two Availability Zones for each VPC endpoint.
IP address types
Service-network endpoints can support IPv4, IPv6, or dual-stack addresses. Endpoints that support IPv6 can respond to DNS queries with AAAA records. The IP address type of a service-network endpoint must be compatible with the subnets for the resource endpoint, as described here:
IPv4 – Assign IPv4 addresses to your endpoint network interfaces. This option is supported only if all selected subnets have IPv4 address ranges.
IPv6 – Assign IPv6 addresses to your endpoint network interfaces. This option is supported only if all selected subnets are IPv6 only subnets.
Dualstack – Assign both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses to your endpoint network interfaces. This option is supported only if all selected subnets have both IPv4 and IPv6 address ranges.
If a service-network VPC endpoint supports IPv4, the endpoint network interfaces have IPv4
addresses. If a service-network VPC endpoint supports IPv6, the endpoint network interfaces have
IPv6 addresses. The IPv6 address for an endpoint network interface is unreachable from the
internet. If you describe an endpoint network interface with an IPv6 address, notice that
is enabled.