OPS10-BP07 Automate responses to events - Operational Excellence Pillar

OPS10-BP07 Automate responses to events

Automating event responses is key for fast, consistent, and error-free operational handling. Create streamlined processes and use tools to automatically manage and respond to events, minimizing manual interventions and enhancing operational effectiveness.

Desired outcome:

  • Reduced human errors and faster resolution times through automation.

  • Consistent and reliable operational event handling.

  • Enhanced operational efficiency and system reliability.

Common anti-patterns:

  • Manual event handling leads to delays and errors.

  • Automation is overlooked in repetitive, critical tasks.

  • Repetitive, manual tasks lead to alert fatigue and missing critical issues.

Benefits of establishing this best practice:

  • Accelerated event responses, reducing system downtime.

  • Reliable operations with automated and consistent event handling.

Level of risk exposed if this best practice is not established: Medium

Implementation guidance

Incorporate automation to create efficient operational workflows and minimize manual interventions.

Implementation steps

  1. Identify automation opportunites: Determine repetitive tasks for automation, such as issue remediation, ticket enrichment, capacity management, scaling, deployments, and testing.

  2. Identify automation prompts:

  3. Implement event-driven automation:

  4. Perform risk mitigation through automation:

Level of effort for the implementation plan: High


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