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Are you Well-Architected?
Explore the AWS
Well-Architected Framework
You can use the AWS Well-Architected Tool
In the Serverless Application Lens, we focus on best practices for architecting your serverless applications on AWS.
In the Container Build Lens, we provide cloud-agnostic best practices for building and managing containers and container images. In addition, implementation guidance and examples are provided specific to the AWS Cloud.
In the Machine Learning Lens, we focus on how to design, deploy, and architect your machine learning workloads in the AWS Cloud.
In the Data Analytics Lens, we describe a collection of customer-proven best practices for designing well-architected analytics workloads.
In the Hybrid Networking Lens, we focus on how to design, deploy, and architect hybrid networking for workloads in the AWS Cloud.
In the IoT Lens and IoT Lens Checklist, we focus on best practices for architecting your IoT applications on AWS.
In the SAP Lens, we describe a collection of customer-proven design principles and best practices for ensuring SAP workloads on AWS are well-architected.
In the Games Industry Lens, we focus on designing, architecting, and deploying your games workloads on AWS.
In the Streaming Media Lens, we focus on the best practices for architecting and improving your streaming media workloads on AWS.
In the Healthcare Industry Lens, we focus on how to design, deploy, and manage your healthcare workloads.
In the Financial Services Industry Lens, we focus on best practices for architecting your Financial Services Industry workloads on AWS.
In the HPC Lens, we focus on best practices for architecting your High Performance Computing (HPC) workloads on AWS.
In the SaaS Lens, we focus on best practices for architecting your software as a service (SaaS) workloads on AWS.
In the Government Lens, we focus on best practices for designing and delivering government services on AWS.
In the Connected Mobility Lens, we focus on best practices for integrating technology into transportation systems and enhancing the overall mobility experience.
In the Migration Lens, we provide best practices for how to migrate to the AWS Cloud.
For more expert guidance and best practices for your cloud
architecture—reference architecture deployments, diagrams, and
whitepapers—refer to the
AWS Architecture Center