Lifecycle configuration
Lifecycle configurations are shell scripts initiated by SageMaker AI
Studio lifecycle events, such as starting a new SageMaker AI Studio
notebook. You can use these shell scripts to automate
customization for your SageMaker AI Studio environments, such as
installing custom packages, Jupyter extension for auto-shutdown of
inactive notebook apps, and setting up Git configuration. For
detailed instructions on how to build lifecycle configurations,
refer to this blog:
Amazon SageMaker AI Studio using Lifecycle Configurations
Custom images for SageMaker AI Studio
Studio notebooks come with a set of pre-built images, which
consist of the
Amazon SageMaker AI Python SDK
Developers and data scientists may require custom images for several different use cases:
Access to specific or latest versions of popular ML frameworks such as TensorFlow, MXNet, PyTorch, or others.
Bring custom code or algorithms developed locally to SageMaker AI Studio notebooks for rapid iteration and model training.
Access to data lakes or on-premises data stores via APIs. Admins need to include the corresponding drivers within the image.
Access to a backend runtime (also called kernel), other than IPython (such as R, Julia, or others
). You can also use the approach outlined to install a custom kernel.
For detailed instructions on how to build a custom image, refer to Create a custom SageMaker AI image.
JupyterLab extensions
With SageMaker AI Studio JuypterLab 3 Notebook, you can take
advantage of the ever-growing community of open-source JupyterLab
extensions. This section highlights a few that fit naturally into
the SageMaker AI developer workflow, but we encourage you
to browse
the available extensions
JupyterLab 3 now makes
the process
of packaging and installing extensions
For example, to install an extension for an Amazon S3 file browser, run the following commands in the system terminal and be sure the refresh your browser:
conda init
conda activate studio
pip install jupyterlab_s3_browser
jupyter serverextension enable --py jupyterlab_s3_browser
conda deactivate
For more information on extension management, including how to write lifecycle configurations that work for both versions 1 and 3 of JupyterLab notebooks for backward compatibility, refer to Installing JupyterLab and Jupyter Server extensions.
Git repositories
SageMaker AI Studio comes pre-installed with a Jupyter Git extension for users to enter a bespoke URL of a Git repository, clone it to your EFS directory, push changes, and view commit history. Administrators can configure suggested git repos at the domain level so that they show up as drop-down selections for the end users. Refer to Attach Suggested Git Repos to Studio for up-to-date instructions.
If a repository is private, the extension will ask the user to enter their credentials into the terminal using the standard git installation. Alternatively, the user can store ssh credentials on their individual EFS directory for easier management.
Conda environment
SageMaker AI Studio notebooks use Amazon EFS as a persistent storage layer. Data scientists can make use of the persistent storage to create custom conda environments and use these environments to create kernels. These kernels are backed by EFS, and are persistent between kernel, app, or Studio restarts. Studio automatically picks up all valid environments as KernelGateway kernels.
The process to create a conda environment is straightforward for a data scientist, but the kernels take about a minute to populate on the kernel selector. To create an environment, run the following in a system terminal:
mkdir -p ~/.conda/envs
conda create --yes -p ~/.conda/envs/custom
conda activate ~/.conda/envs/custom
conda install -y ipykernel
conda config --add envs_dirs ~/.conda/envs
For detailed instructions, refer to the Persist Conda environments
to the Studio EFS volume section in Four approaches to manage Python packages in Amazon SageMaker Studio