Create a room or group message in the Wickr client - AWS Wickr

This guide provides documentation for AWS Wickr. For Wickr Enterprise, which is the on-premises version of Wickr, see Enterprise Administration Guide.

Create a room or group message in the Wickr client

You can create a room or group message in the Wickr client to have conversations with multiple Wickr users.

Complete the following steps to create a room or a group message.

  1. Sign in to the Wickr client. For more information, see Sign in to the Wickr client.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose New icon , and then choose New Group Message or Create a Room.

  3. (For rooms only) In the New Room dialog box that appears, enter a room name, description, and choose the expiration and burn-on-read timers for the room.

  4. (For rooms only) Choose Next.

  5. In the Add Members dialog box that appears, search for contacts to add to the room or group message. Add a check mark next to the contacts that you want to add.

  6. Choose Create.