Reserved Instances payment options
You can purchase Reserved Instances through the AWS Management Console. The following payment options are available for most Reserved Instances:
No Upfront – No upfront payment is required. You are billed a discounted hourly rate for every hour within the term, regardless of whether the Reserved Instance is being used. No Upfront Reserved Instances are based on a contractual obligation to pay monthly for the entire term of the reservation. A successful billing history is required before you can purchase No Upfront Reserved Instances.
Partial Upfront – A portion of the cost must be paid up front and the remaining hours in the term are billed at a discounted hourly rate, regardless of whether you’re using the Reserved Instance.
All Upfront – Full payment is made at the start of the term, with no other costs or additional hourly charges incurred for the remainder of the term, regardless of hours used.
Reserved Instances with a higher upfront payment provide greater discounts. You can also find Reserved Instances offered by third-party sellers at lower prices and shorter terms on the Reserved Instance Marketplace.
As you purchase more Reserved Instances, volume discounts begin to apply that let you save even more.
For more information, see
Amazon EC2 Reserved Instance Pricing